Helle Sofie Sagøy (b. 1998) is a Norwegian Paralympic badminton player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
What's the point in English speakers disrespecting this name when in its original language it's anything but offensive? Y'all are just making yourself look ignorant and narrow-minded. Good job.
Helle Crafts was a murder victim featured on the first ever episode of the 1996-2011 true crime show, Forensic Files.
I like this name. It's a shame that it sounds like 'Hell', though.
To the previous comments, you do realize that this isn't an English name, correct? Also, it's already a nickname.
Okay, I'm not gonna say how it "looks" like hell, but can someone tell me how to pronounce it before I make a judgement again?
It is pronounced Hell-uh. I THINK.
So...what could be a nickname for this? The only diminutive I see is when you remove the "e"...
Great. A curse word for a name.
So whoever names their kid this wants their kid to go to h***?! I don't get it...
Why would you name your daughter Hell with an E?
Also Estonian: [noted -ed]
I really like this name. It has some strength to it, but at the same time it is very gentle in pronunciation, and thus very graceful. Many people don't like Helga because it sounds so harsh to them, but Helle doesn't have as much of this harshness, but still definitely isn't frilly or anything. I like that it sounds a little bit similar to Helena, which is one of my all time favourites. Though I wonder if it isn't a bit confusing for some English natives, as with English phonetics it would be pronounced like hell. Despite the fact that I like this name, I'd never call my child it, as here in Poland it doesn't seem particularly usable, but in an English-speaking country I'd be twice as cautious.
Helle Larsen is a vocalist in the Norwegian band Jadudah.
Helle is also used in Norway, not only in Denmark. [noted -ed]
Helle is pronounced as "HELL-eh".

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