I like Flemming, and I think of author of the James Bond stories, but I can't get past the inevitable nickname, Flemm (phlegm). Too bad for that, because it would be a nice name otherwise.
Flemming Søgaard Povlsen is a Danish former professional football player who played as a striker for Borussia Dortmund in Germany, among other teams. He is currently working as a football expert on TV.
It's a Medieval Danish form of the Ancient Scandinavian name Flæmingr and also a variant of the name Fleming. It's name day in Norway is October 16th. (Use http://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Flemming to see the usages of this name).
Really? I can't believe people would actually name their innocent children this. In my local area, there is a man running for public office who named his son this. It didn't help his campaign any. Even without the gross connotation, it sounds like a verb, not a name.
Some time ago, I saw an episode of a reality show where a family's youngest daughter was named Flemming. I've actually began to like this, for a boy way more than a girl, though. Nice name, but the nickname "Flemm" is rather repulsive. ;)
https://archive.org/details/altdeutschesnam00seelgoog/page/n269/mode/2up (in German)