The Dutch pronunciation of Hanna (2) is the same as for Hanna (1):/'ɦɑ.na:/Honestly, the two names are indistinguishable from each other (when it comes to appearance and sound). A bearer or their parent would have to explain which one of the two it is - otherwise you'd never know.For links to audio clips, please see the comment that I left at Hanna (1) last month. :) [noted -ed]
I love it but I prefer Hannah better!
Hanna is also Estonian. The name day for Hanna in Estonia is August 15.
The name is also used in Iceland.
This name sounds ugly to me.
Pretty little liars.
Hanna is the name of the main (and titular) character of the movie HANNA. I think her name is Hanna (2) and not Hanna (1) because her mother's name was Johanna. It's really one of the best movies ever!

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