Hallie is Hal-ee. My name is pronounced HAY-LEY- the L is a part of the second syllable not the first. The name Haley is pronounced with the L as a part of the first syllable. This tiny difference in pronunciation actually drives me crazy because when I explain it to people they don’t hear the difference and so they continue to pronounce it wrong. My nickname however has always been Hayls, which is pronounced as one syllable. Also, my name is constantly misspelled as Haley and Hailey which are the more common spellings which is annoying. The worst part is when people are looking at my name and spell it wrong like when commenting on my Facebook timeline, or when teachers that have known me for at least a year still spell my name wrong (I went to a small private school for most of my life, just to clarify that I am not judging public school teachers who teach hundreds of students a year, although I also went to public school and even teachers I got to know very well i.e. wrote me letters of recommendation for college still on occasion spelled my name wrong). Anyway Hallie, Halley, Halle are all pronounced the same as Hal-ee, and not all spellings of Hayley, Hailey, Haley are pronounced the same.
I named my daughter this and spelled it Halli. It drives her crazy that people constantly call her Haley. She wishes I would have spelled it Halle, like the actress Halle Berry. Oh well. I love it. I named my other daughter Fallon and people have mispronounced it also as Fallen.
My friend Hallie-Marie (we call her just Hallie) pronounces it HAL-ee, like the first poster. I really don't see how it could be pronounced like Hayley, but whatever.