I like Frigg. It’s definitely unique and the meaning is sweet. I can see where someone wouldn’t like it, but the first two things I thought of when I saw it was sprig and fig… not the f word.
This name may sound like the synonym for the f-word, and no one would take the Bearer seriously, but personally, I think this is a nice name. Though it might not be too acceptable in the United States, in other countries it might be acceptable to name your kid this. To all people who have this name, change it or not! But if I had this name, my spam on Instagram would simply be @What_The_Friggggg? Which I think is cool. I think this is a decent name for some people in my opinion :)
I know a dog with this name, it's not really a problem. On a person, I think it would sound strange.
― Anonymous User 4/28/2013
Actually, this name is more or less obsolete in Scandinavia nowadays. There are only a handful of Friggs and Friggas in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Frigga may be used in Iceland, I'm not sure.
You know what? Frigg's first initial frumpy f-bomb sound is actually really interesting. Just not in America where everyone forms an opinion about lovely foreign names with bad pronunciations in their language. Gahh.
― Anonymous User 7/7/2011
Frankly, people need to get over themselves and their immaturity. If you were to meet a Frigg in real life, would you HONESTLY make fun of them for it? I think Frigg is spunky and unique. Besides, not everyone speaks English on a daily basis.
If you name your son this today, just make sure you never move to an English-speaking country. Come to think of it, he'd be very embarrassed to tell people his name even if he just visited one! The name sounds horrible anyway.
Oh, it's a feminine name. Ah yeah, that just makes it worse: a masculine-sounding, ugly name on a girl, and a name that just so happens to have a nasty meaning in English! Very embarrassing for the girl, whether she lives in Norway and stays there for her entire life, or visits English-speaking countries. She could never live in one. Well, she could, but people would make fun of her behind her back.
Actually a lot of people believe the godesses Frigg and Freja to be the same, or at least here and there melted into one. It is assumed that the Swedish name for Friday (Fredag) is in honour of this godess.
― Anonymous User 12/20/2006
In fact, Frigg is correctly Norse Goddess of the moon, motherhood and marriage.