With 87 963 bearers, Ildikó is the 12th most common feminine name in Hungary. (01/01/2016).
Pronounced: IL-di-kaw.
The name derives from the name of a Sumerian Princess, called ILDU- which means "Child of God". Ildiko is the Hungarian variant. The first part : Il/ El refers to the "Living God", Du or dumu means child and by adding the diminutive "ko", which means little, the full meaning of the name emerges and becomes ; THE LITTLE CHILD OF THE LIVING GOD.
The mother of actress Drew Barrymore is named Ildiko Jaid Barrymore, but goes by her middle name Jaid.
Ildikó is Hungarian character from the TV show "Susedia". She is played by Viktória Raková.
This was the name of one of the wives of Attila the Hun.

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