In case anyone wants to knoe the reason for that dot-like symbol in the middle:In Catalan, [ll] represents its own sound, similar to the Portuguese [lh]. You let air our on the sides of the tongue (like a regular [l]) while having your tongue raised towards your palate (like the first sound in the English word "yawn").On the other hand, Gal·la has two sounds in the middle. If it were spelled *Galla, then it should be pronounced with the sound I described above. In order to show that the two sounds are separate, they used this symbol [·] (called "interpunct" in English). There are other such words in Catalan, such as "intel·ligent", "excel·lent", "il·lusió" or "col·laborar".
― Anonymous User 5/25/2024, edited 5/25/2024
What is with the syllable dot between the L's? Is the name just Galla, or
― Anonymous User 2/12/2023
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In Catalan, [ll] represents its own sound, similar to the Portuguese [lh]. You let air our on the sides of the tongue (like a regular [l]) while having your tongue raised towards your palate (like the first sound in the English word "yawn").
On the other hand, Gal·la has two sounds in the middle. If it were spelled *Galla, then it should be pronounced with the sound I described above. In order to show that the two sounds are separate, they used this symbol [·] (called "interpunct" in English). There are other such words in Catalan, such as "intel·ligent", "excel·lent", "il·lusió" or "col·laborar".