Also French, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Slovak, Latvian and Lithuanian.
For the Dutch pronunciation of Helga, you can listen to the audio clips featured on the websites below: (in English) (in Dutch) (in Dutch) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:00) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:08)Converted to IPA, it should be: /'ɦɛl.ɣa:/ [noted -ed]
Also Latvian:
If someone asked me to say the ugliest name I could think of, Helga would probably be the first one I’d think of. I’m sure if I met one in real life, I’d have a more positive connotation as I’m sure someone could wear it well.
All I can think of is Helga Pataki, which is obviously a positive association to me :)
Helga is the middle name of Sharon Corr from The Corps.
As of January 2021, there have been 1564 women in Poland named Helga.
Also used in Albanian:
It's pretty ugly.
In my opinion. It's not ugly but it's so gorgeous and has a nice spelling. I like Olga too.
Also Flemish:
Basic old lady name.
Helga seems very disliked in my country and as it seems by many people on here, and I used to dislike it too, but recently I've warmed up a bit towards it. Perhaps because it sounds a little bit like Helena which is my all-time favourite? I don't know. Here in Poland it's strongly viewed as an old-fashioned, German name severely lacking in charm and femininity, but to me, as someone who really loves Nordic culture, it's more of a Viking woman name or something like that. It's certainly WAAAAY better than Olga. I don't actively dislike Olga but I do not like it either, here it has been in that weird category of names who are perhaps not extremely popular yet you feel like you see it everywhere from millennials to teenagers and to me it's kind of both very wishy-washy and harsh at the same time. Add to it the fact that all Olgas usually are called Ola, the same as all Aleksandras, and Aleksandra has been an extremely popular name for many decades now, and even though it has huge nickname potential, all Aleksandras are called Ola by default. So Helga is far more original than that, if a bit on the quirky or maybe overly original side of the spectrum, haha.
Also, some time ago I've really started to love the masculine form Helgi, and maybe that's why I've warmed up to Helga as well.
Katrin Helga Andresdóttir is one of the founding members of the female hip-hop group Daughters of Reykjavik (Reykjavikurdatur).
Although the standard Polish form of this name is Olga, there are also some Helgas in Poland (possibly they're all from the German minority, I don't know, but it is very strongly associated with Germany to the point where a lot of Polish people think the stereotypical German couple is called Helga and Helmut). This name was not given to any children in 2020 as either the first or middle name, however there are 2314 women with this first name in Poland, and 615 have it as their middle name. From what I know there's no specifically Helga name day, but she could celebrate her name day with Olga. I get the impression that this name is not very liked by people these days and people think it's cringey and very old-fashioned and harsh-sounding. Nicknames may include Helgusia, Helgunia, Hela, Helka, Helusia, Helunia, Helinka, Heli, Eli, Elka etc...
I think it's really, really pretty. The pronunciation is amazing, so soft and gentle. Maybe you guys who hate it aren't pronouncing it right, lol. Because it's really lovely.
Just a good quality name. Sounds strong, really mature. Sadly, not much popularity in these days with this beauty, however, this is just a name that has a lot of class. Good name.
Also Slovene:
No offense to people named Helga, but personally I dislike this name a lot. It doesn't sound very appealing to me, and I feel like it sounds pretty old fashioned. I suppose that if I met someone named Helga, my association with the name might make me like it more, but currently it makes me think of a female Santa Claus. Pity, because I like the name Olga and I wish that I could have a better mental image in my head when I hear this one.
Also Estonian:
Omg, so ugly.
It's not as bad as Olga, but it's still not very attractive.
Also Polish:
Not as bad as Olga... Give it a chance!
Also Slovak: -- offer sources
You'll find numerous bearers on social media.
Makes me think of a mean, bitter old woman. Probably cause of Helga from Hey Arnold.
Helga is the UGLIEST name ever? I highly doubt it’s ugly! Maybe you guys punched your negative impression in the comments without going to the polls and voting this name and pushing the dislike button. Only 23% voted this name bad the majority of the poll was good so my impression is that Helga is a beautiful name and the Hey Arnold association is lovely!
Helga sounds like a scary 6'5" Nordic man-lady who could crush you with her bare hands. So, yeah, it's not a very sweet or feminine sounding name.
I talked to my boyfriend yesterday and he suggested "Helga" for our second daughter's name and you know what, after reading all these comments I am thinking twice about naming her Helga, it is a nice name but sounds old fashioned. The meaning of it is good but no offense, I would rather find another name I think.
Helga also sounds ugly when spelled backwards, literally.
Helga is a very nice, powerful name.
This name seems tolerable, but it is commonly associated with obese, unattractive old women.
Though it's slightly better then Olga it's still a disgusting, UGLY, and sickening name. Helga sounds like puking to me. It's just SO UGLY, EW.
Helga Susanne Goebbels, born 1 September 1932, was the eldest of the Goebbels children taken by parents Joseph and Magda to Hitler's Berlin bunker in April 1945. She is said to be the favourite of Hitler, drinking hot chocolate with him every day in the bunker. She was killed by her parents on 1 May 1945. According to the Russians, bruising on her face indicated that force was needed to give the cyanide to her. For a bright 12 year old the signs of desperation surely must have been obvious.
Her younger siblings were Hildegard "Hilde", Helmut, Holdine "Holde", Hedwig "Hedda" and Heidrun "Heide".
It does sound old-fashioned and maybe a bit clunky, but it's really not a bad name.
I think Helga is a nice name (no offense to other's opinions!), it reminds me of a joyous, proud to be alive woman, (and a good grandma or aunty to children!)
The name is also rather common in Iceland. [noted -ed]
It is also a Hungarian name. Pronunced: HEL-gaw. [noted -ed]
Whenever I see this name I think of Helga Pataki and I think of a girl with a long unibrow. Please don't name your child this if you don't want them to be teased for life.
Excuse me! What is it with all the ugly dinner lady stereotypes? My name is Helga Mayr and I think it is very beautiful. I'm half Austrian so that is where my first and last name both come from! I have only been bullied once when someone called me Hell-Girl, but since then no one has ever made fun of me. My full name is Helga Dorcas ---- (no comments) and it is a lovely name.
P.S. My sister is called Ermimtrude - Emmi for short.
I prefer Elga. The first syllable of Helga reminds me of the word hell.
Personally I like it. It makes me think of a blonde German farm girl with braids.
I'm very surprised by all the negativity people see in this name, especially with its association with that Pataki girl from Hey Arnold. I actually think this is a good name for a woman.
Well, I disagree with you, because this is my FAVOURITE name. It is strange and pretty, and I will definitely consider this if I have a daughter. Unfortunately I have met only one Helga (she was about 8 years old), but I've always loved it. In Hungary we use this name with the same form (Olga and Elga, too), and we pronounce it HEL-gah.
Doy. Doy. Move it, bucko. Sorry, but all I can think of is Helga Pataki. I wouldn't use it.
It's strange how the most English native speakers sense the name Helga. As German native speaker I would never think of a butch and ugly woman. Helga sounds to my ears like a rather frail woman in her 60s. The name is hardly used today and the most people who carry this name are born before 1950. I don't think that the most modern mothers would use it for their children today.
Bigg strongg Russiann womann... Helga!
Your first impression of the name Helga may be that it is ugly, but that is really quite irrelevant because as soon as you met someone pretty or nice with this name you'd probably change your mind. And if someone used it on their daughter I doubt you'd still think of the name that way.
Sandra Bullock's mother's name was Helga.
My mother's name is Helga and it is surprising to hear the stereotypes. She is from Austria and is very beautiful. I understand some people are naive but to suggest the name Karey instead of Helga doesn't make much sense. Karey is a very generic name that does not compare to Helga. I believe Helga is a beautiful European sounding name and is very unique, as unique and beautiful as the people whom carry this name.
I would quite like it if this name was used in this day and age, thank you very much. :)
Helga is a character in the BBC Sitcom 'Allo 'Allo.
Ewwwww. This name makes me want to puke! For the people who say this is a good name, sorry, but not in this day and age! You have GOT to be kidding me. :P
I never thought this name was pretty, until I read the story "The Marsh King's Daughter." Helga is described as a beautiful maiden with long blonde hair.
I hate the name Helga. It sounds like some beefy girl who takes your lunch money at school. I don't like this name. (And to all the Helgas out there, you may have not done this, but this is my opinion.) Instead of naming your girl Helga, name her something different. I would try Karey.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Helga here:
Helga Pataki was also a character in the tv show on Nickelodeon 'Hey Arnold'.
Famous bearer: Helga Hufflepuff, founder of the house of Hufflepuff in the Harry Potter books. She was said to be very kind and "from vally broad".

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