Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Freya is a beautiful name. It sounds so feminine and elegant, and it ages well.
I see a few people don't like its similarity to the word "Fray". I made the connection between this name and that word as well, but I associate it more with a different definition: "A noisy commotion, especially resulting from fighting; a brawl, a fight; also, a loud quarrel" - Definition taken from Wiktionary. Now at first that may not seem like a positive way to interpret the name either, but when I hear this name I think of someone who is tough (Able to take on the world's challenges and hold their own (that sort of stuff), not necessarily physically tough). I like this name!
Reminds me too much of fraying/frayed clothes.
Such a cool, strong, and unique name. I can see why it's becoming popular.
Freya is a gorgeous and elegant name. I can only picture it on an exotic looking cat though.
I think Freya is a very pretty name. I’ve always loved this name, and I had a good friend called Freya and she was very sweet. It is popular for a reason.
Personally don’t like this name, it reminds me of a flower. It’s too popular and a lot of girls in school have this name.
I’m sorry but this is awful!
Absolutely gorgeous name. I love it so much. Freya is such a pretty and sweet name.
Super super simple and very very sweet.
This name even feeels Old Norse! When I say it I feel transported to another time :)
Pretty, but I prefer Freja.
All the negative comments here are likely from Americans named Karen or Bob. Sorry your names are boring :)I think Freya is an incredibly beautiful name with a wonderful history.
Yeah, no. Whenever I hear this name I think of either Frito chips or heaters.
Very unique badass style and I like how it stands out from other names, being of Nordic origin, instead of the usual Greek or Latin, that you get with many other names.
Absolutely beautiful! I love the uniqueness here in the states. I've never met a Freya in my entire life! Freya Vivian would be the combination that I use, Vivian after my grandmother. Totally recommend this name and combination!
Overrated. I don't understand why it's so popular.
I think it’s pretty nice! I like Skadi too. I would use it for a cat.
No words other than awful. Please don’t do this to a child!
The meaning and history of Freya are nice and it sounds fine pronounced in many languages.But the English pronunciation of FRAY-a is just really unattractive, in my opinion. It sounds too close to the word "fray".
So pretty!
When I hear this I think of the potato chips Frito Lays.
This is absolutely awful for a poor girl!
I think Freya is cute! I named my cat Freya, but I think it would be cute for a little girl, too. We call my cat "Freys" as a nickname, pronounced like the word "phrase".
I really don’t like this name.. nothing pretty about it.
It's very pretty.
Soooo dislike. My son and his wife are having a girl and say they will use it. It’s ugly written out. I was so excited to get her a blanket with her name all over it. I looked at it in different fonts and gave up. She has uncles and they are like Fido? Frodo? Freon? Freda the lunch lady? Fred? Now I’m just looking for a cute nickname or hoping for a pretty middle name. Poor baby. I can’t say it without snarling my nose! The goddess slept with dwarves for a necklace! Yuck!
I don't get all of the hype. It's very pretty, but it's SO POPULAR for children nowadays.
I think of Frito chips when I hear this name.
This name has grown on me since the last time I commented. I actually think this name is quite pretty!
For some reason, this name reminds me of ice cream. I'm not really a fan of the name, I guess.
No offense to anyone with this name, I hate it! It sounds like a Frey coming off your jumper.
My name is Freya, I do really love the name. It's very uncommon where I live, but I really like that!
I don’t see the appeal. It’s also getting very popular.
I love this name and the meaning of it. I picture this name on a wolf more than I do a human, though. It might be because of the Animal Crossing association.
Interesting name with an interesting association.
It's an interesting name that seems a bit exotic and headstrong. It's a good name.
I love the name Freya and I wish I could be named it. Being named after a Norse goddess makes it awesome. I think I have a bias towards the name because I'm a mythology nerd.
My two-year-old baby cousin is called Freya. She's adorable. Her mum (my aunt) says that her name is really unpopular where they live (in the United States) and often she has to say it twice before she's understood, but when they visited us here in England all they had to do was walk into a cafe and immediately my cousin made friends with another toddler called Freya. I really like this name and I wonder why it is more popular in England than the USA.
Freya is from norse mythology and my daughter's name. We live in the southern hemisphere and still got so attracted with this name even though it is not popular at all in our place.She is brave and has long curly hair and even other class teachers know her name because of her uniqueness here!
This name is a beautiful name, it is also my name and I have loved it ever since I knew that it was my name. Freya is the Norse god of love and beauty. She has long browny red hair and green eyes. Surprisingly, so do I!
Freya is my mom's name. She was born in 1939 and her mother found it in an old poem. I've always loved her name, and she's a beautiful woman. Everyone says she looks like the Gabor sisters Eva, and Ava.She was the only person I'd ever known with the name Freya until recently.
I knew a Freya in primary school. She was kind, funny, very sweet but a little shy.
I think Freya is absolutely gorgeous! I have yet to meet one.
This is a very sweet & pretty name. I wasn't expecting it to mean "lady"! I love the meaning of Freya. Overall, a classy name. (:
My daughter's name and we are in the states, so it's not common and I get lots of people telling me how beautiful it is. Her middle name is Evangeline. Freya fits her to a tee. She is small and dainty, but she is a redhead!
It seems like every little girl is called Freya nowadays. It would be okay if it wasn't so overused.
My granddaughter has the name Freya Elizabeth and she is one of the sweetest children I have ever known. She has a thirst for knowledge and she is extremely loving. There is something about this child that no other name would do her justice. When I was first told of the naming choice I was a bit 'really?' but it's perfect.
My name is Freya and it made cry reading the comments some people post. I understand it's your opinion but what if I said I hated your name and it sounds masculine and it's stupid. Just be aware that the mean people here made me cry.
I'm an aspiring author, and I'm constantly searching for unique names to put into stories. I thought Freya sounded pretty, so I looked it up and was delighted to see that it has such a vibrant meaning/story behind it.
Although Freya was the goddess of war and death (as well as love and beauty) she was much less gruesome than it sounds. In mythology, she claimed the souls of brave warriors, fallen in battle, and brought them to her palace to live in peace. She also brought their wives or lovers so they wouldn't be lonely in heaven. Freya may have been the goddess of war and death, but she was known for her kindness and not for her cruelty.
A lovely name, just very popular in the UK. Looks like it will stay popular for some time to come.
I don't like this name. I pronounce it "Fry-uh" so whenever I see this name it reminds me of a chubby girl who loves to eat donuts and greasy French fries.
Pretty and exotic sounding girls name.
In Denmark the most popular spelling is Freja, but I like this one better. Freja, Freya and Freia are all pronounced fry-yuh.
Very cool name. I like myth names and this one is so fine. Something magical about it, probably because it has to do with mythology. This is why it fascinates me. I think just about every mythology name is mystical.
My name is Freya, and I have always loved it, although hardly anybody could spell or pronounce it when I was growing up. The only thing I dislike about it now is how popular it is becoming. I always liked that my name was a bit different and "unique" in Britain, but now I feel very ordinary with just about every other baby girl being named Freya! Ah well, I suppose my parents could consider themselves to be the trendsetters!
Pretty name, but I don't think it deserves an 89% rating. FAR too overrated. It deserves about a 75% like most of the names on this site.
Wow, this is probably the highest rating I've seen on a name with this many ratings! I think it's pretty nice.
What a beautiful name! I'm so glad it hasn't gotten popular in the USA where I live - I'm kind of sickened by its popularity in the UK. I hope it stays rare over here!
One of the ugliest names ever.
Gorgeous. ^-^
My good friend is named Freja (that's the Danish spelling) and she's a really nice girl! I think the name is very beautiful and shows a strong but gentle girl/woman who aren't afraid to be herself.
I guess it's mystical, but I don't like that it reminds me of the (English) word "fray," like something has a frayed or torn edge. That's not appealing.
I think this is a really pretty name, and one of my (numerous) online nicknames. It's a very strong name, both in sound and mythological namesake, but still feminine.
I love this name, I think it's pretty and ladylike and for the longest time I have planned to name my next cat Freya.
This name is so beautiful. I wonder how come it doesn't get used in the States.
I love this name, so beatiful and unique. (At least, it's not common in America.)
Cool name, but hideously overused and thus trivialized in Britain, it appears. This sounds like the name of a cool and beautiful girl with reddish-brown hair and green eyes.
For some weird reason, this name is starting to grow on me. It sounds lovely and elegant!
I'm not sure why people think this name is so masculine, it sounds amazing.
Personally, I love this name. It's so pretty. It's also quite different.
I know a horse whose registered name is Freya. To be honest the horse is pretty ugly, so it's kind of ironic that it's named after the Goddess of Beauty. And it's just plain ugly.
I don't know why, but Freya puts me in mind of a product that you would find in the dairy fridge at the supermarket, it sounds like a product name for cheese or milk.
Such a surprise that this name is actually popular! I personally love this name, lively and strong not like the little bland names that are so popular today. It sounds perfeclty feminine, womanly, and if you had still any doubt, its meaning is 'lady'. I sure see a man called like that.
Freya is not a very feminine name, when I think of Freya I think of someone not very feminine.
A truly horrible name for a little girl - an ugly name is the only way to describe it - with so many pretty girls names to choose from - why on earth Freya?
Freya is my name. Everyone who's ever met me said it was pretty, though hardly anyone ever pronounces it right. Usually I am called Free-uh, or Fry-uh. Both of which drive me crazy. Sometimes I wish I had a name that was easier to pronounce. But I still wouldn't change my name.
Awesome name. Don't know why it hasn't been picked up in the States.
No offense, but there is something about this name I just don't like. It doesn't even sound pretty. If it was my name I would go for a legal name change.
This is such a beautiful name! So lovely and feminine for a girl or woman.
This is such a beautiful name! I plan on naming my first daughter Elizabeth Joan Freya or Elizabeth Freya Joan. I think it's lovely.
I think Freya is an absolutely lovely name and I intend to name my first daughter (if I have one) Freya.
I think Freya is a beautiful, strong yet feminine name, and I love the mythology that goes with it.
Urg, I just don't like this name. It sounds too ... I don't know.

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