Usages: Literature, Jamaican Patois (Rare)Meaning: Possibly a variant of Floscel influenced by names beginning with the element Flor-. Florizel was used by Shakespeare in his play The Winter's Tale (1610) for the prince of Bohemia, lover of Perdita. It was used as a pseudonym by the British king George IV in his correspondence with actress Mary Robinson, his mistress who was herself known as Perdita (it being the Shakespeare character in which she first attracted his attention when prince of Wales). The name was borne by Sir Florizel Glasspole (1909-2000), the third Governor-General of Jamaica.
Sir Florizel Glasspole (ON CD GCMG GCVO KStJ (1909 – 2000)), was the third and longest-serving governor-general of Jamaica, in office from 1973 to 1991.
Florizel von Reuter (1890 – 1985) was an American-born violinist and composer, a child prodigy who went on to an adult career, mainly in Germany, as distinguished soloist and teacher of violin. He was also a psychic and medium and the author of several books on his alleged mediumistic communications with deceased musicians, and other works.

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