This could be cute as a childhood nickname, but in the long run, it's unattractive. Please choose Augusta, Augustine, August or Augustina if you are considering Gussie for your kid.
Also a masculine name in the context as an American English regional name (Appalachian) influenced by Gus with the addition of the suffix -ie which is a common suffix added to names throughout Appalachia.
Gussie Nell Davis (1906 – 1993) was an American teacher best known as the founder of the Kilgore College Rangerettes, who in September 1940 became the first all-girls drill team to perform on a college football field.
Gussie Mausheimer is the name of the rich German American mouse from an American Tail voiced by the legendary Madeline Kahn.
I think Gussie is a sweet name, it was the name of me and my friend group's newest friend, Gussie was a very nice woman who wasn't afraid to speak her mind, it's a tragedy she was murdered :(
I think Gussie is a good nickname for Augusta and Augustina, and a good name on its own, it's kind of like Bobbie and Robbie where there's a very male name with an "ie" at the end to make it more feminine sounding. I think Gussie's a great name, thanks for reading :)
In 2018, 85 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Gussie who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 3, 506th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
August Anheuser "Gussie" Busch, Jr. (March 28, 1899 – September 29, 1989) was an American brewing magnate.
I think the comments for Gussie are quite harsh. Anyways, this is a super cute name! :) I believe the gender for Gussie on this site should be listed as BOTH Feminine and Masculine, not just Feminine! Gussie can be a nickname for the male names August and Augustus.
This is an ugly nickname. It sounds too masculine to be a girl's name.
Hahahahaha! I seriously feel sorry for whoever is named "Gussie". Sounds like a bloody COW's name!
I don't even like the name Augusta, but this nickname is truly hideous and old-fashioned. It also has a rather immature sound to it despite coming off as grandmotherly.
Cute name - either for a little, tomboyish girl, or a pet.

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