I like Finnian.It may be true that it is close to a slur but it doesn't explain why it is not very popular. Tadhg has a similar issue concerning its origin and usage, however it is quite popular in Ireland and has gained some ground in the US.
In the manga/anime Kuroshitsuji (黒執事, "Black Butler") there's a character called Finnian, often referred to as Finny.
― Anonymous User 12/29/2009
This is an awesome, strong name, but I can guess why it isn't very popular. It's dangerously similar to the vicious sectarian slur "Fenian" which is used in Northern Ireland and Scotland against Roman Catholics. The word itself comes from the Irish fianna, the name of a band of mythical warriors in Irish mythology. The name was anglicised "Fenian" and used by the Fenian Brotherhood and Irish Republican Brotherhood as a name for their members. They were later called more political terms like "Nationalist" or "Republican", but nowadays, "Fenian" is used as a very taboo insult for Catholics in general, equivalent to the n- word.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2009
I love this name! There's just something about it that is very appealing to me.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2007
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