Regarding the information provided in the description, I would like to note the following:• you forgot to write "of" in "the name a Greek location"; • the original ancient Greek spelling of Kaiadas is Καιάδας (which is also transcribed as Keadas, but only when following the transcription rules for modern Greek); • the name of Aeneas' wet nurse is a latinization; her original name was Καιήτη (Kaiete). In other words: here too the origin is ultimately Greek.SOURCES:καιάδας (kaiadas) → Καιάδας (Kaiadas): •Καιάδας (in English; alternative forms of καιάδας are καιάτας (kaiatas), καιέτας (kaietas) and καιετός (kaietos)) •καιάδας (in English) •éadas (in French)Caieta/Caiete → Καιήτη (Kaiete): • (in English) • (in English) •Καιήτη (in English; provides two etymologies)
@leananshae - the Spanish word for the Romani people of Spain (with populations in Portugal, France, and Morocco) is "gitano". To my knowledge, there is no connection between the term "gitano" and the name Gaetano. I admit they sound similar, and I once thought there was a connection. Further personal research (I was going to use this name to honor several family members) proved otherwise.
As we see demonstrated above, the first syllable is NOT pronounced "gay." It's a gorgeous, charming name, and although it would look far too strange on one of the little blond-haired blue-eyed boys I'm bound to have one day, I love it nonetheless.
Gaetano - pronounced GUY-TAH-NO - is stemmed from the Italian city of Gaeta, a city originally called Caieta. Caieta itself, according to the philosopher Strabos, was the ancient Ionian colony of the Samians. Caieta is from kaiétas, or "cave," in Greek. The cave reference refers to the caves and harbors of the area. This is my father-in-law's given name; it has been passed down for several generations. His family originally hails from this area in Italy. We call him "Guy."
I think this is a really awesome and unique name. Kids will find something to pick at, so if you name your kid something plain then they ARE going to be teased regardless. Give them a name that is unique and beautiful like this one. Perhaps we should all look to the meaning of names instead of what people will think.
― Anonymous User 2/10/2008
Sorry, but any name with "gay" for a first syllable is bound to incite a ton of teasing in any American public school.
Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti (November 29, 1797, Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy – April 8, 1848, Bergamo) was an Italian opera composer. His most famous work is Lucia di Lammermoor (1835). Donizetti, along with Vincenzo Bellini and Gioacchino Rossini, was a leading composer of bel canto opera.
Originally my search was for the name "Cayetano" which was my great-grandfather's first name. I found from this site that "Cayetano" was linked to "Gaetano". In any event, the meaning as I understand it is "Protector of bread and work" which I interpret as one who protects those who are needy by providing a job so they can in turn supply food for themselves.
― Anonymous User 6/17/2006
Comments are left by users of this website. They are not checked for accuracy.
• you forgot to write "of" in "the name a Greek location";
• the original ancient Greek spelling of Kaiadas is Καιάδας (which is also transcribed as Keadas, but only when following the transcription rules for modern Greek);
• the name of Aeneas' wet nurse is a latinization; her original name was Καιήτη (Kaiete). In other words: here too the origin is ultimately Greek.
καιάδας (kaiadas) → Καιάδας (Kaiadas):
•Καιάδας (in English; alternative forms of καιάδας are καιάτας (kaiatas), καιέτας (kaietas) and καιετός (kaietos))
•καιάδας (in English)
•éadas (in French)
Caieta/Caiete → Καιήτη (Kaiete):
• (in English)
• (in English)
•Καιήτη (in English; provides two etymologies)