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Spanish pet forms include Feli (pronounced /', Ciana (pronounced /'θ or /' and Ciani (pronounced /'θ or /'* Feli is also used for Felicia, Felisa, Felicitas, etc. I assume it would also be used for the masculine Feliciano.
Feliciana Enríquez de Guzmán (1569–c. 1644) was a Spanish playwright of the Spanish Golden Age and one of the first women to write a play in Spanish. She is known for a two part play Los jardines y campos sabeos with several comic interludes. Its second print edition includes theoretical texts in which she asserts her position within the world of theatre.
Also Gascon, Provençal and Languedocian: --- Source: Institut d'Estudis Occitans
This name can also be spelled with two "n"s. I personally like it better that way, (Mainly because it is the name of a friend) but both names are very elegant. A lot of people say that it sounds like a princess's name. Felicianna has a lot of determination and is very competitive, but she always has a smile on her face (as the name suggests).
Two Louisiana parishes (equivalent to a state's county) share this name: East Feliciana Parish and West Feliciana Parish.Feliciana is also the main character in the children's book "Feliciana Feydra Le Roux," which is takes place in a Louisiana swamp.
This is a lovely name, which makes me feel happy, as the meaning suggests.

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