It should stay as surname.
The association with the magazine ruins it.
John Forbes Kerry was a Democratic Senator, former US Secretary of State, and Democratic Presidential nominee in 2004. He is currently US Special Envoy to Europe on Climate.
The magazine. Unusable.
The height of pretentiousness.
This is still being used as a surname as these are my family lines!
I never realized people used it as anything else - Interesting.
I don't see the appeal of this name. It's really unusable because of the mag, of course.
Traditionally pronounced with 2 syllables: for-biss.
I can't hear this name without thinking of the magazine.
John Forbes Nash (1928- present) is the Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton University. He won the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. He shared the prize with Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.
In 2001, a movie was made about his life, starring Russell Crowe as John. The movie focused on John's struggle with schizophrenia and mathematical equatons.
Malcolm Stevenson "Steve" Forbes Jr. is the head of the famous "Forbes" magazine and was a presidential candidate in the 2000 U.S. elections. The Forbes family is wealthy and well-known.

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