Mary Gwenyth "Gwen" Fleming (née Lusby), FRACP, (1916 – 2011) was an Australian medical doctor who specialised in thoracic medicine and served in the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps during the Second World War.
Gwenyth Yarker, FSA BEM FRHistS, is a British curator and archaeologist. She is the Honorary Curator of Fine Art at the Dorset County Museum.
One of my least favorite girl's names.
This name is for people that have beauty.
This is my real name and I personally wouldn't wish it on anyone. It's too easy to misspell and/or mispronounce. If you like this name, I would suggest Gwen, Gwendolyn or Gwyneth instead.
The name Gwenyth was given to 135 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Gave as a middle name to my daughter, after my grandmother. My grandmother's response was "I always hated my name!" I've always thought it was beautiful, and set apart. Does not seem common at all though. Besides my grandmother, Actress Gwenyth Paltrow, and 1 peer... I have not heard it anywhere else.
I like this name and was startled to come across what appears to be a fancy version in an English baptism register for 1873 - Gwenthia Henrietta.
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on taste, Gwenthia appears to be ruled out as an option because it's now all over the internet as part of a role-playing game.
Gwenyth is a pretty name. I noticed that this is the only spelling that appeared on BC vital statistics for 2005 and used for only 5 girls that year.

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