I've always liked this name; it was the name of my first ever cat (who turned out to be a boy). I've also known several female (human) Gracies, but I like it for a boy, too, even though it is technically a female name. I think it's a strong name and could work on either gender. It's a great name, no matter who is bearing it. :)
My name, although I'm technically called Grace. Doesn't fit me at all but it's a really nice name and I much prefer it to being called Grace!
So pretty, this was my grandma's name. It’s very old fashioned but in a lovely sweet way.
Gorgeous name. A student midwife delivered my little girl earlier this year in September, she was a Gracie. I asked her if she was a Grace or a Gracie, and she said her legal name is Gracie and she has always gone by that and hates people calling her Grace! I thought it was stunning and very classic/ slightly old fashioned but in a good way! I think if we had another girl, it would be up there in my top 3 ❤️.
Gracie Abrams (born 7 September 1999) is an American singer-songwriter.
It sounds OK, but doesn't really age well. I can't imagine a fully grown adult woman called Gracie in a professional setting.
I love this name it's so sweet. I've never met anyone called Gracie, just Grace being used as a middle name.
When I was about 10, this was my favorite name for a girl. Honestly, I can see why that was! Gracie is nice as both a full name and as a nickname for Grace.ETA: The name Gracie is still one of (if not my favorite) girl's names! It’s definitely underused as a full name, and I think it’s so pretty. It does sound youthful, yet it’s womanly…and I can’t help but smile when I hear it. One of my best friends is called Grace; if I were to ever use it, it would totally be after her.
Gracie fields! I love Gracie - much more than boring Grace!
Gracie has a very vintage sound to it, it was very popular 200/300 hundred years ago. It’s up there with the Nancy, Sadie, Trudy, kind of names for me.
It's sweet and all, and I love the banner for the name.
I prefer Gracie than Grace!
Gracie was an okay name back in the early to mid 1900's, but it's just such a boring name now. It's very outdated and more of a dog name anyways.
I like the name it was on my list of girls names however I now know of 4 Gracie’s all roughly the same age, I went for Hattie in the end (not Harriet, just Hattie).
Lovely classic name but very popular at the moment in the UK. I feel Gracie will be the next Jessica, Katie etc. It seems like there’s a lot of Gracie’s about. I prefer Gracie to Grace though.
Love this retro name! It reminds me of Dame Gracie Fields Fantastic choice, old school and retro vibes.
My grandma was Gracie! Old fashioned and perfectly timeless. It was very popular in the late 1800’s/ early 1900’s.
Gracie is an adorable name! I can picture a little red-haired girl with this name, a high school student, a nurse, a grandmother-it's perfectly timeless! I love May as a middle name.
Lovely name but very over used. My niece has 3 Gracie’s in her class at school.
Gracie Hall Roosevelt was the younger brother of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Pretty name but very popular now.
My name is Gracie, named after my great grandmother who was named Gracie May. I am one of 3 Gracie’s in my science class at school. I used to think it was too old fashioned but now I do really like my name. I don’t like being called Grace though.
Love this darling name! Too sweet and I can see it suiting all ages.
Gracie as a baby is fantastic.
I can also see a 35 year old entrepreneur called Gracie.
And then I can also see a little old lady named Gracie. This is a classic, timeless name. Having Gracie on the Birth Cert, gives options to go by Grace if she chooses - but why would she when she has a beautifully classic and timeless name of Gracie?If you're debating naming your precious wee one Gracie, I’d say go for it! It’s become so popular over the last 10 years and no surprise it’s only getting more and more popular.
Gracie was extremely popular in the UK during early 1900’s - 1930’s. It’s timeless and beautiful as a stand-alone alone name which comes back screaming with popularity every few years. It is slightly old fashioned, but traditional and classy at the same time.
I love this name. For those who say just use Grace, it’s no different than Evie for Eve, Katie for Kate, Rosie for Rose and so on.. all of which are perfectly respectable names. I think Gracie is much better than the bog standard Grace. With the name Gracie, you have options to go by Grace in your later life if you pick. I just think Gracie is a little bit more new, exciting and refreshed. Here in the UK, it’s around #56 for popularity in the top 100 names, I believe it’s much more common in America though. Gracie on the birth certificate, Grace as a nickname!I have 4 children and I believe they are all timeless and classic names. Martha & Gracie (twins), Olivia and Isabella.
I like it as a nickname for Grace but not as a given name. Call your daughter Gracie but please put Grace on the birth certificate.
Gracie is a very cool nickname for Grace. I like Grace nicknamed Gracie.
To the people wondering why so many say not to put a nickname on the birth certificate, it’s because naming children a nickname carries a stigma as a lower class practice. When someone has a legal name that is actually a nickname, such as Johnny instead of John, etc, it generally means they didn’t have well-educated parents. With that in mind, people usually prefer to give a name that carries a positive association and will be an un-earned benefit to the child for their whole lives. However, if you have a nickname for a name, that is nothing to feel bad about, and doesn’t mean anything about you as a person, as we don’t choose our names.
Cute name but won't age well.
Cute but childish Grace is more beautiful and elegant.
He11o my name is Gracie and I like my name. People give me a ton of nicknames such as: Gravy, Gacie, Gra gra, Grassy, Graceyama, Grakiee, Grakieh, it's annoying (but funny). I take it as a nice name.
I think it's pretty cute. A lot gentler than just Grace.
Gracie is childish, it is extremely weird as a full name.
I love my name, nothing can change that. I have never been called Grace and never wish to be. My nicknames include Gra gra (grey grey) G and Grassy fun things me and my friends came up with. I know Grassy seems unflattering but it just stuck the second my friend said it.
OMG! I LOVE your name! YOU ARE SOOOOOO LUCKY! Now when I grow up that is on my name list! I mean it's a GREAT name! Plus it would combine my two favorite things! My bestie Gracie (because she is awesome and nice) and CHRISTMAS and just winter in general. Plus your name Glacie is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo creative!
I love Gracie! It’s 2020 people, Y/IE ending names are on trend. Gracie will be the next big name soaring in popularity.
I prefer Grace. This is literally butchering the spelling of Grace.
To all of the haters, you can't judge someone by their name. If you have a certain name, it doesn't affect your personality. It's a lovely name and if someone chose to name their child 'Gracie' then good for them. The name ages well, if in later life, the child wishes to be called 'Grace', it works perfectly. Have a nice day :)
Latin Baby Names Meaning:
In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Gracie is: Favor; blessing. The three mythological graces were nature goddesses: Aglaia: (brilliance); Thalia: (flowering); and Euphrosyne.
A charming name that's perfect for a sweet baby girl, Gracie is a form of Grace, which was a Puritan name. Grace (meaning “favor" or "blessing”) is still the more common name, but Gracie's combination of formal and casual earn it a spot on the popular-name list. Variations include Gracelyn and Gracelynn.
I think it's cute.
As a person with this name, I quite like it. It doesn't feel nearly so childish as it might seem. I highly recommend it for parents trying to name their daughter.
Absolute trash. If my name was Gracie I would change it right away. It sounds like Greasy.
I like Grace better. Gracie sounds a bit childlike and there's just something about the sound I don't like.
I can't stand this name. Just use Grace and call her Gracie as a nickname.
My name is Gracie and I feel this name ages very well from personal experience. This is a more timeless, classic, “older, ” and sophisticated name as you get older despite many thinking it sounds quite youthful. I was named after my great aunt who went by Gracie her entire life, never a nickname such as Grace and everybody who has commented on my name has told me it’s either 1) beautiful, 2) classic/not something you hear much of anymore in a good way, or 3) is very sophisticated and graceful. I much prefer to go by Gracie than to ever have the nickname of “Grace.” Grace seems much too plain for my liking and I don’t feel it oozes the same essence that Gracie does. Gracie suited me as a baby and a child and it’s suiting me more so as an adult. Career wise I feel the name Gracie doesn’t hold me back at all, if anything I think this name holds a lot of strength in its own very feminine way - mind you, I am an interior designer so I think the Grace/beautiful meaning aspect of this name suits my career path well. Personally I love having this name - I couldn’t imagine any other name suiting me the way this does. For those who say to put Grace on the birth certificate and call them Gracie you should keep in mind that not everybody raves about the name Grace. In fact, I dislike being called Grace very much and so did the aunt I’m named after (I have also seen on other sites that other Gracies dislike Grace as well). So just keep that in mind when considering Gracie as just a nickname - not everybody loves it. Gracie is different yet classic and I think if Grace is too plain for your liking than it’s a great choice to consider. I get compliments on it all of the time and I definitely love my name.
I hate these comments about how the name Gracie sound young, and immature. What's wrong with your name sounding young? I love the more "formal" names, but I'm just tired of them! Why can't it be more of Maggie, Abby and stuff like that? I'm sick of people saying that names like Heather and Jennifer are the best and all the other names are immature!
I am very nice, so I do like the ratings, but why does it say it is strange, it is not.
Gracie is an anthropomorphic giraffe character in the Animal Crossing series that owns the fictional brand of GracieGrace. Where as in their original region of Japan, they’re referred to as a male using him and he pronouns, in the US and Europe, Gracie is known as female, possibly to avoid controversy of their effeminate behavior.
Gracie is an "old fashioned" name that continues to keep coming back into use. Every female I have met with the name Gracie has been sweet and respectful. Those I've met with the name Grace have been unpleasant to be around and selfish. My daughter's name is Gracie. She is now 17 and everyone who meets her loves her and her name. Nothing about her name being Gracie makes her immature or uneducated. She is in the top 10 in her class of 523 students and has a full scholarship when she graduates. She is my "saving grace" but she will always be called Gracie. Her name defines her!
My name is Grace, but only close family and friends really ever call me Gracie. I once had a teacher who called me Gracie though. It is childish, but I really don't mind because it also makes me feel like someone else likes me enough to be affectionately playful by calling me Gracie, instead of just Grace.
The name Gracie is beautiful. I love the combo Gracie-Mae I think that is just the most gorgeous name!♥.
My name is Gracie and I am now 13 years old. I think that my name sounds very pretty and clean and I would love to be called Gracie as an adult. The name Gracie is beautiful and would you rather be named Grace and only have Gracie as a nickname? I would rather be named the name Gracie and have Grace as a nickname :)
This is one of my favourite names. It is really pretty, cute, so sweet and timeless. A lot of people seem to think Gracie is a youthful name because it started off as a nickname, however I disagree because names like Katie, Rosie, Evie etc, all come from nicknames and to me, Gracie is no different. The name Gracie is not just a nickname, It's a great first name that I think is way better than the overused Grace. I love the name Gracie and I think anyone with the first name Gracie is very lucky to have this name. Just perfect.
I personally am named Graciela, but no one ever calls me that, only in business matters, and my family when they're mad at me, lol. But all my life Ive been called Gracie, and I'm kind of offended by people saying it sounds childish, I never thought of it as sounding childish. We didn't choose our own name, we're stuck with it. And for the record, everyone pictures Gracie's to be blonde with blue eyes, I'm nothing like that and I can guarantee no one would think my name was Gracie.
And Gracie (the comment a couple ones up) I actually have blonde hair and blue eyes :) lolo.
Gracie is a nickname originally coming from Grace, which is kind of odd since nicknames are meant to be SHORTER than the actual name. Gracie is meant more for children, grown-ups with this name must feel awkward having such a childish name.
I didn't think a monosyllabic name like Grace needed a diminutive in the first place, but I guess they created one anyway. But then people started naming their daughters Gracie, the diminutive, instead of just Grace.I don't like it when parents give their children whole names that are diminutives of other names, and Gracie is no exception. Grace seems to work on girls and women of all ages and almost all backgrounds, but Gracie won't age well by itself. With that being said, why did Gracie crack the top hundred a few years back?
My first name is Martha but Ive gone by my middle name, Grace, for as long as I can remember. I was called Gracie until about 7th grade when I decided it was too young for me. Of course I'm older now and I despise being called Gracie. I like the name Grace as my middle name, but I really would rather go by my first name, Martha, but with Mar or Mara as a nickname for it. But of course no one will call me that so I go by Grace, I like it okay, to me it sounds very modern and mature with just the right mix of playfulness. And while most people disagree with me on this, I don't think it sounds very girly or feminine at all, to me it's more urban-y and even tomboyish, to be named on an adventurous, comical and outspoken girl. It just sounds very modern and indie/hipster-y. I like Grace, but Gracie is just awful. If you want a nickname for a name, go with something SHORTER not longer, for Christ's sake. I love Gray or Cece as a nickname for Grace, Gray for the more tomboy girls and Cece for the more girly girls. I actually get called Gray quite often and I like it. All in all, Gracie will get tiring and sound childish. Grace is so much better, just find a more creative nickname like Gray and Cece.
Gracie sounds very childish to me. I can't imagine anyone older than 6 with this name.
I am 56 and love my name. I am a very mature woman. Don’t disrespect my name you common fool! I know a thing or two from my grandchildren, Gracie jr. and Grayson, I know who Kevin Gates is. I know the disgusting foul language used in his song “luv bug” so I can automatically understand how immature you are Mrs. Luv bug.
I honestly don't like the name but I have a few friends with this name. Even though I don't like it, it is a pretty and elegant name.
I don't understand why everyone is saying not to put Gracie on the birth certificate! Why not? My 3 kids are Lucy, Charlie and Max not the long version and I get the same thing about why didn't I put the other version on the birth certificate! Well, my response is because this is the name I want them to be called! Gracie is a name I am thinking about for my 4th baby and I would use Gracie not Grace because Gracie is the name I love! Beautiful, Classic, Sweet and perfect name:)
My name is Gracie and I don't think it fits me. It's just because I'm more a rebel. I think Gracie is a pretty name. Also, most people with the name Gracie are very cute.
What's wrong with Grace? Gracie sounds absolutely terrible and won't grow with a kid at all.
Gracie is a pretty, girly and cute name. (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ I DON'T agree with people saying something along the lines of: "name her Grace on the birth certificate, and call her 'Gracie' as a nickname". If people like a nickname as a name, then let them use it! Why should they use a full version of a name if they secretly dislike it and really prefer the nickname? I am in a similar case where I prefer the name "Janie" more than the name "Jane" and I plan on using Janie instead of Jane on the birth certificate. Respect people's well thought out decisions! Be grateful names like Gracie and Janie actually have good meanings, 'kay?! ಠ╭╮ಠ.
This is the name of Selena Gomez's younger half-sister. Her full name is Gracie Elliot Teefey (born June 12, 2013).
Hmm, I personally take a little bit of offense from all these comments about Gracie being a horrible given name and not able to age well! I have to disagree completely, and not just because it is my own given name. I'm only 21 right now, but I haven't felt like my name de-matures me in anyway. I don't see how it's different from names like Casey, Hailey, Emily etc. Anything that ends in a "ie" "y" "ey" sound has a cutesy effect to it, in my opinion, and Gracie is even more classic than ones like Hailey or zoey or Kaylee. I'm going to be called Gracie my whole life--at age 2, 7, 27, 48, 74 etc... if people really condescend because it doesn't sound serious enough, at least my name isn't something like 'Princess' or ya know... 'North West.' And to whomever said it was like making "Abigailie" etc a given name--I think adding "ie" to the end of one-syllable names is completely different and perfectly acceptable. I would have no problem putting Janie, Evie or Katie on a birth certificate. I believe in naming a kid what they're going to be called regularly, and saving the nicknames for a more special association. My parents call me Gracie regularly, and then call me "Grace Monster" because I was a crazy little kid and they would call me that when I got wild. And sometimes my dad calls me just Grace like in a "oh hey, Grace!" when I telephone him kind of way. What's wrong with that?
I don't think you should put Gracie on a birth certificate, and although it's a little better I don't think you should put Ellie either. Some names are better left as nicknames for longer, more sophisticated names, just in case the bearer wants to sound a little more professional one day. I can imagine a forty year old woman or a doctor named Grace, but something like Dr. Gracie Smith sounds really ridiculous. There's really nothing wrong with Grace and if you're so worried about its popularity, just use something else. It's really not worth it. Nicknames are for fun, if the bearer doesn't like their full name, or if its too long. Not to be used as full names.
Why not use Gracie on a birth certificate? The name is very sweet and it does age well. Have parents had a hard time using Mary, Lily or Ellie on birth certificates? What makes Gracie different? It's lovely.
This is really, horribly infantile. Just name the kid Grace and call them this as a nickname if you like it so much, but do not use this as real, legal name. It sounds too immature.
My mother's name is Grace and she has gone by Gracie ever since I can remember. I think it's lovely!
Gracie Gold (born 1995 in Newton, Massachusetts) is an American figure skater.
My name is Grace and I HATE it when people call me Gracie, it's childish and annoying. All the Graces I know can't stand it either, and trust me I know A LOT of Graces (very popular name though I can't work out why).
Gracie is the daughter of American country singers Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. Gracie's siblings are Maggie and Audrey.
"Gracie" was the name chosen for himself by Graeme Garden in an episode of the TV comedy series "the Goodies" when he was pretending to be a teenage schoolgirl (complete with gym tunic and hockey stick) - presumably because it was the closest thing to a female form of Graeme that he could think of.Tim and Bill teased him by calling him "Amazing Gracie".
Oh, gag.
I can't believe people saying that this shouldn't be on a birth certificate.
Gracie is just fine as is.
Uhhh. Very very cute nickname. But don't put this on your daughter's birth certificate.
"Gracie Lou Freebush" was the undercover name of Sandra Bullock's FBI character in 'Miss Congeniality'.
I disagree with the people who are suggesting you should just name her Grace and call her Gracie. Why not name her Gracie and she can go by the shortened version of Grace if she prefers? It's not like as an adult or even student you can't say on day one "Hi, I'm Gracie but I go by Grace." Although I personally think Gracie can sound sophisticated even as an adult anyway! Beautiful and sweet name.
My mother wanted to name me Gracie. Personally, I prefer the name Grace, with Gracie as a nickname. Gracie sounds very youthful. But it would have been horrible on me, since my last name begins with Gr, and I am far from graceful.
Dame Gracie Fields (1898-1979) was a famous and much-loved English singer. Her real name was Grace Stansfield.
Simarlarly, Gracie Allen's real name was Grace - born Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen (too bad about the Ethel!).Gracie is cute - as a nickname for the more grown-up and dignified Grace, as in these examples.
Pronunciation in any languages is "grah-TSI-ye".
I don't understand why people put this on the birth certificate. It's even longer than Grace! You can still call her Gracie if her name is Grace; but then it gives her an alternative. Imagine a teacher bellowing at you "Gracie!" or a boss talking about "Gracie". It's not so sweet then, it's kind of awkward. Best to name her Grace and let her choose who addresses her by a familiar nickname.For me, it's almost like putting "Graciekins" or "Sweetheart" on the birth certificate.
This is such a sweet name. Even what it means: grace, graceful, graceous. And then Gracie just makes me think of a little girl (and even an adult) who is full of grace, smiling, compassionate. Great name. Too bad it has fallen back in popularity a bit everywhere as of now. It's too sweet, just Gracie.
I hate this name. Why not Grace instead? Those ludicrous diminutives. It's as silly as naming your daughter Vanessie, Abigailie, Madeleinie or Scarlettie, just to put an example. It may be cute as a pet form, but JUST THAT.
I think I have to agree with Mindy. Name her Grace, and call her Gracie. When she gets to be an adult, she can go by Grace.
Very cute as a nickname for Grace, but I don't like it as a full name on a birth certificate.
Yay! This is my name. My name is actually Mary Grace, but my nickname has been Gracie since I can remember. Overall, I think it's a great name up until about college. Then it gets a little young. I'm glad I have Mary Grace to fall back on when I'm an adult, but it's been a great childhood name.
Country singers Faith Hill and Tim McGraw's eldest daughter is named Gracie Katherine.This was also the nickname of the youngest daughter on the 1990s sitcom "The Nanny".
This is my name and I love it! I hate it when people call me Grace for short though.
Gracie Allen was a famous actress/comedienne. She was married to George Burns.
Yay! This is my name! I love it, even though sometimes it gets sort of boring. But it's still awesome!
I love this name. It sounds so sweet and delicate and feminine. I like it a lot better than the parent form "Grace" which has always sounded so stern and matronly to me for some reason. I have three girls named Gracie, Savannah and Charlotte! I love names that sound feminine, classic and timeless, I guess!
Means: having to do with grace, something precious, godsend.

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