First Miss America who was deaf - Heather Whitestone.
― Anonymous User 11/22/2023
My favorite flower is Heather but I am not sure how I feel naming a daughter this and using it day in and day out. The Latin word for Heather is Erica and I think I like that better. Plus my generation had the Heathers movie which taints it somewhat.
Heather Watson is a British professional tennis player. A former British No. 1, Watson has won nine titles over her career, including the mixed-doubles title at the 2016 Wimbledon Championships partnering Henri Kontinen, making her the first British woman to win a major title since Jo Durie in 1991, and the first to win a Wimbledon title since Durie in 1987. In October 2012, Watson won her first WTA Tour singles title at the Japan Women's Open, becoming the first British woman to win a WTA Tour singles title since Sara Gomer in 1988.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2023
Though she seems forgotten today, a major influence on introducing the name Heather into the United States was the English actress Heather Angel (1909-1986). She began her career in Britain, but moved to Hollywood in 1933 and starred in many "B" films in the 1930s and 1940s. Her last major role was as a nanny called Miss Faversham on the television sitcom "Family Affair." Heather first began to substantially rise in use in the United States just when Heather Angel started regularly appearing on American movie screens.
My name is Heather, and although at first I thought it was to old, I soon came to love it. I haven't met anyone near my age with Heather as their name, and it connects with nature and life. I'm happy I was named the way I was and don't have any bad things to say about it. (Except how little kids always call me HeaDer or HeaVer, but I get why and it doesn't bother me much)
Heather is a very nice name. It does remind me of Heather from “Total Drama” and the movie “Heathers”. However, it’s still a nice name. While it may have been common in the past, it’s unique now. I can completely understand why it was common back then, though.
Even though this name officially fell off the charts in 2016 after being one of the most popular girl names of the 60s and 70s, I can see this name making a comeback one day. Especially since nature names are at their peak right now. Heather is a lovely name it’s quite delicate and graceful in its own unique way. Almost like a rose growing through concrete.
Heather Acosta is a character in the book series Sammy Keyes. She is Sammy's archenemy.
― Anonymous User 5/4/2022
My name is Heather and in high school my main group of friends went to a different local high school. In conversation they would accidentally call me Feather. Mixing me up with another girl at their school who was supposedly very similar to me and her real birth name was FEATHER. One night we actually met one another and instantly we connected, I recall we even hugged one another. We were born the same year although Feather is 6 months older than me. We both suddenly understood how people confused us.
I find it odd as a Heather born in 1980 myself, that Heather Locklear isn't on this site's Actors list of associated famous names. Heather Locklear was probably the most brought up Heather in media & name associations I heard personally. [noted -ed] Oddly, throughout my personal experiences, I've never known very many others also named Heather, except one year in elementary school I had a class with 3 other Heather's in it. Causing us to each have to be identified by our first name AND the first letter of our last names. That was the only instance of knowledge of the name's social popularity for me. Ironically, my mom picked the name Heather for me because at the time where she lived in Hawaii, it was rather uncommon (as far as she knew!) That and, it was the ONLY female name my mom & dad could BOTH agree on. In kindergarten, I looked almost identical to Heather O'Rourke. They could have tapped me to continue on as Carol Anne/Carol Ann (also funny as my middle name is Anne) in the Poltergeist film franchise after her tragic passing. My chipmunk cheeks didn't begin thinning out until I was around 25 or 26 years old. (Much to my annoyance I was tired of looking like & being treated like a kid). I also saw the 1988 film 'Heather's' starring Winona Ryder & Christian Slater (his sexiest on screen appearance IMHO) when it was released to VHS & absolutely LOVED IT! I know the film word for word & I've seen it an uncounted number of times, but it's gotta be in the 100s of times. If the apocalypse were to occur and wipe out cinema I could write, direct, cast, & perform it for the world, no problem. 'Heather's' is STILL to this day one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE FILMS. I love its fearlessness & bold take on dark comedy, with a poignant though exaggerated take on teen culture, sociological status issues (especially pertaining to high school hierarchy), and the use of slang terms completely unique to the Heather's film universe.
My name is Heather and I love it. I didn't like it when I was younger because I wanted a more unique name. But over time (I was born in 1974), I have grown to really appreciate my name and I think it truly captures my essence. I am a very sensitive, free-spirited, wild and feminine creature. I also have a very strong Celtic heritage. Heather really captures the spirit of the wild, Celtic witch! I think it's ethereal and beautiful. Try reading Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights if you hate your name Heathers!I also really disliked my name after watching Heathers in the late 80s with Winona Ryder. I think the film gave my name a negative connotation when in reality, Heather is one of the prettiest names going. I have added the name Ceridwen to my given name to support my strong Celtic heritage. I also plan on adding my Grandmother's maiden name (she was from Ireland) to my surname (which is Germanic) so that both my strong Germanic heritage from my father's side and my strong Celtic heritage from my Mother's side are represented.Your name must have personal meaning for you! If you can't find a way to make your name your own and truly embrace it, changing it to something you feel captures your spirit is a good idea.
I don't know why but I hate this name. Maybe it is because my first encounter to this name was a super whiny girl in my textbook. Also this name sounds so "thick" that it doesn't sound good.
I always wished Heather was my name, such a gorgeous flower. This name could fit every girl/woman. A soft spoken child, a tender and loving mother, a laid back woman, and a sexy woman too.
In more recent days, the name Heather refers to the song by Conan Gray. Heather is popular, beautiful, talented, smart, and somebody everybody likes. Girls aspire to be Heather. This is more popular in teenage culture.
I think, Heather is one of the best female names. It's sweet, strong, and unusual at the same time. Fits for any different age woman. Just an amazing name in different ways. Quality!
It's my name, I think it's alright but anyways wished it wasn't mine. I've asked my father, "Why did you name me after a flowering plant?" Cause I thought it was hella boring. But they did name my brothers "John and Carl" so I kinda get it.I've always wanted to change it, to something that is unique as I am...
Heather Louise McCartney (née Heather Louise See) was born on December 31st, 1962 in Tucson, Arizona, United States to Linda McCartney (née Eastman) and Joseph Meville See. Sir Paul McCartney adopted Heather on March 12, 1969, the day Paul and Linda got married. Heather has 3 half-siblings: Mary, Stella, and James McCartney. (Technically Beatrice McCartney too, but not biologically related.)
My name is Heather, and I don’t mind it. I’d much rather be Heather than Jessica, Ashley, Stephanie, Sarah, Jennifer, Danielle or any of the other 90s names. Plus, Heather has kind of a boho feel to it because of its meaning. Also, people really over think names and popularity on here. I never felt like I needed a “unique” name to stand out or be a unique person. It’s just a name dude.
― Anonymous User 11/28/2020
Heather Swanson is a character from the South Park episode "Board Girls". She is a transgender weightlifter who only started identifying as a woman a few weeks prior to the event where she competed against (and beat) Strong Woman. She resembles the late wrestler "Macho Man" Randy Savage.
My name is Heather. I was born in Paisley, near Glasgow, Scotland in 1992. Despite being nearly 30, I have only personally met two other Heathers in the UK in my personal/academic/working life. My impression is that in the UK it was a lot more popular before I was born but has declined in popularity here in the United Kingdom. I understand the name became popular in the US and Canada later on so perhaps the name may carry other more youthful connotations in those parts. I wouldn't change my name for the world. For me it invokes a romantic notion of the Heather fields in Scotland. It is relevant today with the growing popularity of Heather honey. It makes me think of calmness. People often tell me I have a lovely name. I would say don't be put off by some of the other comments - a name is what you make it.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2020
My first name is Heather and I loathe it. There were always multiple Heathers in school with me (I was born in '92) and it just seemed so dowdy and unoriginal. Very much unlike me. I started using my middle name in my mid 20s after Grad School, and only keep my first name for professional or medical documents. Other than that, I never use the name. My family still insists on calling me by my first name (which I think is a bit rude) but my partner and his family, as well as most of our friends and all of my colleagues call me by my preferred name. For those who knew me before the change, most have graciously accepted the change. When I marry, I'm considering dropping the name Heather all together-- or replacing it with the letter H, then maybe adding a middle name of my choosing.
I belive Heather is an okay name for girls. As I've grown up I have come to the conclusion that my name is good. I used to hate my name but now I love it. I think more people should name their daughters Heather. When I was in grade school many people made fun of me or teased me by naming and rhyming anything they could with Heather. Weather, feather, meather?... I also hated when all the girls at my school would sing "Mark the dump truck in the flesh, here comes the cootie squad, we should SHUT UP HEATHER, SORRY HEATHER, look who's with her OH MY GOD! I was endlessly teased about it and even the boys got in on the action. I was so mad and complained to my mom which promptly made her tell me I was ungrateful for my name! Well I have probably wasted your time reading this super long paragraph but just remember that if you don't like the name Heather you don't have to hate on it by saying it's old or too 70ish just keep it to your self okay?!
― Anonymous User 12/22/2019
Extremely boring. And it also sounds a bit dowdy. No thanks.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2019
I love this name. I changed my name when I was younger since I didn't like my given name at birth. I really wanted to change it to Heather for some time, but I live in Sweden and it doesn't really work here. People would probably pronounce it like "heater" or "hetter". Also it would feel weird to have a name from a culture I don't belong to. It's really no difference to using the name Natsuko as a non-Japanese person. Just strange and kind of disrespectful towards the culture, in my opinion. Either way I think Heather is a beautiful name, just not for me.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2019
Not too keen on this name. Sounds kinda harsh and lispy sounding.
― Anonymous User 8/19/2019
My name is Heather and I love it. I liked it better before it became popular since I am black and few people of any race had heard of it. I liked being told “I don’t know anyone by that name and especially not any black girls named Heather." I’m almost 60 now and everywhere I turn someone’s name is Heather! Oh to be different! It was wonderful while it lasted!
― Anonymous User 6/24/2019
Heather is strong, lively and cheerful. I can figure a Heather being very positive, chatterbox and well-going with everyone.If I think of a famous Heather my only link is Heather Parisi.
Heather Parisi (1960-) is an American-born Italian television presenter, dancer, singer and actress. She was one of the most popular personalities of Italian television from the late '70s to the '90s.
Heather is a character on the TV shows Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, and Total Drama All-Stars. She is the "queen-bee".
This is my name and I really despise it just because of its popularity in my generation. On the plus side, it does have a nice meaning (but, not interesting or powerful enough to make me feel proud of my name despite the popularity), and people do know how to spell it and pronounce it (although, yes, very young children will stumble on the "th"). Growing up I was always: "Heather 2," "Heather A.," "Heather from classroom 3," etc. For this reason I strongly suggest looking at that SSA "Top 100" names list and just taking a hard strike at anything above 30 or so. Yes, names like Emma, Olivia, Ava, Abigail, Chloe, Sophie and Evelyn sound unique and beautiful to you NOW... but; they will sound VERY common to your daughter.
― Anonymous User 2/18/2019
Honestly, I am such a Heather. I am literally listening to the soundtrack. I don't really like this name, but it names my mean girl vibes. It just is the personality of me. It's funny how I'm such a total jerk and it's so funny that it's my soul name.
I plan on having my daughter being named Heather, well if I have a second girl. Heather is so sexy, cool and modern. I love this name and think it should be used more. I'm sorry but I love the movie Heathers because it is true to the realities in the world. Heathers is one of my favorite movies to be honest. Loved it since I first watched it in high school. I don't see how this is an old lady name, it's refreshing and professional and easy to spell. I do love the connection to Northern Europe. It reminds me of Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, if anything. But I imagine a strong and passionate woman having this name. Heather Audrey, I love that together and I plan on naming my first kid Victoria Lauren. So Victoria and Heather, I know those sound like mean girl names but I guess that's part of why I like them.
In 2018, 35 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Heather who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 88th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/17/2018
My name is Heather and never in my 44 years has a single person called me "Heathy" (referring to another comment here). Heath and Feather, yes. Little kids have trouble with the -th- digraph in the middle, so I got "Hedder" and "Hegger" a lot from toddlers. Like many names that enjoyed a sudden spike in popularity and then faded, the only thing wrong with Heather is that it's tied to a particular era. In the U.S., most Heathers are 35-50 years old now, and because we live in a misogynistic society that only values women when they're young, Heather is a name currently in disfavor, much like Karen, Becky, Susan, and similar names that are currently disparaged. Don't worry, Isabella, Madison, and Ava -- they'll be coming for you in 30 years. You can bank on it.
When I see and hear the name Heather I cannot help but think of Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara from the musical/movie "The Heathers." "The Heathers" is one of my favorite musicals/movies and I actually love the characters. I would name a daughter or character Heather BECAUSE of the musical/movie. It is a lovely name for a girl, despite the rather undesirable traits of the characters.
Heathers the musical and movie feature 3 characters named Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara.
― Anonymous User 5/4/2018
The name Heather is also a character from a movie and game series called Silent Hill. She is a main character in the Silent Hill 3 video game for PS2 and Microsoft Windows. In the movie Silent Hills Revelation, she is also one of the main characters. Heather isn't the only character in Silent Hill. Alessa and so far Claudia are also characters in Silent Hill. Both aren't playable in the games but, are still a part of the game. I think it may not hurt to check out all of the Silent Hill's video games for all of the character's names and the meaning behind their name as well. However, that is your call to make. What I am giving you is just a suggestion. Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion.
M'yeah... it's fine. Sounds just too old fashioned. I don't really consider this name. Plus, I have a feeling someone's gonna nickname her Heathy, which is cute, but I don't know if the kid would like it.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2018
The 1988 film 'Heathers' not only contains the name in the title, but also has 3 main characters with the name- Heather Chandler, Heather Duke and Heather McNamara.
The name Heather was given to 271 girls born in the US in 2016. More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Heather are female.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2017
Heather Jeanne Fong is the former chief of police for San Francisco, California, United States. Her ancestral roots are in Ho Chung village, Chung Shan County, Guangdong Province, China. She is the first woman to lead the San Francisco Police Department, and the first Asian American woman to head a major metropolitan city police force. She is also the second Asian American police chief in SFPD history, the other being Fred Lau.
Heather Anne Mills, former wife of Paul McCartney, is an English media personality, businesswoman and activist. Mills came to public attention in 1993; she was a model, and a collision with a police motorcycle in London resulted in the amputation of her left leg below the knee. She continued to model using a prosthetic limb and sold her story to a tabloid newspaper.
Heather Renee French Henry is a Miss America title holder, personality, fashion designer and veterans advocate. Raised in Augusta, Kentucky, French Henry graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. She competed in pageants throughout her teens, including the Miss Ohio pageant. She competed in the Miss Kentucky Pageant four times before winning the title on her fifth attempt in 1999. She won the 2000 Miss America pageant in September 1999, the first Kentuckian to do so. Her platform for her reign was raising awareness of homeless veterans; her father was a wounded veteran of the Vietnam War. She has received numerous awards for her work with veterans.
I am a Heather. I have been always fine with it. I got a Heather bush as a gift. I left it outside one stormy night. I killed it. OOPS. If your name is Heather, you got to see the movie Heathers. It a cult movie, so it is a bit of a strange movie, but hell, it's titled Heathers.
My name is Heather... I'm 38 years old and growing up I didn't like my name at all because there were other "Heathers" everywhere... However, when my family vacationed in Scotland and there was the flower Heather everywhere instead of people, I developed a new love for my name and a feeling of ownership! I love Scotland, it's my favorite place in the world! I'm also Scottish by blood, but American by birth.
I have a few friends named Heather. They are sweet, sincere, humble and kind. The movie 'The Heathers' left a twinge of disdain for it... But, then one Heather out there has ruined the name for me :( I guess any sociopath out there could ruin their name for others. Every time I meet someone named Heather, I get cautious. Luckily, all the other Heathers I've ever met have been really cool, I just can't get over the worst Heather out there.
― Anonymous User 1/27/2016
I was named after a wildflower that grows on the mountains and hills of Ireland and Scotland. My name is Heather. I am not blonde, and I am far from stuck up. Actually I am the spitting image of my name- I am a wildflower. I can survive harsh mountain terrain and I still find a way to bloom. I am tattooed, gritty, but I am free. Who wants to be a perfect rose when you can be wild? Whether you like my name or not, I love it. I know who and what I am, and honestly if you judge a person by their name you are just plain shallow.
I don't like the name Heather, it sounds really 70's to me. I don't find it very elegant or classy.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2015
My name is Heather. When I was younger I thought it was the ugliest name in the world and sounded more like a boy's name. I wanted to change it many times as a kid and begged my mom to call me something different. As I got older I learned to like it more. I like the meaning behind it and I like that I haven't met anyone else with my name until college, although I'm not friends with any. My mom thought I was going to be a boy and hadn't even considered girls' names. When I was born with two X chromosomes she had to search in a baby book. She liked the sound of it and that it was a flower. My dad said it would also mean I would grow up to be pretty which hopefully happened. My boyfriend says that I match my name :). It makes me upset when I hear of trashy people that share my name because I feel like it reflects me poorly. I just hope I grow to like my name more and more as life goes on.
I really like this name. I have met one girl of my generation named Heather. She was lovely, which gave me a nice impression of the name. Where I am from, most people with this name are retirees. I like it a bit less after being to Scotland & seeing it growing everywhere, weedy, like saltbush. I still like it, but it kind of dropped off the favorites list after that. It also does admittedly remind me of the Winona Ryder movie, Heathers. I would never think of 'trailer/stripper' like earlier comments. If anything, the stereotype for me would be tweed, cable-knitted jumpers and tartan skirts -along Mrs Doubtfire style.
This was my name, then it was ruined for me when someone on a game asked me my name and I couldn't say it because it was censored, why was it censored? Answer, take off the H, now it says "eat her", so sorry for all you Heathers out there, but I just had to say what nobody else seemed to have noticed. I have had my first name legally changed.I am aware that in 6/23/2012 I made a previous comment on how I liked my name, that was before I noticed the reason why I like it no longer.
Looking at the comments over the years, I think that people are mean to say some of the things about names they don't like. My name is Heather and I got called Feather and Leather but why would that hurt my feelings? Kids make fun of anything and I had enough confidence to not care. I don't think a name defines a person. We are named as babies so how would anyone know what we were going to turn out to be?
I love how this is a nature name and how it comes across as elegant & refined and not sounding at all weirdly wacko or crazily trendy.
― Anonymous User 6/28/2014
This is my name and I am completely content with it. I am a grad student and have always felt it is professional, easy (no fuss/confusion/attention-demanding), and pretty. However, having lived with this name for over 20 years, I will share the cons that I have come across with it. 1) The most obvious is that it is sooo popular. You know that strange feeling you get when you call another person by your own name? I don't feel that at all anymore, I have to do it so much that it is totally normal to me. 2) It rhymes with a lot of completely unoffensive things, but I have received texts addressing me as "Heavier", immediately followed by "Oh my gosh I'm sorry my T9/autocorrect did that". Not a big deal, but I'm about 5-10 lbs overweight, and being a girl, I think about those 5-10 lbs when that happens. 3) If I leave a message (voice/text) for someone that might not have my number in their phone, I always feel the need to use my last name. For example "Hey ____, this is Heather Lastname from class". If I had a somewhat unique name, I wouldn't need to also mention my last name. This actually comes up a lot especially in business, or even when contacting old friends. 4) I frequently travel and have found that people from many countries from Asian to Scandinavian, have difficulty with the "th" sound and often call me Header (like my little nieces do). I secretly find it endearing, but I get the sense that others wish they could pronounce it properly.On the neutral side, I rarely get accidentally called other names and if so it's either Heidi or Hannah. Overall, I don't feel that purely my name has hindered me or pushed me toward my dreams. I feel that it is a sexy, spontaneous and conservative name which I find to be a fun combination. I hope this has been helpful!
I have my heart set on changing my name to this. It is so much classier and elegant than Tiffany. And has way less stereotypes tied down to it. So use it.
Wife of Barry Stock (Guitarist of Three Days Grace)
― Anonymous User 7/14/2012
This is my my name, and I always have loved it, plus I am a total country girl and have seen many of these flowers. I am often told that I am as pretty as the flower.
There are some plants, like Rose, Lily, Ivy, and Iris, that make decent names. To be honest with you, I don't think Heather is one of them. It sounds snobby yet common, and it reminds me of the shallow character from the book "Speak". Not a very nice choice.
On the third season of RuPaul's Drag Race, four of the queens (Raja, Manila, Carmen, and Delta) formed a clique which they called "The Heathers", named for the movie "Heathers".
Heather Kuzmich is an American model, who participated in America's Next Top Model, Cycle 9. She was hugely popular, was voted CoverGirl of the week more times than any other contestant that cycle, and had Asperger's syndrome - she finished in 5th place.
I really like this name. I know a Heather and she is one of the funniest people I know, and she's is friends with almost everyone. She doesn't live in a trailer and isn't a stripper.
My name is Heather, and I absolutely hate it! There are not many names beginning with an "H" that I like, and this name is not one of them, and I hate, hate, hate the TH in the middle, and the ER at the end. This name sounds stupid. I'm going to legally change my first name soon, which is why I'm on this site.
Heather Winds is a pink My Little Pony of the third generation. She has lavender hair, blue eyes and a cutie mark of Heather blowing in the wind with a butterfly fluttering nearby.
I never liked this name growing up, but it's grown on me. I think it's pretty. It's soft without being too "frou-frou". Pity it's so common.
― Anonymous User 11/15/2009
I go to a private high school, and there is one Heather in the grade. Before I came to this school, I thought the name Heather was only for preppy snobs, but now I adore the name, and I plan on naming one of my children this name for sure! It is just so classy!
My name is Erica, which is the Latin term for the Heather flower. And under normal circumstances, I would think Heather was a gorgeous name--it has a beautiful sound. However, I've had terrible experiences in the past with girls named Heather.
I'm surprised to see so little reference to the film "Heathers," since I've heard of schools having "High Heather-Factors" and the like due to it. I think it's a lovely name, but I can't get rid of the association.
This is my name and I didn't like it at all at first. I thought it was so boring but now I think it's a very beautiful name. It's kind of common but I still like it.
A famous beaer of the name Heather is: Heather Johnson. Heather is an architect and is included in the new book In Their Shoes by the author Deborah Reber.
Heather means "Heather" and that's all, despite what several commenters here seem to believe.
― Anonymous User 11/23/2007
Well, with almost every comment made about this name being so positive, I just had to strike the discordant note. This is my niece's name (she was born in 1974--of course) but in spite of that I have never liked this name. It's just something about the way it sounds. I don't like any names that begin with H and I don't like the harsh TH sound in the middle of this one. And then of course it became very popular and predictably it's now going out of style so it will date its bearers. Unlike everyone else, I've just never seen the appeal of it.
I've always liked this name. For its sound, meaning and the impression I get of a person with this name. It sounds resilient, courageous and strong - like the flowers that can be found around the hills.
There were a few Heathers in my group when I studied in Spain. The Spanish people had a difficult time pronouncing Heather (especially with the "TH" in the middle), and the way they would say it, Heather sounded like how Americans say "hater."
― Anonymous User 8/17/2007
Heather is the name of a plant and it's where it came from originally.
Real name of burlesque dancer Dita von Teese is Heather Renée Sweet.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2007
Heather is the name of the season 2 chef winner of Hell's Kitchen. She now owns a resturant in Las Vegas and named it Terra Rosa.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2007
When I hear the name Heather I think of someone who looks delicate and fragile on the outside but very strong and beautiful on the inside. Heather is a wonderful name, when I'm older and if I have a girl I'll probably name her Heather.
My name is Heather. My father chose this name for me. I have always loved it and still love it to this day. The only not-so-great thing I can say about this name is that many people assume you were born in the 1970's or 1980's if you have this name. I think it is lovely. I love the meaning and it writes beautifully on paper too. Blessings!
The movie Heather, Heather, Heather is a weird movie and all the girls in the movie are named Heather. Who knew that the name Heather would be so in and yet so out.
This is my name! It's okay, but it's really popular for people my age, and it's annoying when I hear someone call my name but they're talking to someone else. There's so many negative assocations with it too, sadly.
First, I have to say that, of all of the names that I can picture for a stripper living in a trailer (which is more than one would imagine even knowing me), Heather just isn't one of them. I think that Heather is extremely overused for woman now in their 30s and 40s and is too mild of a name, personally. I would want to give my daughter a name that would stand out a little more. When I hear this name I only think of a few friends of my mother, the quietest language teacher I have ever had, and a character in the book Speak. Not a lot when you compare to all of the other connections that I can make with other names.
My name is Heather, and I hate it. Trust me parents out there reading this, as a teenager of current, you honestly wouldn't want to name your child Heather. Not only is it associated with snooby people, it is also has an entire list of words that people rhyme it with, It gets annoying quikly. Especially if you get called "Heather feather" or have ridiculous rap-type sentences made about you. "Her name is Heather, it ryhmes with feather, she wears black leather!" Uggghhh. Or, you could always stick with this name and make sure you raise a dumb, practically illiterate child so that they never understand anything in this place we call the world and are seen as the stereotypical moron that she will automatically be deemed! Cheers!
Heather O' Rourke, a child star from Poltergeist trilogy, is famous bearer. She born on 27th December 1975 and died 1st February 1988 from cardiopulmonary arrest at age of 12.
Well, my name is Heather, and I like my name. Yes, it is very common, but it's my name too and I love it. I don't see how anyone could dislike their own name, unless it was horrible. Just because you know a person named Heather who is a snob doesn't mean that everyone named Heather is a snob. That is being very presumptuous. People are all different. Having the same name doesn't make them alike. My little brother's name is Heath. The boy form of Heather. Everyone thought we were twins when we were little. So I would just like to tell all of you people not to insult a person's name. It's not very nice. And that would make everyone with the same name mad at you. And there are a lot of Heathers in the world, so be nice!
Some computers contain a font called "Heather". A beautiful font, in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2006
I have always loved this name, and when I was younger I used to pretend it was my name. Oddly enough, now I work with someone named Heather, and everyone thinks we look like sisters!
I really hate this name. I love the meaning, and the thought of the moors of England bursting into purple flowers is wonderful, but I now have bad associations with it. I know a terrible girl (more of a cow) named Heather, and another one who is a complete psyco who was named Heather, and so now it's been ruined for me. Heather is also my sister's name. But that doesn't change it for me. I still see it as a trashy name. Sorry to offend, but that's my opinion (Sorry!).
Heather is a gorgeous name. I especially love this name because all the Heathers I know are beautiful. And the name comes from a pretty pink flower. It fits my friend prefectly! Any girl with the name Heather should feel very blessed. As well as beautiful and feminine.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2006
Famous bearer is Heather Joan Graham, an American actress.
― Anonymous User 3/24/2006
Good name for someone living in a trailer who will grow up to be a stripper.
― Anonymous User 3/22/2006
I am another Heather. I was born in 1973 and my mother was blissfully unaware that she was naming me what would be the 8th most popular name in the U.S. that year. (It peaked at #3 in 1975.) Anonymous commenter, I do not live in a trailer nor have I ever been a stripper, but I had to laugh at your comment because I have left similar comments about names that I deem "trashy". I don't think Heather is one of those names, though -- just overused.
― Anonymous User 5/10/2006
Heather to me seems to have been overused and that's caused me to dislike it. I don't remember attending school with any Heathers but I do know several online. The overuse of it only wore it out as well.
There's a character called Heather Babcock in Agatha Christie's "Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side." She's a nice, but perky, annoying, and somewhat self-centered person. The book gives more about her personality.
The film "Heathers" from 1989 sort of celebrated the name's popularity, since all the snobby girls in the clique were called Heather. (Rebel Winona Ryder was called Veronica.) Heather Locklear is a famous actress, and model Heather Mills is now married to Paul McCartney.
― Anonymous User 12/17/2005
Heather Whitestone McCallum was the first Miss America with a disability (she's deaf) on September 17, 1994.
― Anonymous User 11/9/2005
My name is Heather and growing up I hated the name. I thought it was boring and dull. Now that I am older, when I think of my name, I think of an English countryside and a very delicate flower. It has a very gentle sound to it. When I have a son, I am going to name him Heath.
I really love the name Heather. It is my name so I'm stuck with it. The only thing I never liked about it was people calling me feather to be funny. But I love my name and would not trade it for any other name.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2005
My grandmother went to New Zealand and brought back a flower called "Heather". 17yrs later, thats what she wanted to name me. I thought it was so cool that my parents let her.
I have this keychain that a friend gave me that says... "A name taken from the plant. She is strong-willed and determined, and will succeed in everything she tries. She knows her own mind." Very true!
I have been constantly searching for an English name for myself until I saw 'Heather'. I love its meaning. The flower heather is superficially common but expresses itself in a determined and strong way as it always grows in rocky area. That's exactly what I want to be as a human being.
This the best name in the world because it's my name, despite the fact I like the name regardless. Off the record I had a hard time with this name growing up because people catergorized this name with a certain race group of which I am not a member so I got teased.