Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm more surprised that this is a fem name. In my personal opinion it's more masc. But it really doesn't matter in the long run.
Florence Maxine was my mother’s name. Born March 1944 and named after her grandmother. History tells you the meaning of names but from my person perspective Florence means feminine, strong willed, tenacious and gritty.
No one can understand my absolute surprise when I found out that Flo was a nickname for Florence, anyways It's a great name for both genders, no need to argue over it!
So frumpy. Can’t imagine a baby with this ugly name.
Elegant, confident, sophisticated, and pretty. The meaning is great, and I love Flora as a nickname possibility. Fantastic name! :)
I guess it's an okay name for a girl. Still sounds kind of old fashioned. Not sure how I feel about it for a boy.
Florence is so so pretty! I love the nickname Flossy for it. It's definitely not masculine but a very pretty feminine name.
I really wish Florence was used for boys more, I love the name for any gender but from what I've seen it seems like Florence is way more popular of a name for females. I understand how it sounds feminine though, I just wish more boys were named Florence since I love this name a lot.
My 4 year old daughter is called Florence, her middle name is Elizabeth. Florence is such a beautiful name and has pretty nicknames like Flo and Flossie. Our daughter is usually just Florence but we sometimes call her Flo Flo and Feo (Which spells her initials!).
Wait, this is a male name as well?!
I love the name Florence, it makes me think of flowers! It sounds so vintage and it’s just like Florence Pugh!
I LOVE THIS NAME! I had a friend named Florence who went by Rency. It was the coolest name ever. This name is so high on my list. AND FLORENCE PUGH!
Florence is a nice old fashioned name that recently is getting popular again, but not too popular within the top 1000 anyway. Nicknames for Florence are iffy specifically with Flo as many have mentioned before with aunt Flo. There is elegance to this name sounding almost regal.
I was surprised to see this name gain some resurgence again. It's popular yet rare at the same time. If that makes any sense. It's a good name for a girl of any age and isn't too old ladyish in my opinion.
I really love this name. I have a friend named this, but she goes by Wren.
I think Flora would be great nickname for this but I haven’t ever see it mentioned.
Florence is a nice name but I like Florencia more. I really hate this name for a boy and everyone with this name I know is a girl, no boys. It doesn't sound masculine to me, so a boy named Florence will be teased for having a feminine-sounding name, constantly being asked "Why did your parents give you a girl's name?"
Florence is one of the more beautiful female names! This name just flows so smoothly when you say it.
Don't like its abbreviation--Flo,but Florence is so elegant and pretty itself though!
I'm the only one named Florence in the school. I don't think the popularity of the name is important, as long as I like it! I think it's a beautiful name!
Like the name but would hate the nickname Flo. Reminds me of Aunt Flo, that would be awful. Shame.
Great name, classic beauty, historic and elegant! I don't want this name getting too overused as some other names that are getting used too often like some toilet paper. Florence is not rare, but feels like an unusual name, that should be not forgotten, but not overused also, something in between. Florence has quality!
I love the name Florence, as it is a beautiful, elegant and deeply romantic name.
Beautiful name. I like the fact that it sounds old fashioned yet modern. ❤️.
Aunt Flow.
Strongly dislike this name, sorry.
I really love this name! I can see why people find it very feminine, but I think it would be lovely for a boy, too. It sounds so gentle and wonderful. The main impression I get is of someone graceful and composed, but friendly and upbeat with a sense of humor.
I actually really like this name. Florence ages well, and it’s pretty.
Kinda ugly.
One of my fav names, classic, not too common, somewhat elegant. I love it.
Aunt Flo means a women’s period.
A very pretty, sophisticated name that should be used in the US more often.
Popular in the UK, but attempting to reclaim ground in the US.
As a theatrical person I keep thinking of Florenz Zigfield, a man.
I had a Great Aunt Flossy. Apparently at the beginning of the 20th Century Flossy was viewed as a preferred name to use rather than Florence, her real name. If that was the only choice offered I would definitely use Florence. It's a nice name.
Really impossible for me to imagine Florence being used on a boy.
I actually like the name Florence but the only thing that puts me off and I would never use it is the nickname ‘Flo’ which is inevitable, I can’t get out my head ‘Aunt Flo’ which is a nickname for women’s periods! Ruined it for me! I wouldn’t want to be named after a period :( I don’t know why people don’t think of this when using this name for their children unless they pretend they don’t know what the association is.
Wait, flo means period? Damn, I need to find a new nickname.
I'm very surprised that this name isn't more popular at the moment. My great-grandmother was named Florence and Florence is one of the loveliest cities in Europe, truly befitting of its name.
I absolutely love this name because it sounds great on either gender. If I had to choose though, I'd say I like it for males more. It's one of those rare names that sound cute on a guy. :)
Charming, sweet, old fashioned- it has it all, really.
I think that Florence is a great name for boys as well as girls. For me, it's quite more interesting as a boy's name because it's classy.
I like Florence for a girl but not a boy. I like Lori as a diminutive. I would use Florence Adelaide or Florence Elisabetta.
I am really starting to like this name. It's pretty and sophisticated!
My name is Florence and I personally really like my name because it is not so common and very sophisticated.
Beautiful name. An amazing classic.
Florence is my middle name! Named after my great grandmother who was a saint and raised 12 children. Myself included. Florence is a proud name that I am blessed to share with her and hope it gets passsed down. It is from Ireland, Scotland, and England.
I hear Florence is a popular girl's name in England... I like it. Something about it. I wouldn't mind naming one of my future daughters this name.
The name Florence is beautiful, my youngest daughter has the name and I love it. It was quite unusual when I named her in 2002 but it is becoming more popular now which I am unsure about as I like more unusual names.
I'm slowly starting to like this name. It's nice and sophisticated, not my favourite, but quite pleasant.
I can see this name as being more masculine when compared to Florentina and Flora.
Despite its popularity in the UK, the name Florence was only given to 92 baby girls born in the US in 2012. There were more baby girls named 'Lennox' born in 2012 than Florence! So sad.
Such a pretty name, really unique too. Although I was surprised to see it's also considered a masculine name, I could never imagine a boy named Florence!
This is my name, I am 15 years old and this name has been great throughout my life! I wouldn't change it for anything!
The name is a timeless classic which has come back into fashion with a bang! It is strong and solid and you cannot go wrong with it!
I could go on all day about how grateful I am to carry this name, without being biased in the slightest :-)!
Very pretty name. It's starting to become popular again too :)
L.o.v.e. this name.
Florence is a very sweet name.
Florence doesn't really seem like a masculine name, especially when it sounds like something to do with flowers.
I can't picture this on a female. It's a very classy male name, though.
I am absolutely in love with this name! The way it's written looks so beautiful and graceful for some reason. "Florence." A great nickname would be Flor or Flora. I would love to name my daughter this someday.
I think Florence is a very beautiful name. It has a certain flair to it. This name reminds me of a cunning and beautiful girl.
I can't stand Florence as a female name, but I love it as a male name. I know most people consider it too feminine for a man, but I don't get that impression at all. I guess I just really like male names that end with -ence.
It's old-fashioned but classy. It makes me think of the Renaissance, high art, etc. Florence is great European city with much history behind it. I just hate the nickname Flo.
One of the only obvious place names that works as a name without being silly. I adore it on a female.
I think Florence is a pretty name. You could shorten it to Flo, which is also good. Wouldn't you like to have an auntie Flo?
I really like this name, I find it very pretty. I've never thought of it as a masculine name, though.
I love this name, especially since it's not that common nowadays.
I don't usually like place names, but Florence doesn't seem as forced and it has a calm elegance about it. I like Flora as a nickname.
I can't really picture this name on males. It definitely sounds feminine to me. I'm not very fond of most names that end in the 's' sound, Iris, Beatrice, Bellatrix, and Alice being exceptions, and the name is quite old-fashioned. I'm not too enamored of the very strong Florence Nightingale association either, as I've heard that she didn't support women's suffrage. So, I wouldn't use the name.
I have this as my second middle name, after my paternal grandmother. I've always loved this name, although as a child as soon as anyone realised I had this as a middle name they would start calling me "Florence Nightingale" over and over again. Grr.
This was my great-grandmother's name and I think it has a certain class to it. Her nickname was 'Flo' which is rather nice too. Not very popular today but perhaps it should be.
My sister's name, of which I have always been very jealous. It's modern and classy yet understated.
I love it! So understated and classy.
My great-grandmother bore this name. And she was French. I think French names are very pretty and sophisticated!
It's so sophisticated. I love it.

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