I don’t like the sound of it, but that’s just me. I also have a negative impression of a Gina I met. Other than that, kind of an older but still cute choice. Oddly, I like the spelling Jina better for some reason.
Although it sounds the same, for some reason, when it's a Korean name it feels elegant and intellectual but if it's English it feels really outdated. I'm bilingual & speak both languages fluently.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2021
Kind of a stereotypical girl's name for Italian Americans. I like it, though. Nice as a nickname for Regina.
I think the name Gina is wonderful even if I myself am not a Gina. Don't get depressed about what others think. You guys are perfect just the way you are.
Hi. Also a Gina. I love my name. My boyfriend's Italian and he loves my name too. I don't see anything stereotypically Italian about it. There aren't any on his side. Or mine. I'm the only one. My mom named me after an actress nicknamed Lollo. I don't know how she got Gina from Lollo but that's what she always says. I have always liked being a Gina.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2020
Love this name. Simple and elegant. Nice meaning too.
― Anonymous User 9/9/2019
Not bad. It suits a girl whose daddy carries a shotgun.
Well aside from what's been said, Gina means QUEEN in Italian and WISDOM in Chinese. And the name should strike fear into those who think we're just fat flowery b!@#$%#, Lol.Aside from being called Gina (with a long i) in primary school, I love my name. It holds a certain regal quality. Now if only people could spell it correctly when necessary. Ha.
I really like this name, perhaps because my first language isn't English so I don't have the negative connotations of using it (vagina, jeans etc...) Gina, to me, is an exotic but short name which still preserves its femininity by having the "a" as the last letter.
I think it is a pretty name, I have learned to like and appreciate it more. My cousin's full name is Georgina and everyone calls her Gina, she is 10. I think it fits her very well, she has a bright, silly, spunky, and caring personality :D.
My name is Gina and I didn't care for it as a child, due to the fact that the majority of people got it wrong by calling me Tina, Nina, Xena, Jenna, or even Christina. I have, however, grown into the name and love that it's unique, but not a name that someone's never heard of before.Believe it or not, my father had my name picked out for me when he was 13- or 14-years-old. Partially after the Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida (I'm half-Italian) and partially hoping that it would help people pronounce my last name correctly, as it also has a 'J' sound although everyone says it with a soft 'G' sound. The result was that my first name is pronounced correctly and the last name is, alas, still not.My pet names are: Gigi, and Gina-Bina when I was a child.
Yeah, a feminine name. Way too feminine if it reminds you of a female private part, Va-Gina!
― Anonymous User 2/27/2009
I like this name because it isn't very common. I don't think it sounds harsh at all. I like Jeana too, but I like the spelling with a G because it's different.
This is my cousin's name, but it's not a nickname, though I understand it could be. I think this is a great name as a nickname or by itself. And btw, she pronounces it Jee-na. I like that pronunciation and this spelling best. :-)