I like the name Geoffrey. It is strong and masculine, yet soft and playful at the same time. I also like the meaning, “peace”. Overall, I think Geoffrey is a lovely name that deserves a revival.
My first thought when reading this name is the character from the sitcom Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (starring Will Smith), the butler (though I admit I do not know if his name is spelled this way or the other way). Even so, it is not a negative association, and certainly not one most kids nowadays would be familiar with.
My name is Geoffrey and I'm in my 20s. While I've always had to spell my name out loud and occasionally correct people's pronunciation (it's pronounced "JEF-ree" with no alternative), it doesn't bother me since it's always been my normal, and I'm hardly alone anyway. I happen to like my name a lot since it's unique without being weird, has an every-man sound to it, and yet it's classy and intelligent-looking. I also far prefer my own spelling over Jeffrey. I don't mind being called "Geoff," but almost everyone has always called me "Geoffrey," which in itself is pretty unique I guess. It's mostly just gym teachers and my older brothers that call me "Geoff." I did get some light teasing when Game of Thrones was going because of a character named "Joffery," but that's pretty much it.
This is such an ugly and pretentious spelling of Jeffrey. Anyways, don't like Jeffrey as well, as both names remind of me of that serial killer who ate men and boys, after cutting them up. Sick!
― Anonymous User 7/13/2017
The name Geoffrey was given to 78 boys born in the US in 2015.
A perfect name because...When spoken, it sounds casual/relate-able and when read (like on a job application), it makes it clear his parents were educated, and that his parents probably sent him to private school instead of one of the U.S.'s utterly terrible public schools.
I'm American and was given the name Geoffrey on my birth certificate, but so few Americans know how to pronounce it correctly (kids and even some adults said "Joffrey" and "Jee-Off-ry") that we changed it to Jeffrey and Jeff when I was a child. Even I'm a bit confused when I see the British name "Geoff" (looks like Jee-Off at first) and realize it is pronounced "Jeff."
In Holland there are two versions:1) Jeffrey (Djeffrey) 2) Geoffrey (Djoffrey)But in Holland, France and even India the name is pronounced as 'Djoffrey' and not 'Djeffrey' (Jeffrey). This is because of the 'o' in the name.For example: the name 'George', is pronounced as 'Djorge' and not as 'Djerge'. So, it's very strange you pronounce Geoffrey and Jeffrey as the same name.But if you want to keep it really simple: just 'Geo' will also do. It is short, simple and manly at the same time.
I have an original character named Geoffrey. I, personally, love this name to bits and bites~. I could name every single living thing I own Geoffrey if I could.
This name is indeed Norman, but you have the wrong derivation. It comes from giffre + roi = the eaglehawk of the king = the king's trusted messenger --- back in the days we were labeled by job or location (cooper, river, etc.)
I have found the earliest use of "Geof", was the peagan word "Geofu". Which meams "Gift". Turned into the name in early Germania. As Christianity emerged it was not acceptable by Romans to consider any other child as a gift other than Christ. It was then changed to Geoffrey, meaning "Gifted one" eventually it's meaning lost, and spelling and pronuciation changed as Christianity became more prominant. This explaination was provided to my mother in Germany before I was born and was the reason why she chose this name for me.
I have always hated this spelling. It seems like pretentious people choose this ancient and nowadays illogical spelling of Jeffrey because they are so conservative that they can't tolerate any changes in spelling, and language in general. I say, be modern and spell it logically as Jeffrey! This just looks heavy and dated.
This is the British spelling of the name. There's nothing conservative, pretentious, heavy, or dated about it! In fact, I actually prefer this spelling over the bland and boring Jeffrey! I think that with your comment, you just insulted British people for the way they spell certain things. And that's not good!
Following the "G" line may indeed lead to Germanic roots, yet when following the "J" line, the history of the name leads back to the eldest son of Noah, Japhet. If you can manage to pronounce these letters as: jeffy, then you can see the relationship. The name becomes a feminine name as 'Yaffa', and a last name in 'Japhee'. The name make further travels into Espanol where 'jeffe' means Boss, Note the similarity of the homophone 'chief' to 'chef' to 'jeffe' Additionally: chaperone, schaeffer, gaffer, and jeopardy. The last being the greater clue in the mystery of names.
I was named Geoffrey by my fathers' Social Studies class. I grew up hating it! I was teased because of the spelling, being called "Geeeoff" or "Godfrey" or "George". And not just by fellow friends but by teachers as well (how educated and tactful they are huh?).I was actually given "detention" at school and then 2 weeks being grounded at home for simply trying to change the spelling on my homework to keep from being teased! I grew up feeling that this name was a torturous curse. As I became aware of my individuality and uniqueness I slowly accepted the name.When I became a "Chef" the name took on a whole new meaning. "Chef Geoff" then became "Geoffboyardee"! I'm having sooo much fun with this name now. MY NAME MEANS "GODS PEACE".
I prefer Geoffrey to Jeffrey. Jeffrey seems extremely unsophisticated to me, while Geoffrey I find quite the opposite.
― Anonymous User 4/3/2007
My husband and I sought a fine name for our little boy that would be a nod to his English heritage, a pleasing reminder of our interest in English history (the Planatagenets) and literature (Geoffrey Chaucer) and a respectful reminder of a relative with a "G" name. Geoffrey was a handsome and historical name that perfectly fit the bill. Also, it's lovely that he's the only "Geoffrey" he knows.
My name is Geoffrey and I live in Holland. We pronounce this name in two versions:1) Jeffrey (Djeffrey) 2) Geoffrey (Djoffrey)But in Dutch the pronunciation of Geoffrey is 'Djoffrey' and not 'Djeffrey' (Jeffrey). This is because of the 'o' in the name.For example: the name 'George', is pronounced as 'Djorge' and not as 'Djerge'. So, it's very strange you pronounce Geoffrey and Jeffrey as the same name.But in Holland Jeffrey is more common than Geoffrey, but of course I like my own spelling better.
I think that Geoffrey is a wonderful name. I never really liked the name Jeffery, but when I heard of Geoffrey, I loved it. I think that is because of the way it is spelt. The traditional spelling is much more pleasing to the eye and interesting than Jeffery.
Geoffrey Jellineck (played by Paul Dinello) was a character in the short-lived sitcom "Strangers With Candy." He was a high school art teacher who had a not-so-secret affair with the history teacher, Chuck Noblet (played by Stephen Colbert).
This is such a cool name for a man, so strong and masculine - just like Geoffrey Rush! I'm so glad he is on the famous bearers/namesakes list. Go Aussies! The name really suits him too, and it is the best spelling. It also really goes nicely with his last name.