My dad who is Dutch named me Hendrika after his mom. When I moved to Belgium I learned that one of the Leopold's queens was also named Hendrika. I like the shortened version of my name, makes it more interesting. People tend to love the long version of the name though. I have never met another Hendrika in real life and so has no one I ever meet. It's pretty unique now. My mom's best friend named her daughter Hendrika though so who knows in a few years...
For the Dutch pronunciation of Hendrika, you can listen to the audio clips featured on the websites below: (in Dutch) (in Dutch) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:02)Converted to IPA, it should be: /ɦɛn.'dri.ka:/ [noted -ed]
Also a rare German name, I came across Hendrika Entzian, a German Jazz musician (she has an entry in the German Wikipedia here: )
Hendrika is also Estonian. The name day for Hendrika in Estonia is January 20.Source:
Also Estonian:
This is my baby daughter's name, and me and my boyfriend adore it! We call her Hendrix or Henny for short. Such a cute name. After my Dutch grandmother.
It is my name. My nickname, printed on the birth announcements, was Henny. I've also used Hennie, and Drika.
This is my mothers name, she prefers to be referred to as Rieky and it is the name of the main character in the book The Cow Who Fell in the Canal.

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