I like this name. Rare, really unusual, but it has some classic beauty, something really interesting. I like it. Hermine is a good name!
Or a variant of Hermione, a feminine Greek form of Hermes.
Princess Hermine Reuss of Greiz (1887-1947) was the second wife of Wilhelm II of Germany.
I think this name would be better off pronounced Herm-eye-nee.
This really is a nice name. The pronunciation is very sweet-sounding. The only problem I have is that the name looks like "Ermine".
This name has also been frequently used in The Netherlands before the 1980s; nowadays, it's not used all that often anymore, since it is generally seen as somewhat old-fashioned. But one is still likely to find it in the country's top 1000 for all ages.The Dutch pronunciation for Hermine is the same as the German pronunciation. However, that pronunciation is often used in the north of the country - in the south of the Netherlands, most people would pronounce it as her-MEEN. As such, one could say that there are two possible Dutch pronunciations for this name.
Hermine Danglars was the wife of Danglars and the mother of Eugenie Danglars in Alexandre Dumas's novel, "The Count of Monte Cristo."
In the German version of the Harry Potter books Hermione Granger is named Hermine (her-MEE-neh).
Listen to the German pronunciation of Hermine here:
This is the Norwegian name of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series.
German pronunciation: hur-MEE-nuh. [noted -ed]
Hermine "Miep" Gies is one of the people who hid Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis during World War II and preserved Anne's diary to be published later.

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