Very manly name. Not the best meaning though.
My name is Gunner and I love it. I think people who think it's a bad name are misjudging the use of this name. I don't think my parents used this name to include violence in it. Search the name up and you'll see what I mean. But if you use Google put "The name Gunner" in the search. I'm okay with the people who think it's bad but we just have different opinions.
I strongly prefer Gunnar. Why would you want something so violent to be associated with your child?
I prefer Gunnar myself, but I don’t see anything wrong with this sort of spelling, it’s just like Hunter which is also a good and fine name.It’s understandable if you don’t want a name with violent connotations, but many many many names do, like Hunter or Lance or all the hundreds of names that mean spear or warrior or soldier, so I don’t think it’s fair to single this one out as exceptionally bad. I think there are plenty of people who wear the name Gunner with pride and wear it well.
In the U.S. Gunner is pronounced GUN-ər. [noted -ed]
Seems like illiterates who happened to hear of the name Gunnar, which has nothing to do with guns, went to name their baby that but ended up with this misspelling. Brings to mind phrases such as “tail-Gunner”, “turret-Gunner”, and “machine-Gunner”. Ridiculous. Don’t burden anyone with a name that’s misspelled or has strange connotations.
This name sounds like something gun nuts would name their son.
I love this name.
The Scandinavian original is lot better than this.

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