For those saying there's too many consonants, that only applies to anglo eyes. This is the ORIGINAL name, and there are five consonants and four different vowels, five total. W and Y are vowels in Welsh.
Too many constants bunched! Wouldn't use it tho.
Too many consonants bunched together. Compared to this, Guinevere is really simple now!
This is the original name.
Complicated spelling.
I honestly thought the ratings would be low but wow!
I thought this was going to sound like a bad name to have, only 18% of this name is bad, but the rest is good. Okay spelling, I just prefer the latter spelling: Gwenevere!
Great for a character in a story.
Way too complicated a spelling. I suppose it could work with the nickname Gwen, but the full name itself is such a mouthful.
Gwenhwyfar is pronounced "gwen-hwee-ver".
Completely gorgeous. I would never use it though, nobody would be able to pronounce it. I might use it for a middle name.

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