I wouldn't name my kid this as a first name, but it may work good as a middle name.
I think of the Fairy Tail character.
Gray is not boring. It is not a dull color. It's cool. Gray clouds bring life-giving rain — rain that makes puddles for kids to splash in and requires the use of fun, colorful umbrellas. Gray pebbles to skip across a pond with friends. Sweet and soft and rascally like Gray kittens, comforting like Gray sweaters… Gray is wise but humble, gentle, moderate, even-tempered. Gray is open-minded in a world of black and white. The color has many positive attributes — you just have to think differently, optimistically.Be it first or middle (or spelled Grey), I think this is a great name choice ♡.
Graystillplays is a gaming youtuber with this name.
Ok as a middle name, not a first name!
I honestly prefer the prettier color names, like Violet, Azure, Amber, etc. But in my opinion, the name Gray is best suited as a middle name. As a first name it’s just weird. Worse than Grayson in my opinion.
My friend and her boyfriend have a cute little boy with middle name Gray. I wouldn’t use it as a first name, but as a middle name it’s so cute. It’s definitely a southern name!
Don't like it.
I really wouldn't use this as a first name, because nouns and colours for names are kind of grim, but it's a classic, SCOTTISH surname. My surname is Gray, and it's commonly misspelt as Grey, but what can you do.
I usually don't mind color names. I love Hazel and Violet but Gray is too far. Why would you name a kid after a depressing color? It has an awful sound to it and just... no!
My son's name is Gray. We love it. We have only met one other Gray. I think it’s a strong name. I have only met a few people who didn’t like it. Most people adore it.
Gray Davis (his real name is Joseph) was the governor of California from 1999 to 2003.
The name Gray was given to 141 boys born in the US in 2015.
I named my son Gray. It suits him well. It's a short strong name where he has a long Scottish last name. I love that it's not commonly used, unlike Grayson.
I find this name to be simple and cool sounding on either sex. Like the name of a leather-wearing bad boy/girl. I much prefer it over Grayson.
Gray Fullbuster is a main character in 'Fairy Tail'.
This name is unisex, not masculine only.
It's okay as a nickname for Graham or something like that. But please don't use it as an independent name.
My mother was going to name me Grayson but it sounded sloppy with my two middle names, and on top of that, my last name is Moody.. How ironic, lol. And to add to that, my eyes were bright blue when I was born and I had blonde hair. Now my hair has darkened to brunette and I have deep Gray eyes.
My son's name is Gray. It is a very old name from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. It derives from Grayson: "Son of the Bailiff." By itself, in it's shortened form, it means "Old." It has NOTHING to do with the color grey. At all. Not sure why people keep saying that. It's a beautiful name, I think.
I adore this name... but for a girl! I think it could work for both genders, but I just like it more for a girl :)
It looks like someone misspelled Gary. It's OK said out loud though, the spelling is just... weird.
In the British TV series Torchwood, Jack Harkness has a brother named Gray.
Please. Don't name your kid after a color!
I've met a few Grays and they have all been male. I like this name. It's simple and would be especially nice for someone with gray eyes, although I suppose it's impossible to tell if your child is going to have gray eyes.
My name is Gray- short for my middle name, Grace. I love my name. It's unusual, but not too unusual. I've never met another girl named Gray.
Hello all of you. My name's Gray. It was my grandmother's middle name (she came from Scotland). Her brothers also had the name Gray as a middle name. Originally, it seems, Gray was the name of a village in Normandy, and our very distant ancestor came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066. How the family managed to acquire lands in Scotland I don't know.
Weird, I always thought this was a girl's name, short for Grace or Grayce or however it is you want to spell it.
I think Gray sounds extremely mature. When I think of a man named I Gray I think of someone incredibly serious minded.
I'm not against using color names as names for people. I like the name Cyan very much, and cyan is a color. It's just that this really seems more like a nickname. It's not very mature or serious. I'd pick Grayson over this and call the boy Gray.
Gray is sometimes used as a nickname for Graham.
I really like this name. A lot of people I know think it is simple or dull, but I think it can convey a lot. I do feel that this name is better suited for a boy though. In my opinion, "Gray" seems like a thoughtful and masculine name.
Gray is the American spelling of grey.
I love this name for a girl! I feel like such a weirdo saying that but I think Gray is such a different and cool name. It's very intelligent, beautiful, and calming.
I like this name, but never for a girl! It's very masculine and grown up to me.
I know a girl named Gray. I usually loathe masculine names being used on girls, but somehow this is the only exception: it suits her perfectly.
The word "gray" derives from the ancient Greek word "graios", "graia", meaning "old". In Greek mythology the Graiai were the three sisters Deino, Enyo and Pamphredo.

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