Also Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.
Nice name.
Also Romansh:
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
Also used in Brazil:
Don Novello played and created the character Father Guido Sarducci. Although the character appeared on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In beforehand, he's best known for being on Saturday Night Live.
It might be questionable in the U.S but personally, I associate the name Guido with one of my all-time favourite fictional characters, Guido Mista. A charming guy really.
The slur came after the name! I am a Guido and I am tired of hearing that my name is offensive, it was pretty popular in Italy in the 13th century, the States made it a slur, but the name itself has nothing to do with that.
Also Estonian:
Guido was the alias used by Guy Fawkes while serving the Spanish.
Not a very good choice for a name if you live in the US.
Guido is the first name of one of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 5 Vento Aureo's supporting characters, Mista. That's what I associate the name with first, a lovable gunman with an intense fear of the number four.
I know it's a real name, but it would be foolish to use it in the U.S. People are mean and stupid, and your kid would be ridiculed. It has an extremely negative, classist connotation.
Guido isn't as insulting as many other racial slurs.
There is nothing wrong with the name Guido, the only problem is that when someone with that name tries to make a game account, there is a chance he can't use his own name because it is considered a curse word.
Hans Guido von Bülow (1830-1894) was a German conductor, pianist and composer of the Romantic era. One of the most famous of the 19th Century.
I don't like that name because it sounds a lot like a horse's name for some reason.
I agree that using this name is nothing like 'chink!' If anything, it's like how 'Ivan' is sometimes used to mock Russians, or 'Tommy' was used to mock the English by Germans, at least during the World Wars. I can see why Italian-Americans would be hesitant to use it, but it is a very nice name and honestly, any name from another culture has the potential to be mocked, whether it's the first name or last name. I think that as long as the child's family can call out their name with love and pride, it doesn't matter if they are teased or made fun of by others for that same name.
My Grandfdather's name was Guido, it's not a racial slur!
Although it is an actual name with Italian roots, a literal translation of Guido means "I drive" (coming from the first-person singular form of the verb "guidare", which means "to drive" in Italian).
Guido is one of those names you like but never hear. I always remember how to spell it; it's like Guide but put the O in place of the E. Also a nickname I have for my (very hot) fiancé of italian heritage.
I believe that this name should not exist! It is a racial slur for Italians and should not be allowed!
"Kiss Me, Guido!" The name of a 1997 comedy film — and my heart's desire!
Famous bearer: The birth name of Early Italian Renaissance painter Fra Angelico (c. 1394-1455) was Guido di Pietro. He took the name John (Giovanni) upon entering the Dominicans, and earned the nickname "Angelico" from his contemporaries, thus Fra Angelico, meaning "Angelic friar". He is also called Beato Angelico in Italian, and was officially beatified in 1982, with his feast day on February 18th. He is one of the patron saints of artists.
I can't see how one would find naming a child Guido offensive, considering that it's a traditional Italian name. It's not like you're calling the child Chink or something, because that's just an ethnic slur that never was a legitimate name. Guido, on the other hand, is a real name. Don't let racists ruin it.
Guido di Castello was the birthname of Pope Celestine II (Pontificate between 1143-1144).
Guido Cagnacci (1601-1993) was an Italian painter.
It's an okay name, but the pea-brained Jersey Shore dummies ruined it.
Consider Guy instead. I like this name, and I hate how it has evolved into an insult.
As an American, I wouldn't suggest using this name in the States *at all*, since (as others have pointed out) it has become a derogatory term for Italian-Americans, usually used to signify tackiness. Personally, every time I hear "Guido," I think of that awful reality show Jersey Shore.
Pronounced GEE-do in German. [noted -ed]
I think it's an adorable name. If I had a cat I'd name it Guido.
Even if it's a legitimate Italian name, as someone of partial Italian descent I find this name to be quite offensive.
Guido (pronounced "GWIDO" is a Flemish name from old Germanic origin. It originaly means "consecrated". Other Flemish forms are: GWIDO, GWIJDE. In the 11th century, a Flemish Earl called: GWIDO from Dampierre was very involved in the independence of Flanders from France.
There was a 10th-century saint: H. Guido of Anderlecht (near Brussels - Catholic nameday: September 12) H. Guido died in 1012 from flu, after a second pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
There was a boy in my third year of elementary school in California in 1983 named Guy, so I immediately appreciated it and went on to notice it was a rare name.
Then, in the northeast (NJ), some ignorant components of the population would call Italian-Americans "guidos" and "guidettes, sometimes in a positive sense, sometimes in a negative sense. As an Italian-American from California, I chose to view this in the positive sense and have since left NJ (thank God).
As destiny will have it, I went on to marry the best man on this earth whose name is Guido. So, in my opinion, Guy, Guido, are EXCELLENT NAMES FOR MEN!
Unfortunately though, as an Italian native speaker my husband considers the pronunciation of Guy, too close to that of gay, and doesn't feel comfortable with that.
Guido Parola is a character in Mary Hoffman's Stravaganza-books.
Guido is one of the main characters in Disney/Pixar's Cars. He's an Italian Pitstop forklift. He loves Ferraris and Pitstops!
"Guido" is a derrogatory term for Italians used in America. I would not suggest naming your child this. It's like naming your chinese child "Chink". It's cruel and shaming to yourself as well as your background.
Guido is usally a term for Italian guys that wear Armani or Armani Exchange shirts whenever they're in public, and use way too much hair gel. The real meaning is kind of funny now that I think about it.

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