I named my daughter Haven after the loss of her twin sister in pregnancy. The meaning of the name being a safe place, refuge, and harbor (shelter in the storm) felt it had a lot of love and intention behind it. We received the comment she sounded like a warrior because of her name which I think is great as well because she has always been fiery and maybe just a bit too brave. I don't think there is a thing in the world she would falter in. The name dates back to the 7th century within the Old English Anglo-Saxon (Old English is a Germanic language, like German, Dutch, and Danish) word "hæfen" meaning shelter & well-being.
I kinda like this name, but I wouldn't ever choose it, it reminds me of Haven Garza.
I think this name is really cool and unique.
My name is Haven. I was born in 1950 and I have never met anyone my age with my name. However, almost every time I meet a new person they comment on how much they like my name, and I know there have been babies named after me over the years. My father actually heard the name on the radio as a military man had named his daughter "Haven" so there must be someone out there a little older than me with the name!
I always think of "safe Haven" when I hear this name. It's very pretty.
It means "sky; abode of god".
Haven is an English word name that means "safe place".
In 2020, 1018 girls and 117 boys were named Haven in the US. The name ranked at #310 for girls, but did not ranked for boys. It peaked for girls in 2016 at #293, when 1106 girls were named Haven, and peaked for boys in 1899 at #714, when 9 boys were named Haven.
Haven is my favorite girl name, but it's great for a boy as well though! I definitely prefer it to Heaven for sure. The meaning is so pretty, and the name on its own as well. Haven Elise is a super cute name combo as well. I really don't understand some of the hate this name gets. If you like this name, you are valid. If you don't like this name, you are also valid. You don't have to agree with my opinion though. :)
"Haven" is a FURNITURE shop which CLOSED DOWN in England a long time ago!
My ñame is Haven and I personally love it. I have never met another Haven and I’ve loved the uniqueness of it. No one else I’ve met thinks it’s corny or tacky (that I know of.) I think it’s a beautiful name but it’s starting to become less unique as more people name their children Haven. I personally couldn’t see it as a boys name but as a girls name it’s mysterious and lovely.
This is my name, and I’ve grown to love it. I receive compliments on it every time I introduce myself, which I disliked when I was younger because of my shyness. It is pretty uncommon where I live, but I do know two other Havens (one was named after me). I love how it means “Safe Place” and that not many people have it. I am a teenage girl, and I’ve always seen this as an incredibly girly name (which I used to dislike). I did meet a male Haven, but everyone thought it was weird that he had a “Girl’s name,” so just a caution to you. Nobody I’ve met has ever said it sounded “Trendy” “Corny” or “Tacky.” They usually say something about how pretty and old-fashioned it sounds. I do pronounce it “Hay-ven” or “Hay-vin,” not “Hay-vun”.
The only drawbacks that I’ve come across are 1: Being called Hannah, because that is the absolute most common girl’s name where I live, but I usually only have to correct people once before they get it, and it doesn’t bother me. And 2: there really are not many good nicknames. I get called Havie every once in a while by my parents, and I’ve heard of Ave and Avi, which I like but haven’t used.
Other than that, I really love my name!
This name seems so peaceful to me!
I like the meaning but can't imagine this on a person.
This name is beautiful, but now it's just one of those celebrity baby names. I like Haven Dawn.
No I don't like it. Anyone named Haven IS a special person but I just don't like the name.
It’s better than the name Hayden on a girl...
I don't like the sound. I prefer Heaven or Nevaeh, they're much prettier.
It’s a lot better than the name Heaven. I like the sound of it.
Not a fan. I think of “safe Haven” which isn’t necessarily bad, but an odd name I personally wouldn’t want to be stuck with!
Sounds kind of corny and a little juvenile, but it's much better than Heaven.
Very pretty, nice.
This name is beautiful. I love it!
Haven is a beautiful name, so if you are a bearer of it, be proud and love your awesome name.
My 3 year old daughter's name is Haven and I usually have to repeat it to people and say, "as in safe Haven"
I am a Jennifer so growing up with such an overly common name I always wanted my children to have unique cool names and I really loved the name Haven and loved that it was not that common.
I like that it's not overused whatsoever. Sounds cute.
Meh. This doesn't really sound masculine, it sounds pretty feminine in my opinion. I personally think this word is way too advanced and weird to be an actual first name.
I mean, it's not the worst name I've ever heard, but, it's not the best either. Mostly it's the "Haven" meaning that feels off-putting, or rather; that would not want to grow up with as a girl. I also can't really see it on a grown woman. It feels stuck in childhood.
115 boys were named Haven in 2017! It's such a strong, masculine, handsome name. Very uncommon and somewhat unique for boys.On girls it's an immature and trendy celebrity baby name and it's not unique anymore, hasn't been for about ten years now.
My 11 month old daughter's name is Haven. I chose the name because I liked the meaning of it "A safe dwelling place". It has nothing to do with heaven, nor does it have the same meaning. It's not a common name or over used name which makes it unique. I'm glad I gave my child a name that has beauty, sophistication, and meaning. I don't want her to be in a classroom with 10 other kids having the same name. That's boring. I will always think of her name as timeless and beautiful.
Safe Haven :)
I absolutely love this name. How could you hate it? I think it's classy, beautiful, and full of meaning. Anyone with this name should feel proud!
I have the name Haven (female), and I’ve never really liked it. It’s unprofessional, and is overall a very immature name. People mistake the name and call me Heaven, Heather, Hayden, Raven, and one time, Heathen. So, you can name your child this, but I don’t think it’s a very good name.
My son's name is Haven Silas. I love the name.
Well, my son born in 2002 is named Haven. I love it. Everyone else is Aiden or Hayden or even Ayven. He has a unique name and frankly sharing a name with legendary Ritchie Havens is not anything but awesome. So for all of you who don't like it... great! Go ahead and name your guy Jaden or Evan or Max or whatever is hip now. None of my three kids have names that are hip, nor are they "snowflakes" with "special" names like Aimee (Amy?) or Jenee (Jenny?) or freaking Brittany with some sort of silent x or whatever.
Haven is a solid name. Boy or girl. Go ahead and don't use it. ;)
The name Haven was given to 128 boys in the US in 2016. It's a great name for a boy, not so good for a girl.
I think of it as a girly name and when I picture it I see a sweet little girl, but most of the time what you see or picture in your head is nowhere near or close to what a real Haven could or would look like. For me, Haven is a loyal person that can't lie or keep secrets in, one who can get in to trouble and make bad decisions in life but knows what she's getting into and never does something without having a point to do it. A Haven would make a great lawyer cause they like to argue and get their way. What is a bummer about this name is that it is very similar to Hayden, Haylen, Aiden, sometimes Nathan etc.
Haven, although a terrible name for a person in my blunt opinion, happens to be the title of an American-Canadian science fiction television show that ran from 2010-2015. It stars Emily Rose as Audrey Parker, Lucas Bryant as Nathan Wuornos & Eric Balfour as Duke Crocker, those being the more frequent characters.
We named our daughter Haven Scott and we call her by both. She is only 18 months old so we don't know if it will stick or not. We knew of a middle school age girl named Hannah Scott (her father was named Scott) and everyone calls her by both names. We loved it so when we came across Haven it seemed perfect to name her Haven Scott (her Dad is Scott as well)! When she was about 6 months old the place where I was having items monogrammed for her just raved about her name! The clerk asked me if I would mind her sharing the name with a friend... Many months later she emailed me just to let me know that her friends named their daughter Haven Scott! People compliment her name always...
Haven is the most beautiful name in the whole world and only very lucky very beautiful people have this name. It is the prettiest name I have ever heard of!
My name is Haven and it has been for 14 years. I can say from experience with this name it is hard to bear. People always say it Heaven or Have-in, it kinda gets old after a while. People do tell me that I have a cool name and that it is pretty. But people have called me Hillbilly Haven because I am from the south. It really got on my nerves but I don't get how it is a cool name- how is it cool? I mean, my mom gave it to me so I guess I will just get used to it I guess my name is alright.
The name Haven sounds like a name of a really popular girl!
Haven is my name, and if it's any consolation I'm a fifteen year old female. Personally I really fancy my name. I think it fits me— it ties into my blonde haired, blue eyed image. I don't see it as tacky or corny. I've never dealt with dirty jokes (and I'm in high school). Furthermore, my peers constantly let it be known that Haven is actually a pretty, unique name which perfectly suits my character. I have never seen it as masculine. Even though oftentimes substitute teachers mispronounce it as "Heaven", the bottom line is that I wouldn't choose any other name for myself.
I know a girl named Haven at my high school. She's always kind and gentle towards everyone. She has a close group of friends, she's a really sweet, happy young girl. I don't know her personally, but I've heard she's a preacher's kid, and according to her facebook she is an aspiring author. I think the name really suits her actually.
The name Haven was given to 138 boys born in the US in 2015.
I don't understand why this name is so loved. Personally, I find "Aven" much, much better. Aven said as Ay-vin. I would be satisfied if Aven replaced Haven. (If Aven sprung onto the charts and became more popular than Haven or Aven on the charts and Haven no longer on). My aunt doesn't like this name either. She stated in her own words that it sounded like "Heaving". I couldn't argue with her there!
This is my name (well, it's spelled slightly differently for me -- Hayven), and I absolutely love it and its meaning. I don't get the comments about it being tacky, trendy, or childish -- I'm a woman in my late 20s and work in academia, and I've never had any problems being taken seriously because of my name. People sometimes mispronounce it, but that's the worst of it, and I do get a lot of compliments on it! I think Haven (or Hayven, Haiven, etc.) would be a good name for someone of any gender and personality.
In 1929, my grandmother's sister convinced my grandmother to name my father Floyd Haven, after a boy she admired when she was young. My father went on to raise 9 children. My older brother is named Carl Haven and his daughter, my niece is named Amanda Haven. I have another niece named after my father; Elizabeth Marie Haven. I too carry my father's name; Debra Haven. And I have a son named Benjamin Haven. The name "Haven" has become a family name and I sure hope our descendants continue to honor my father in carrying the name on down the line.
I have a friend who's expecting her second child sometime this summer, this is one of the names she's debating on and I PRAY she decides against it and chooses a more decent and practical name. Not this made-up, trendy, tacky and trashy "Haven" plus, her first child's name is so decent and would make an excellent sibling set if only she moves away from "Haven" and towards something far better.
I really love this name, which is strange because I don't like the name Heaven. It's just so pretty on a girl and strong on a boy. It can suit a person of any personality, which is rare in a name.
I think Haven is a beautiful name and personally prefer it for a girl. It's still not extremely common, yet unique. It sounds soft and pretty. I would picture a girl named Haven as being very sweet and gentle. I would be very proud to name a daughter Haven.
I know Haven is a bit tacky, but I think it would be beautiful on a girl, young or old.
I love the name Haven for a boy! My 10 year old grandson is named Haven. There is another teen aged boy named Hayven (spelled with a 'y')at his school, and 2 of my friend's Grandfathers were named Haven.
My little 18mth old boys name is Jet Haven. We took the name Haven from one of our favourite bands and didn't think that anyone else had ever used it as a name until now. We always get comments on how lovely it is and how well his two names flow together.
Haven Moses (a male), a famous football player, may be the first person with this name. Thus, the name perhaps started as a masculine name and slowly evolved to a name more widely used on females.
"Haven" implies that she is a gracious hostess, not particularly that she is promiscuous, as some here have posited.
I don't think this is a horrible name, but whenever I hear it I think of those "safe Haven laws" about being able to abandon a newborn baby.
Haven Monroe is my daughters name! They are both actually male names. I loved Haven as her name and Marilyn Monroe is my Idol so that's how she got her middle name! I have never had one negative comment about it! :)
I had no idea this was a man's name in past generations. I like this name but I wouldn't use it on a boy today.
Haven Gillespie (1888-1975), songwriter of the early 20th century. Born in Covington, KY; died in Las Vegas, NV. Credits include country song "Right or Wrong" and Christmas song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."
Haven is my favorite name for a girl. I'm not old enough to have kids yet, but when I do I'm planning on naming my first daughter Haven. I actually liked this name before I even knew it was popular. I was doing a crossword puzzle and one of the answers was Haven and I remember thinking that that would make a really nice name. So I looked it up and it just happened to be a name that's starting to become popular for girls.
Haven Garner Warren is the second daughter of actress Jessica Alba and her husband, Cash Warren.
I think it's a nice variation of all the Hayden, Aidan and Braden-names. It's a bit more uncommon and it has a nice meaning. It suits girls too but for either gender I'd use it as a middle name instead.
I actually find the name to be extremely tacky and would expect a stripper to have the name.
I am proud to say that I have carried Havens as my last name all of my life and was blessed to be able to give my great granddaughter the name Haven just last year. I am from Swedish and Norwegien descent and was glad to read the meanings of this name in my ancestry.
Just like Nevaeh is Heaven spelt backwards, Nevah is Haven spelt backwards. I think Nevah is a rather beautiful name.
The book That Summer's 9 (Sarah Dessen) main character is a girl named Haven.
Haven is my name. Most people pronounce it wrong. They say "Heaven" or they ask me how to pronounce it. Most people like my name a lot. I have seen 1 Haven before. It was a boy. I love my name.
I love this name, but think about it for a second. Do you really want your daughter to be a "Haven"? I don't know about you, but I see some dirty jokes at the girl's expense.
I actually know of a bunch of people named Haven. It's really not an uncommon name.
This is my name. I'm 26. I've known three other Havens personally (all male) and known of three others (1 male, two female). I'm often complimented on my name and told that it's quite beautiful. While I am slightly eccentric I am far from a new age kook and the men I have known with the name have all liked having it. In fact I was quite aware of having a "boy's name" until I was in my late teens, when it was accepted as feminine. Oh - and while I do take in stray animals that's far from my personality. It is a difficult name to bear, just because it is uncommon and close to heaven. However its popularity is increasing and therefore is becoming more common. I don't think of my name as corny, especially with its usage. I do think that parents need to understand how close it is to heaven and the confusion it will cause.
This is even cornier than Heaven.
Pretty, pretty name. I think it sounds nice on either males, or females. I think the name Harper would go nicely as a sibling's name.
Everybody seems to think of a girl when they hear this name, but personally I keep seeing a full-grown man. This name is so strong, yet it isn't rough like so many present male names. It's such a worthy name, and nearing the top of my list.
It's admittedly a pretty name and a nice idea, but it sounds a bit tacky. I can't easily imagine a grown woman named Haven. At most, I can picture some rather kooky new age hippie woman named Haven. The name sounds too much like Hayden, a masculine name, anyway, but I absolutely cannot imagine this name for males despite that because of the meaning. Call me crazy, but something tells me that women tend to be the less violent sex.
It can also mean "the garden" in Norwegian.
In Chima's "Wizard Heir," the wizard-run boarding school is called 'The Havens.'
Haven sounds like a very gentle, kind girl, who would be likely to take a baby animal in and nurse it back to health.
Haven is the Dutch word for sea port.
Haven is a really pretty name!
I actually kinda like this name. I was wondering what sort of comments people would leave, but they are quite positive! Very pretty.
I go on holiday to Haven.
Haven is the name of the author Haven Kimmel.
A cool name. Much better than Heaven. In Swedish it means "the seas; the oceans", which I think is fun, since a haven is somewhere you can go when you are in danger on a stormy sea!
I really love this name! I'm using it in a story I'm writing about a girl who is coping with the loss of her best friend.

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