Actually, no one really cares if your name is ugly, you just have to be confident with yourself and not like people who says that’s ridiculous, if your name is Happy and people laugh at you what will you do?
― Anonymous User 7/5/2023
Wouldn't it just be confusing to have Happy as a name, and people would think you're strange too...
Happy is one of the two Asian elephants at the Bronx Zoo in New York City. She is named after the dwarf in Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
This is an okay name, but it will cause teasing. Go with Gay instead! Gay has the same meaning and I think it's a lovely alternative.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2020
Why? Just why?
― Anonymous User 10/16/2020
Ranting on about how terrible the name Happy is isn't getting us anywhere. Just name your child Joy, Joyce, Hillary, Naomi, Allegra. P.S, as a rule of thumb for naming people DON'T name something if it's already a word.
This name sounds babyish and weird on a grown man. It’s silly on girls too, let alone a boy. It’s okay for fans of this name, but I personally wouldn’t use it for either gender. It’s more fake as a name than Princess. I don’t loathe the name completely though.I think Happy is more interesting and bizarre on a sad and/or emo person who is not Happy at all! That person is absolutely opposed to the friend of the name by the bearer.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2019
This is a wonderful name! I wouldn't name my child this though. I would have this as their middle name. I really like the name Happy, but I prefer Joy.
― Anonymous User 9/8/2018
Happy Hogan is a character in various Marvel movies including the Iron Man movies and Spiderman: Homecoming.
My friend's neighbor's dog was named Happy and I think it is simply adorable. He's always got this sweet and friendly expression on his face. But, really, why do you people dislike this name so much? I know it might cause the kid to be teased, but they can also just end up being positive and friendly people who completely fit their name.
Ummm, when I think Happy I think that awesome blue flying cat from Fairy Tail, who talks, so I think Happy is a pretty cool name, but not for a human...
Actually, I like this name. It does sound juvenile, but I can picture it well on a tomboyish, friendly, helpful girl. It could also work as a diminutive of Hephzibah or Harper.
― Anonymous User 12/16/2017
Why are you all making fun of this name? This is my name, but I go by my surname (River). Personally, I LOVE this name! I am half native American, and I was named for an old legend (Happy River) so stop giving me all this crap about my name.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2017
Who would name their child this?!
― Anonymous User 6/5/2017
The fact that Happy is a legit name, apparently, leaves me feeling slightly annoyed and confused. I'm not Happy with Happy as a name. It just sounds ridiculous and moronic.
― Anonymous User 3/31/2017
Might be cute when the kid is in first grade or so, but later on in life you will realize that you have tortured your child.
My name is Happy and it really does suck. People are always asking me "why is your name Happy when you're always sad" even teachers makes fun of my name. I get really annoyed when people tell me to be Happy just because my name is Happy. Honestly, if you're thinking about naming your child this name please stop and think about what the child would have to deal with in the future.
My name is Happy and I HATE it. You guys are right about the name being stupid.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2015
"Happy" is a song written, produced, and performed by American singer and producer Pharrell Williams.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2014
I think you guys are really misinformed! It's a beautiful old name that has so much character when understood in the proper context of its history. I love it.
― Anonymous User 9/11/2014
I think it makes a beautiful middle name and I love it as a name, but I agree that it might be a bit much, or very ironic for a first name (imagine when they cry: 'Happy, don't be sad.').
I understand the point of view of the latest poster, but I totally share one of the others: I don't think it should be a name. Joy is A LOT better to my mind. Oh, and Blythe is very nice.
I don't understand why everyone is giving this name so much shit. I like it. It may not be MY name, but I don't dislike it. My neighbors kids are named Happy(14) and Destiny(12), and it fits them perfectly. And not once have I seen them get teased or made fun of because of their names.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2013
Weird and if you name someone that, who knows if that person will actually be unhappy?
I woke up this morning, the sunshine was shining I put on my HAPPY face. Why would you name your child a feeling? What if they cry? Watch when they get teased. And on their birthday! HAPPPYY BIIRTHDAAY DEAR HHHAAAPPPPPPPY. No, that's rubbish and a funeral for Happy will be sad :'( we are gathered here today to witness the death of HAPPY. (we didn't kill her no worries)
I'm sure there are parents out there who love this name but this is not a name I would ever consider using. It might sound cheerful but I doubt the child bearing it would happily accept it.
I'm not bothered by the meaning (a grumpy Happy would actually be hilarious in a good way), but it doesn't sound like a proper name. How about Bonnie, Blythe, Joy or Merry?
Happy? Are you kidding me? No one's happy all the time, especially during adolescence. Imagine your 16 year-old daughter named Happy. What if she's an emo chick? Or a skater? Or anything else besides a hippie? The teasing would never end. And now imagine when she's 25- going on her first formal job interview. "Hello. My name is Happy Jones." Yeah, she's going to get taken seriously.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2009
My great grandmother's name. While I probably wouldn't use it, I like it better than Faith or Hope - instead of being a "virtue" - it just is. I also prefer it over April or Summer and many other word names.
― Anonymous User 10/4/2009
This is ridiculous. Heck, I wouldn't name anything Happy. Not my pet, my kid, my character, no one. Maybe as a nickname. As a joke.
Someone named Happy won't be taken seriously. A Happy might also turn out to be anything but happy. A lot of vocabulary words as names are corny, but this one in particular.
Somehow I think a person with this name would end up depressed and commit suicide by age 14. The name is utterly ridiculous and infantile, and no one with the name would be taken seriously. The jokes would never end.
I used to have two fish named Happy and Funny, they both died within weeks (not my fault). My point is, if you like this name, use it on a pet. And if you really want to name your kid Happy, then give him a normal name and nickname him Happy, he'll thank you for it.
Umh, I love the word and all, since you know, being happy IS a good thing. But as a name, it's horrible. I mean, the poor kid's going to have to live up to being "Happy" or something. And I agree with the people that said it's like naming your child a different "mood" word. It's like naming the kid "Sad" or something. So, as a name, NO.
Yes, and his/her twin could be Smile! What a great idea! I really can't imagine what kind of parents would name their kid Happy. I mean, it's a nice word and everything, but Happy?
My best mate we sometimes call Happy. Her name is Haphra so you can see where we get that nickname from. It's ok I suppose in a way for a nickname but definitely NOT a first name.
I agree, this is NOT a nice name, despite the meaning. It just doesn't sound like a name at all. No one would take you seriously. Joy is definitely a more humane choice.
Although this name might have been accepted in society in the 19th century, nowadays, your child might be ridiculed. If you find yourself liking the meaning of this name, I suggest the names "Felicity" or "Hilary," both names with the same meaning. But this is simply personal opinion.
Are some parents desperate for a name or hoping that their child will be merry and bright? In either case, it's pathetic. Even as a pet's name, it's ridiculously undignified and smarmy. There are many ways to make your child happy, but naming them happy is not going to do that. If they end up depressed from being teased so much, don't come crying to me.
The name Happy is also the Americanized version of the arabic name Habib. Many of the Lebanese immigrants that moved to the US at the turn of the 20th century ended up with the first name of Happy thanks to the folks at Ellis Island.
― Anonymous User 7/21/2006
Name of famous MIT researcher Happy Acee III. One of the preeminent experts on nano technology and also a decendent of Lebanese immigrants.
― Anonymous User 7/21/2006
Happy is Adam Sandler's character in the movie "Happy Gilmore". :)
― Anonymous User 7/15/2006
I agree, I would never name any one by this. I mean come on, what if your child is one day is sad what will you ask him or her "Hey Happy, are you sad"? So dumb to name your child this! Heres' some advice: NEVER NAME A CHILD BY THIS NAME!
― Anonymous User 6/17/2006
This name just makes me think of a sleazy used-car salesman. It's tacky as all hell.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2006
The stupidest name I have ever seen, and that's saying something.