Nice name for a villain.
Good name for a villain.
It’s quite nice honestly. I like it as a middle.
“Hathor” could be a pretty nickname. Love the Egyptian mythology reference.
Would be a good name for a cat, maybe a black and white one, with the cow association.
I question the pronunciation. Surely Hat- + Hor should give haht-hor, not hahth-or. Very few languages have -th- as a diphthong: English, Greek, Spanish are all I can think of. It would be odd if the Egyptians did the same.Of course, there are no ancient Egyptians left that we could ask. Time machine, anyone?
It's the Hellenized version of the name, so the 'th' diphthong is correct in this case.
TH (in either "thin" or "thus") is not a diphthong.
In Ancient Egypt, Hathor was also the Goddess of the moon.
Hathor was not the goddess of the moon. She was more closely associated with sun, being the daughter and "eye" of Ra.
Hathor WAS briefly considered a moon deity during the Greco-Roman period but is more commonly associated with the sun and stars.

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