Franziska Matile-Dörig (b. 1992) is a Swiss Paralympic cyclist who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
This is sort of my name. Not legally, but I call myself that, and a few people in my life have started calling me that too.
Thankfully, even though I live in the US, people can usually pronounce it right. The only issue is they usually think it’s Francisca or Francesca until they’ve seen it on paper.
Franziska Donner, the first First Lady of South Korea.
Franziska Troegner (Mrs. Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) is my first association with this name.
Common name in Germany! But I feel like English speaking nations can probably never pronounce it correctly!
The same name as my editor. Strangely enough when I look at the name I think of koshka, the Russian word for cat. Still, I love it and it's a very pretty name.
Franciska is the (full) Croatian form, and is pronounced the same as here: frahn-TSIS-kah.
My family and I pronounce it FRAN-CHESS-KA.
Franziska van Almsick is a German swimmer who won her first Olympic medals in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympic Games aged fourteen. In 1993, she was named by Swimming World magazine as the Female World Swimmer of the Year.
This was Nietzsche's mother's name.
Franziska von Karma is the English name of a character in the video game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Her Japanese name was Mei Karuma.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Franziska here:
Pronounced frun-SIS-kah.
Common name in Germany. Nickname: Franzi.
I happen to like this name very much. I think it is beautiful without being too "creative" or potentially humiliating for a child to bear.

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