In anime series 'Tonde Buurin' and related media, a minor antagonist is named Goro Tatsumaki/Tatsumaki Goro (竜巻五郎). In this case, the kanji used (五郎) mean 'five' (五) and 'son' (郎). Therefore, it's the 'fifth son' meaning specified in the description for the name.
It gives the impression of a rough and tough guy, but nowadays it is exclusively a dog name.
Goro Akechi is a character in the game Persona 5.
Gorō Taniguchi is a Japanese anime director, writer, producer and storyboard artist, who is among Sunrise's noted new directors. He was born in Nisshin, Aichi, Japan.
The name doesn't necessarily have to mean '5th son.'Other kanji can be used for Gorō like:
五朗, 五良
伍郎, 伍朗, 伍良
午郎, 午朗
吾郎, 吾朗, 吾良
悟郎, 悟朗, 悟良
護郎, 護朗
梧郎, 梧朗
Bearers of this name include:
Gorō Inagaki (稲垣 吾郎), singer (1973-)
Gorō Miyazaki (宮崎 吾朗), film director & landscaper (1967-)
Gorō Ibuki (伊吹 吾朗), actor (born Katsutoshi Ibuki [伊吹 勝敏] - 1946-)
Gorō Taniguchi (谷口 悟朗), anime director (1966-)
Gorō Masaki (柾 悟郎), science fiction writer (1957-)
Gorō Matsui (松井 五郎), lyricist (1957-)
Gorō Miyazawa (宮沢吾朗), professional Go player (1949-)
Gorō Mutsumi (睦 五朗), actor (1934-)
Gorō Yamaguchi (山口 五郎), shakuhachi player (1933-1999).
This reminds me of ero guro, a type of hentai. Not a good name to use.
Goro is name of a dog from the TV show "Ôgon no inu" (1980).
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but when I hear the name Goro, I instantly think of the evil, four-armed warrior from Mortal Kombat. Not a nice guy.
This is the name Hayao Miyazaki's son. Miyazaki has directed some lovely films, I would definitely recommend them!
Goro Fujita was the alias of Hajime Saito (member of the Shinsengumi) during the Meiji Era.
Possibly an older Japanese name, not so common now. Perhaps goes with the declining birthrate. Not a lot of families having a 5th child, let alone a 5th son (not that people always care when they're naming children).

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