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Kwon Soon-young is a member of K-pop boy group Seventeen who goes by the stage name Hoshi.
Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony(2017)
Hoshi is also used as a masculine name in Japanese. However, it's more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be changed from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine". Some evidence for this is that Hoshi is also used as a name element in unisex and masculine Japanese names, such as Hoshihiko, Hoshihito, Hoshiki, etc.Sources: (I think)
The kpop group Seventeen has a member with the stage name Hoshi.
It's pretty, but I wouldn't use it.
I like it :) It was the first Japanese word I learnt.
I made up a character with this name as her middle name. The funny thing is, she is a made up character for the show "Sailor moon" and she is "Sailor Star". She's such a cute character! (she's 5)
Hoshi Sato was the Communication Officer of the starship Enterprise NX-01 which was under Captain Jonathan Archer in the Star Trek series Enterprise. Her excellent character was played by actress Linda Park.
I've seen it as a family name (a couple people in the school where I taught), but never as a given name.
'Hoshi' is, in fact, a star in Japanese language, but people don't use the word for names.

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