The Hiawatha bike trail in Idaho is scenic and fun.
When I was very young I didn't like my name but now I love my name and I'm finding that I share this name with many others.
The Hiawatha Belt is a symbol of the Iroquois Confederacy and used in art and imagery and flags. It has a lot of cultural significance.
This name is also the name of a Mohawk chief.
To me it sounds like a girl's name, but I think any person named Hiawatha would be judged. It's definitely out there. I think it is a really cool name, but I would never name my child that.
Afro-British composer Samuel Coleridge Taylor (1875-1912) named his daughter Hiawatha.
Used as a derogatory term for Native Americans.
Mentioned in "Wig Wam Bam" by the Sweet.
Not technically a famous bearer, but in my town there is a lake called Lake Hiawatha.
The town in which I live is called Lake Hiawatha.
The name of a long poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who just happens to be an ancestor of mine.

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