Grace is a timelessly gorgeous name. It is strong, classy and eloquent, and it holds a beautifully powerful meaning. You really can't go wrong with Grace. It's a marvelous name.
Adore this name. I chose this name for my first-born daughter and she is 100% a "Grace" :) I couldn't imagine her with a different name. Elegant, sweet and timeless and I hope one day far in the future she gets to be a "Grandma Grace"... the name suits girls from youth into old age.
I love the name Grace but for me it's not a first name, could be really nice as a middle name though! I've always thought it'd sound nice with... Emily Grace Bailey Grace Eden Grace Naomi Grace Ruby Grace Daisy Grace Anya Grace Lucy Grace Sophia Grace Olivia Grace.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2024, edited 5/24/2024
Lovely feminine name and it's one of my favorite feminine names on my list. Doesn't matter if Grace is first name or middle name, BOTH ways are good... it's classic, sophisticated, elegant and sounds regal ofc. Plus comes up with lots of cute and spunky nicknames...
The meaning of the word and therefore the name Grace is beautiful and sadly lacking in today’s society I wish more women would once again act with true Grace and poise.
Grace is a sophisticated name. I like this name a lot. I think there was definitely a reason for making a comeback. I like Grace as both a first name and a middle name, and nickname Gracie is cool.
This is my best friend’s name. Usually I find simple names like these a little basic but I really like the name Grace and think it’s quite sweet. Some possible middle names~ Grace Eden Grace Ally Grace Aisha 💕.
― Anonymous User 11/23/2023
I like the name Grace, my niece is named Grace and a little girl named Gracie is the sweetest thing for me.
― Anonymous User 7/19/2023
This would make a great name for a boy as well. Before anyone replies, "But Grace is a girl's name so you can't name a boy that!", you are probably the same people who name their daughters Dylan, Brodie, Devyn, and other male names. Names can go both ways, not just male to female but female names to male.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2023, edited 7/8/2023
A bit too similar to grease.
― Anonymous User 6/19/2023
This is my name. It’s kinda annoying to be called Grace because I’d rather be called Steve. And people sometimes say negative stuff when they’re saying my name and it makes me feel like I’m in trouble when people say my name. Also everyone uses she/her pronouns when they’re talking about me and that just makes me go nuts.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2023
My name is Grace, and personally I love the name! It sounds elegant and gentle. Personally though, I don't like when people refer to me as Gracie or Gracey because I find it as more of a childish name, but some people do prefer Gracie just not me personally :)
I love the name Grace! I just love the 1940s vibe of this name. (I am a big fan of vintage fashion and anything vintage, especially from the 1940s) I guess it's because of the game Fran Bow haha. It's weird because it's not like it was popular in the 1940s anyways.
This is my youngest sister's middle name (well one of them) I think it's cute, I do like the nickname Gracie and it works best as a middle name, it really suits my sister (Olivia Anne Grace). It's really trendy as a middle name, but that doesn't bother me, If I ever have a daughter her middle name will be Grace.
This is a wonderful name. Short yet elegant and beautiful, fits both first and middle names, and a lovely nickname could be Gracie, or it could be a nickname for Gracelyn, which is not as good, but still pretty.
For me, I never really liked my name (which is Grace). I am kind of the opposite of Grace, but every one of my friends thinks the name Grace has definitely fitted me. I have been trying to ask my parents to change my name to Annabeth or something more strong and not so elegant but they would be heartbroken if I did. Don't get me wrong, Grace is a cool name for a middle name or something but in my personal opinion, I do not like the name addressed to me.
― Anonymous User 4/21/2022
It actually has a nice meaning, and very beautiful sound. The only Grace I ever met wasn’t exactly graceful, but it’s actually a good name. It’s a tad dull though. Very common as a middle name. Not too flashy or anything, just elegant and nice. I don’t like that popularity though. I don’t see the point of names like Gracelynn, just use Grace!
This is a nice name. Here's some middle names: Grace Gianna Grace Zoey/Zoe Grace Willow Grace Lily/Lilly Grace Allie Grace Quinn Just some Ideas. First names for Grace: Quinn Grace Faith-Grace Emerson Grace Mila Grace Marinette Grace Willow-Grace Just some ideas.
― Anonymous User 2/11/2022
I love this name so much and I like the nickname Gracie.
We went with Grace Margaret Isabella for our 1st child. It's timeless, suits her perfectly. And is easy to say. When she was a baby, I called her Gracie-Goo (still do). My Irish grandfather called her Maggie.
Such a simple, beautiful, timeless name. Of course, the downside is that it is currently very popular, but this too shall pass. I think that matters less as a person gets out of school and starts to be surrounded by people from many age groups. Besides, it is popular for a reason.
This is my name, and I’m not gonna lie, while I do like it, I don’t like how common it is. There are like 1 billion (exaggeration) students at my school named Grace so it can get pretty tiring going by “Grace” followed by the first letter of your surname, and I’m sure everyone with a really common name like mine will share my opinion.
― Anonymous User 9/18/2021
I HATE this name. Terrible and hideous. Boring and bland like plain spaghetti.
I love this name, it's pretty. It sounds bland and boring but spicy and vibrant. I like that. My favorite combo is Grace Vivian. I love the combo Grace Marie. It's very common, but very beautiful. Some more combos are Grace Elizabeth, Grace Catherine, and Grace Renee. Grace is also a very nice middle name. Lorraine Grace Emma Grace Danica Grace Nadine Grace Cecilia Grace Eliza Grace Josephine Grace Vivian Grace Laura Grace Bridget Grace Astrid Grace Kaya Grace Marie Grace Darla Grace Della Grace Maria Grace Daphne Grace Xenia GraceSee? So many combinations you can make with it.
Stunning! You’re literally calling your daughter “elegance, refinement, goodness, an undeserved gift”. I can’t think of a better meaning!
― Anonymous User 6/15/2021
A super classy name! Grace sounds regal, yet approachable. It’s very feminine and has a beautiful meaning and sound. It has been ranked in the top 5-20 of baby girl names in the last 15 years when you combine all the spelling variations (Grace, Gracie, Gracelyn, Gracelynn). It’s a very common middle name, because it sounds beautiful with everything! It’s easy to spell and has an adorable nickname. It will never go out style and sounds fresh with today’s trends.
I love it as a first name. Classic but not frilly. You can't go wrong with Grace.
― Anonymous User 5/8/2021
I like the name because it reminds me of the actress Grace Kelly, so it gives me vibes of being a beautiful, refined and vintage name but on the other hand I understand that there are people who see it too old-fashioned and "heavy". I think that with this name there are many mixed opinions, although most are generally positive.
I love this name even though it’s one of the most popular middle names. I think it’s because it just sounds good with almost everything. I also like it as a first name like Grace Victoria or something.
I don't even know why but I just love this name and always have, it's so pretty and classy sounding. I hope to use it for my future daughter for one day :)
My friend is named Grace, I find I accidentally type it as "Grave" on my phone if I'm going kind of fast, haha. Kind of morbid, but maybe something to keep in mind - the letters are pretty close to each other on the keyboard, and it happens pretty frequently.
HELLO PEOPLE! My name is Grace. If you have a baby, name it Grace after ME hehe >:) Here is some boring info: In Latin, the name Grace means God's Grace. Here are some famous Graces: Grace Huang, Grace Kelly, Grace Jones, Grace Gummer, the daughter of Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham, the daughter of Christy Turlington and Edward Burns, the daughter of Rupert Murdoch. Nicknames my friends call me: Gracella, Gracelynn, Gracia, Graciana, Gracie, Rae, Grazy, Grass, G-Wagon, Disgrace, Gigi, Gia, Ace, Gracisism, and Lady Gracelot. SO BASICALLY! Graces are art-eeeests. We sing. We act. We draw. We play. We laugh. We talk a lot (sorry). We exist (duh). AND WE ARE DISGRACES OF THE UNIVERSE! Just kidding, I'll stop. My point is: Not all Graces are bad. We can be the sweetest little dear in the world. It's just some of us choose bad choices. But some of us are good. Just a little shy. Like me. Please don't hate anymore. It hurts my feelings.
I have always found the sound of "Grace" to be the opposite of what it describes. It's a bucket of ice cold water, right in the face - like a frozen fist. Even the nickname "Gracie" hardly softens it.
What is unfortunate about quality names is that the individual is likely not to fit into them. Imagine a person who is clumsy or lacks social Grace. They may be teased for having a non-befitting name.
― Anonymous User 8/9/2020
I adore the name Grace. It's such a classy, elegant, feminine and strong name. You could never go wrong with Grace :)
I think this name is really nice! My best friend is called Grace-Bella Marie and she is sooo sweet so this name is perfect for her.
― Anonymous User 7/29/2020
Grace is a nice name, and it's a very common middle name. A common middle name to pair with Grace is Grace Marie. I know 4 Grace Marie's, no kidding. It's a very pretty name combination, so I get the the point. You should name your daughter Grace.
It’s pretty but so overused. At this point, it feels like a filler name.
― Anonymous User 5/5/2020
I named my daughter Eden-Grace and she is as sweet and gentle as the name suggests. I chose this name for her 20 years before she was born and never changed my mind.
I’m not too fond of the pronunciation as it isn’t as soft as other names deep down in my throat but it’s still a beautiful name! So many girls are getting named this, and it deserves the popularity! ;)
I know quite a few Graces, as the name is increasing in popularity. However, it’s increasing for a good reason. The name is beautiful and seamless. It is short and sweet, which I love.
My parents almost named me Grace (they decided on Claire instead) I do think Grace is a pretty name though but it is extremely overused as a middle name. For people thinking it’s overused as a first name maybe they should check the charts because Emma, Olivia, Ava, Isabella, Sophia, Charlotte, Mia, Amelia, Harper and Evelyn are the names at the top of the list right now.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2019
Grace is a cute name. It’s just EXTREMELY POPULAR- I know like seven people with the name Grace. It would be more original if someone did a second name to go along with it like, Grace Anne.
I have a friend named Grace and she is playful and comedic, she is not rude like the people who don't like the name Grace. My name is Gracie and it is the diminutive which I fit with my name while she doesn't.
Grace is a beautiful name. It actually feels graceful, in a way, and goes with a lot of other names. A friend of mine is named Emilie Grace (with Emilie as her first name and Grace as her middle name). I think that's a very pretty combination. Others include: · Isabelle Grace · Lucy Grace · Madelyn Grace · Grace Eleanor · Grace Marilyn.
I think Grace is a very elegant and beautiful-sounding name. However, virtue names seem like tempting fate to me. My niece was almost named Grace, and she is very clumsy, so I always think it's lucky she wasn't named Grace after all. I've known two depressed women named Joy, a very pessimistic Hope, and a goth atheist named Faith. They are all great people, but their names are ironic and silly on them. I've never known a woman named Chastity, but at this point, I'd assume she's a sex educator or something.
― Anonymous User 9/21/2018
Grace is a tremendously overused middle name and frankly, I do not enjoy people that bear it.
As someone who bears this as a middle name, it is too common. There are way too many graces in my family. My youngest sister's name is Gracelynn! I used to like my name until my younger sister was born. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. But, my mom and I don't really have a good relationship and I can't help but feel as if she is trying to replace me. Seeing as how I don't live with my mother, it kind of makes sense. Oh well! It's a little overused but if you don't know anyone with that name then go ahead and use it! Actually, don't let my bad experience tamper with yours. Do what you want!
― Anonymous User 3/17/2018
I love this name! I plan on naming my first born daughter this. I loved the show Will & Grace and have loved this name ever since.
My name is Grace. Some of my friends are starting to call me "Gnade" (the german version) and others joke "race" because I'm an athlete and have running/sprinting records, and still other call me "Gray" just cause they think I deserve to have it shortened. My aunt calls me "Amazing Grace" after the song, and mom sometimes says "Glory" (2nd name)I have never been called Gracie but I think that would be a pretty nickname, there are many movie characters I know that have that name.
My middle name is Grace but with my sporty and adventurous personality it does not sound right when people call me Grace so everyone just calls me my first name, Abigail. My friend, when she says my last name she says "ANDRADE, get over here!" Sometimes she will say my full name, "Abigail Grace Andrade get your butt over here!" lol.
― Anonymous User 12/26/2017
My middle name is Grace. When I was a kid in the 70s I thought it was an old lady name, like Blanche. I didn't like it much then, but I like it now. Seems if you name a girl Grace it might influence her to be graceful and gracious, or at least a polite person! I have not known a lot of women with this name, but it's hard to imagine someone with this name who isn't nice.
As a bearer of the name Grace, I don't like it and I'm actually changing my name soon (legally). It's too common and doesn't sound very nice - this is just my impression though.
I LOVE THE NAME! It is so elagant and beautiful. As a young girl, it is so cute and pretty, and as you get old it is a classic! My name is Grace and I love my name! ❤️.
― Anonymous User 1/1/2017
This name is so elegant and cute. It is such a pretty name and I would definitely recommend naming your future daughter this name. :) It's super gorgeous!
I've heard lots of comments about how much people hate the name Grace and it's my name thank you very much and I think it's fine. I know that the name Gracie is a bit annoying but it's my name and I love it. I am actually Durísimo because I am in Half Spanish and half Welsh, but I prefer the name Gracie or Grace...
Other names related are Grayson, or Greyson for boys.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2016
Grace is also a really good middle name for names like Ava Grace, Olivia Grace, Layla Grace, Etc.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2016
My name is Grace Catherine Saige. (with 2 middle names) After a great grandma named Catherine. For short as a kid I was called Gracey Catie.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2016
I like this name. My sister named her flute Grace and she loves the name Gracelyn. Grace is a bit too popular so I suggest you use it as a middle name.
My name is Grace Georgina and I used to hate it but now I love it and have a lot of pride in my name. A lot of people say that it is a common name and by the rankings, I see it is but I have only ever met 4 other Graces in my life time and I have been to 3 different schools.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2016
It's an okay name, but I tend to associate it more strongly with little girls than women. It doesn't sound very mature, especially with the nickname "Gracie."
I think this name is fairly overused, especially as a middle name. Not as common as Rose, but more common than Elizabeth. The sound isn't very attractive, either. I'm not a huge fan of 'G' sounds in names, whether it's hard or soft.
My name is Grace and I love my name! It sounds so so elegant and classic. I agree that sometimes it can be overused. Where I live I have never met another one, which makes me feel very unique.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2016
Grace, Faith, and Hope are all lovely names and should NOT be judged or called "OVERUSED".
I like my name. It sounds good since my middle name is Ellen. "Grace Ellen". Now that I'm 13 I love my first name as Grace and my middle name as Ellen.
I feel like everyone and their mother has this as their middle name, next to Rose and Marie. Honestly? It's sometimes just an easy filler name for parents who don't have time to choose a middle name.
― Anonymous User 12/28/2015
My name is Grace and personally, the popularity of the name sucks. I know five other graces... in my grade.
Beauty, elegance, fluidity, kind, intelligent. My daughter, Grace, is all of these except elegant, difficult to be elegant at 14. She is named Grace after my mother, Gracine. My mother was named after her aunt Grace with the unique "ine" customization. She was born in 1920 when names like Maxine were popular. Her parents thought the ine was modernizing. My mother never met another Gracine.
I actually find this name quite pretty and the nickname Gracie is cute. But I don't think I would use it because of its religious association. I don't really like the names Hope, Joy or Faith as I find them all too bland and too much like words, and I find Hope and Faith too religious. But I actually don't mind the name Grace. Funny how that is.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2015
I was named Grace after my maternal grandmother. It's a very pretty and classic name, but way too common for my liking, sometimes. There were five Graces, me included, and that was just in my graduating high school class. As for nicknames, I'm usually just called Gracie by my family. However, my younger brothers used to call me "Grossy Gracie" as a joke. It didn't really bother me because it was just my family who called me that, and it was all in good fun. I am, however, not very graceful. In fact, I'm a total klutz, though my mother tells me that there's a certain sort of gracefulness to me.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2015
The most beautiful virtue name. Classic--not dated to any certain decade. Suits all ages. Especially good to pair with a long last name.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2015
"Grace passed away 30 years ago!" LOL This is just seriously such an old lady name. No matter how you slice it!
― Anonymous User 2/8/2015
No offense, but this name isn't one of my personal favorites.
― Anonymous User 2/7/2015
Grace is such a regal, classy name that will suit a child throughout all stages of her life.
This is a beautiful name. Unlike a lot of virtue names, it is easy to pronounce and has a gorgeous and relatable meaning. It also rolls off the tongue- Grace. My best friend is named Grace, and she is exactly like her name!
Awwwwwwww! Thanks! That is my name and I love it. It is short and sweet, and unlike what people may think, it isn't that common. There are only 3 Graces at my school. I LOVE THIS NAME!
― Anonymous User 10/15/2014
This name is WAY too overused! I know about 4 Graces and 3 of them go to my school and this is also my cousins name, Grace Danielle. This name is just WAY too overused but I like it, more as a middle name though.
I love the name Grace ever since I saw the movie Gracie's choice and I still love it. I found a strong meaning and beauty to it. I can imagine a really strong person with this name.
I love that Grace is common because I really adore the name Grace. This is one stunner of a name!
― Anonymous User 7/24/2014
Grace reminds me of that character in the show The Nanny. And it remonds me of that hymm "Amazing Grace". It does sound very religious yes, but, don't hate on the name.
This is the only virtue name I can stand. IMO, the others just sound like words and not names. My family also thinks it's a good name.Unfortunately, Grace is too common as a first and middle name. If it were ranked lower, I might have chosen it as a name for my future daughter.
Beautiful and classic, but kind of a "safe" classic name, like lily or Emma. Still very pretty and best used as a first name rather than a middle name!
― Anonymous User 1/12/2013
Grace is a beautiful name which shows a high character trait. It's classy but cute and simple. The name grows with a child and isn't too long or short. I love the name!
Beautiful. To me it embodies the gratitude I feel for the existence of this wonderful being who happens to be our daughter. To my husband, it mainly is in memory of his grandmother.
This is like the world's most common name! I hear it everywhere and when people have babies, I say what is your baby called? And then I think what am I saying obviously it's called Grace!
If my friend was having a daughter rather than a son, she would have named her Grace. I don't like it as a middle name because it's a bit overdone, but adore it as a first name. All the girls named Grace I've met have been sweet.
I have a workmate named Grace, and she tells me the worst thing about having this name is that people find it very amusing to mention "Amazing Grace" when they meet her."Your name's Grace? Wow, that's amazing!""Grace? Now that's an amazing name ..."Etc etcWhile most name teasing finishes in high school, apparently adults of all ages still think this kind of banter is very clever and amusing, so it's still going.Even the work newsletter will say things like, "I'm sure Grace will come up with something amazing for the end of year office party" and stuff like that.It's interesting that so many people said people called Grace all seem to be clumsy, because Grace actually is rather hefty and klutzy, although I never saw this as an irony considering her name before.
I love this name! Though it can be hard to live up to. You're named Grace and all of a sudden people expect you to be graceful. Or maybe not I don't know from experience but it would seem that that might be an issue. Otherwise this name is just so cute and elegant and sweet.
My middle name is Grace, and I really wish it was my first name. I hope the name Grace doesn't become too trendy and overused because I would like to name my own daughter Grace one day. Grace was my great grandmothers name and I think it is a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 8/12/2010
I find the name associated with Christianity. I always thought it was quite a religious name. Don't care for the sound "Grayse" is rather grating. Not a favorite, but very popular.
I have a friend named Grace Sarah and she's so delicate and sweet. I love the way here name flows and the way our Spanish teacher says it.
― Anonymous User 6/9/2010
For the longest time before I learned what "Grace" meant in religious terms, I thought that the song "Amazing Grace" was about somebody. I kept wondering "who is Grace and why is she so amazing?"
No offense to any Graces, but I hate this name. It has so many harsh and ugly sounds, and it's getting extremely unoriginal as a middle and first name.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2009
I think Grace is boring and unoriginal. It always reminds me "Grease".
Grace is the middle name of my little girl. I know Grace is overused as a middle name, but it just goes so well with a lot of first names.
― Anonymous User 11/25/2008
I think it's pretty it's just a shame the adult Graces I run into are less than graceful and inspiring. Let's hope that changes with all the little Graces now running around.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2008
I hate, hate, HATE it when people call me Gracie. It is the most diminutive, little-girlish nickname I can think of. The trouble is, Grace doesn't exactly lend itself to any other, better, nicknames. However, I have grown to like my name a lot more because where I live there are very very few Graces and it makes me feel unique. I do, however, get tired of people telling me I have a lovely, old-fashioned name, since I had nothing to do with choosing it. I think Grace as a middle name should be dealt with very carefully and make sure it doesn't interrupt the overall flow of the name.
I think that Grace is a rather pretty name. If I ever had a little girl, I might name her Grace Carolyn. This is after my grandmother; her first name is Carolyn, and she always wished her middle name was Grace. Since in my family we are in the practice of middle-naming our children after relatives, and since Grace is a pretty name in its own right, I think that Grace Carolyn would be a nice combination. Grace also has musical connotations to me, such as the song Grace (by U2) and Grace Slick, from Jefferson Airplane.
It's a very pretty name, but the almost inevitable association with Christianity is the reason I wouldn't want to use it myself. This is also far too common as a middle name. I must also admit that the first thing that comes to mind is a little girl rather than a woman, possibly partly because I actually watched The Nanny back in the 90s, and Grace was the youngest child on the show.
This name is sort of cute, but I certainly prefer it as a middle name. There are so many Graces out there that it has lost all sense of identity.
― Anonymous User 11/15/2007
My name is Grace Pearl. I used to be a little shy about telling people my first and middle names but now, I think its SO cool! (I am 41, but when I was 10, I was not happy with it) UNIQUE! "Grace" is making a big comeback these days.
I love the name Grace. I think that it says that it means grace. Every baby is a grace so it's an approprite name. I like Julia Grace.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2007
My first name is Mary Grace (I have no middle name). I absolutely love my name. I think it's beautiful, and I think it's a rather mature name, I mean I can't really see a little girl going by Mary Grace. That's why I was "Gracie" right up through college when I started going by Mary Grace. It truly is the perfect name, I honestly can't think of a better one. :D
Not quite pretty enough for a first name, but I think it's CHARMING as a middle name. Like Lila Grace, Kate Moss's daughter. What an elegant combination.
My daughter was just born in 2006 and I named her Grace. We have a very long last name and wanted something short and beautiful. Grace was it. It goes well with her middle name Lenore after my recently passed Grandmother.
I like this name. I find it beautiful and simply elegant, and not just because of Grace Kelly. It's also a name in my family, born by multiple ancestors and relatives of mine (as early as the 16th century).
― Anonymous User 4/3/2007
My mother seriously considered naming me this, then she just named me something that means Grace. It's not so much that I don't like the name, as everyone I know (including myself) whose name is or means Grace is clumsy as all get out. I am a walking casualty case and so are most Graces I know. I beg people not to name their children this because it is like a curse. And beleive me it hurts to trip that much or run into that many doors.
My best friend is named Bethany Grace and she hates her first name and only goes by Grace but never Gracie. I find Gracie a bit annoying but Grace is a lovely name and I will always think of it fondly because of her.
― Anonymous User 2/22/2007
I absolutely adore this name and if I have a daughter, I hope to call her Grace Elizabeth. I have been back and forth on this, I mean whether to use Grace Elizabeth or Elizabeth Grace. My Grandmother's first name is Elizabeth, it's my middle name, and one of my cousins' middle names. Both after her. If I get to use it, I will call her Grace Elizabeth, not just Grace, usually. Sometimes Gracie Beth.
My daughter's name is Grace. Although her full name is HanaGrace Leila Rose, but she loves the name so much, that she goes by Grace. We've called her that since she was born.
I used to get very anoyed with my name because of the endless rhyming oppertunites kids loved to use eg. graceface etc. But it's only now that I've realised how lucky I am to have been given such a beautiful elegant name and I'm proud of it!
Grace is my middle name and never a prouder inital in my signature is there. I hated my first name but found a great pleasure in my middle name. It also diffreniated me from the other 3 or 4 Lynda's in my family. I realized a few years ago that most people don't sign their name in print not cursive with their middle name. I do, or abreviated with a proud middle initial.
I love this name very much, it's so timeless, beautiful, elegant and a great classic, I also love the nickname Gracie.
― Anonymous User 4/27/2006
I just love the name Grace. Gracie is a great nickname while they are young and Grace works well when they are older.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
My middle name is Grace and I used to hate it! Now that I'm 13, I love it! I am very proud of my middle name, because as of a few years ago, I am named after a cancer survior!
OK, I live in Alabama and I am here to testify that every little girl who is born here has Grace either as a first or middle name. It's pretty but it is getting very trendy and unoriginal.
My middle name is Grace, but I've recently started using it as my first name because there are just too many Rebeccas, and a surprising number of people keep spelling it wrong, and I answer the class roll call at the wrong Rebecca - so Grace is much easier. It's a nice name.