Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ugly, and its an old man name, horrible.
I think Hugh is a nice nickname for this name.
Good meaning but too old fashioned for me ;)
Predominantly outdated in the US. It’s too old fashioned.
It's a very beautiful name.
This is a handsome vintage name, with a wonderful meaning. It would make a refreshing alternative to Hugh and Hugo, both of which are strong, attractive names in themselves. Hugh, Bert and Bertie are nickname options.
I was very surprised to see this still in use in the UK. It's not the best, but I'd rather meet a boy named Hubert than another one of those overused modern names.
It's a very old-fashioned name, and it's good to remember that most names have positive meanings. That's not a reason to use them on your children. There are also good names with negative meanings. Don't focus too much on the meanings. You're not superstitious, right? I would laugh myself to the point of running out of oxygen and bursting a vein in my head if I heard a parent call out the name of their little boy and it was Hubert. I hate Hugh and Bert, and this is like a terrible sound combo of both ugly names.
Hubert is my very favourite name--my great-grandfather was named Hubert, and I love the meaning "bright heart" or "bright mind".
I don't really like this name. It seems like a name for an old guy, like George or Bob.
I don't really like this name. It looks the same as Herbert, and both names are associated with old grandads.Also Herbert, not Hubert, is the first name of the writer H. G. Wells.
I would consider this name because the meaning of it is so lovely.

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