Comments (Meaning / History Only)

In France, this is the word for Romani gypsy.
Gaetano - pronounced GUY-TAH-NO - is stemmed from the Italian city of Gaeta, a city originally called Caieta. Caieta itself, according to the philosopher Strabos, was the ancient Ionian colony of the Samians. Caieta is from kaiétas, or "cave," in Greek. The cave reference refers to the caves and harbors of the area. This is my father-in-law's given name; it has been passed down for several generations. His family originally hails from this area in Italy. We call him "Guy."
Originally my search was for the name "Cayetano" which was my great-grandfather's first name. I found from this site that "Cayetano" was linked to "Gaetano". In any event, the meaning as I understand it is "Protector of bread and work" which I interpret as one who protects those who are needy by providing a job so they can in turn supply food for themselves.

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