Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like Eve as it reminds me of "Adam and Eve" which is a very important event to remember. And it is not so common now.
F*** the misogynistic men in these comments! Feminism is a good thing! We all sin! Name your daughters Eve! It's adorable!
What a lovely name this is, I love this name.
I very much prefer Eva to Eve but Eve is a beautiful name regardless. Eve can also be a cute nickname for Eva.
If you're dense & fool enough to believe the fictional story of “Adam & Eve” (which was made by ancient Jews out of entertainment that later on had its way to its illegitimate children, meaning Chri$tianity and I$lam), keep going and call your kid EVE. But I don't think one with slightest amount of common sense would do so..!Note: don't get my words wrong. The spelling of this name is cool, it sounds soft, it's short and ultimately off to the point, but the meaning and the historical (well I shouldn't use historical as this absurd story is just mythology like ZEUS and POSEIDON that belong to Greek mythology, and has nothing to do with history) background is a pretty good reason for me not to warm up to it. In a nutshell; The story and religious part stands out way too much. Without that, it could have been one of the coolest names for girls with the spelling and pronunciation it can make.
I don’t care if Eve made Adam eat the fruit, it's just people who make the Bible hate women, and let Eve do the “Bad women” and making her let Adam eat the fruit, so all people will just think the female gender is bad. The Bible is not true, you cannot hate a name or a people or a gender just because a fictional story. God isn’t true.
Eve is a beautiful, simple name. I am raised in Christianity and respect all beliefs, but if you dislike this name or think it’s bad to use this name for a baby because of the biblical Eve, that’s plain childish. Eve is a beautiful name. Adam is a perfectly acceptable name, no? So why is this such a controversial name? Because she sinned? Like we all do? Eve is a beautiful name, beautiful spelling and beautiful meaning.
I am not against Eve as a name due to the Eve in the Bible because we have all sinned. Yes, she did ruin everything for all mankind but we still shouldn't hate her for what she did many years ago. There is nothing wrong with the name Eve. This is short as a full name and should be only for a middle name.
Eve is such a simple beauty that represents all women. Absolutely stunning and so underused among all the Evie’s and Evelyn’s nowadays,
I love the name Evie but I can't seem to see it as a stand-alone name. I thought about Eva, Evelyn, or Eveline/Evelina but the E sound in all of those isn't the long E and it seems weird to me to use Evie as a nickname for Evelyn for instance. I thought about Eve-Lynn or Eve-Leigh or even Evieleigh but can't feel good about any of it right now, I just want my Evie lol. Thinking I might just stay simple and go with Eve and give her a longer fancier middle name.
I prefer Evie!
This name is cute! I like that it means "life" but I much prefer Evie. Eve seems a little too old lady like to me.
I find Eve very nice! I would use this as a middle name though, I like some of the variants like Eva and Zoe (the Greek version).
So serene sounding, reminds me of a cool, starry evening sky. Eve is beautiful in its simplicity. I prefer it to Eva, but I really like both names.
I do prefer Eva ("EE-vuh"). Eve isn't a bad name, though. It sounds pretty and cute. Evie is another nice name.
Despite original sin, Adam and Eve made it to heaven, because God was merciful to them, and they repented and did penance. Having found mercy myself, I have the privilege of being with them in the communion of saints. This makes Eve the name of a saint. It's delicate, feminine, and perfect for a middle name. Eva is equally beautiful. I'd love to be called something like Louise Eva, Agatha Eve, or Juliana Eve.
To all the parents who want to name their daughters Eve but are worried about this Christian name and its supposedly strong association to the first act of sin. I myself have this name, I’m an Eve, and I was raised in a Christian household (although you don’t need to be any certain religion to hold / give this name!) and I was never told I had a nasty name by those around me. Personally, I think that the meaning of the name Eve is more important than the association to the biblical Eve. I for one would strongly recommend this name to any parents with a little fighter for a daughter, as the name’s meaning is, ‘to breath’ and ‘to live’. Overall, a lovely name! :)
This name stinks. Coming from a fictional story, Adam and Eve.
Ow and the name? I already said, ugly, it stinks and the origin is bloody childish and a disobedient rogue person who is not a role model.
I think Eve is quite sweet. I find it cute and simple and fits well with any age.
Beautiful name, I also love Eva. Both are so lovely and so feminine.
I love Eve for a name, it's simply gorgeous. I like it both as a nickname for Evangeline, and I also love it on its own, as well. It's a strong beautiful name. I also like that it's a good balance between feminine yet not too “frilly”. In other words, I can picture Eve as a girly-girl, a tomboy, or a girl who has characteristics of both a girly-girl and a tomboy. I think that's important in a name.
As far as the biblical Eve goes, it is true that she sinned, but everyone has sinned. All seven billion of us have. No one's perfect, but our flaws are what makes us beautiful and they're how we learn and grow. You can't have the rainbow without a storm.
Besides, people name their children Adam all the time (which is a beautiful classic, by the way), and yet he took part in “The Fall”, as well. But like I said, we're all human. Sometimes it takes recognizing our flaws to realize our strengths.
Overall, I think Eve is a really nice name.
C'mon guys. Enough of the scrutiny of Eve. Yes she sinned as well as Adam. They are both guilty. I find it a double standard that it's acceptable to name a baby Adam and how it's more popular on baby name charts for centuries, but not Eve, because of one mistake. No offense to any fellow named Adam nor parents who named their babies Adam. Eve is our mother and represents us women. Eve and all the variants Eva, Ava (which I'm not a fan of), and Chava are fine. The meaning mother of living/life is beautiful.Do not be afraid of using this name for a baby girl. If you wanna use it, by all means!P.S.: She is NOT Delilah nor Jezebel, so don't even try make those comparisons.
I love this name! It is a good baby name and sounds so sweet. I prefer it to Eva.
Uh, I love Ava and Eva better... Makes me think of the Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve when I heard of this name.
I think Eve is such a cute name, and being formerly Christian I did not care less about Eve's "sins" because without her actions we could not be here today. Eve is a beautiful name and should not be mistreated.
Beautiful name, although I still prefer Eva.
Hi. I loved the name Eve growing up. I thought it was gorgeous. However I would not to use it due to her being the first to sin. Eve wore the pants and usurped Adam and God's authority. That would be heresy. The reason why Adam sinned is because he listened to his wife. I am surprised some Christians still use it. Even Satanists say Eve is the first Feminist/Satanists according to Per Faxneld's Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture Christians should stay away from this name, just my two cents. It's just as wicked as Jezebel and Delilah.
Okay, I apologize for being too harsh on Eve. Even though the biblical Eve was the first transgressor by giving into temptation and compromising with the serpent, usurping Adam, leading him into sin, and disobeying God, that does not mean she should be condemned because we have all fallen short into sin. We're not any better than Eve. We can't be good on our own merits without God. We easily could have been fallen into temptation too. It's sad that the name Eve isn't more popular due of the fall. I do understand why people are hesitant using this particular name, as I stated in the above paragraph. However like one comment that I love, Eve represents all women (myself included) that have lived and passed on this earth, and their natural state/personality (good and bad). Take that into consideration. I also do find it funny that people/parents avoid Eve, but like or use the wildly popular variants such as Eva, Evie, Ava, and Zoe / Zoey, unaware that they are the names of the first mother of living. I do like the original Hebrew name of Eve, Chava. It is pretty. And so is the Greek variant, Zoe. Eve has a wonderful meaning, life/mother of all living. Adam did a good job naming her. Sorry for the essay, I wanted to clear some things.Btw, and no offense, I do find it unfair how the name Adam is more popular than Eve. Adam is a strong and great name, he also sinned (he didn't have to eat the fruit) and Eve doesn't get much recognition. If Adam is popular/common, so should Eve be, because they are both important and our first parents. ;)
It would not be a good idea to name daughters Eve (or any of it's popular variants such as Ava, Evie, Zoe, Zoey, and Eva), due to her repuation. She is immoral, rebellious, and led humanity to sin, and caused Adam to eat the fruit. She upsurped God and Adam's authority which is not a good example for your daughters. She paved the way for Jezebel, Delilah, and feminism/Satanism. Shame on her. People are making excuses that Eve made a mistake and she didn't know better. Yes, she did know better. Woe to people who name their daughters Eve and there are many other names to give to your daughters such as Hannah and Sarah.
This name is pretty. Yes, Eve was the first sinner and disobeyed God. However, Adam was held responsible, because he willingly disobeyed God, although he was not deceived. Adam is also a nice name although, it is not my style. The story shows us the deadly consequences of sin and separation from God, the creator.
I would just like to put my two cents personally on this name:1. Although I associate it with the Bible, I could genuinely care less about it.
2. The name is honestly really pretty.
3. It should be used at lot more, I’m kinda sad the obvious association stopped it a little.
I love it.
I love the name Eve. I don't care about the association with the bible. I've never even read it anyways.
I really like Eve. It sounds so soft, gentle, and pretty! I don't care about the Biblical association. I don't think of her when I hear it, and I don't care about the namesake anyways.
Eve is such an elegant, timeless, pure name. I dislike the nickname Evie though.
So cute!
***This comment is not meant to discredit anyone's beliefs! I respect all people no matter their religious beliefs!In my opinion, I like this name, as I often research religion and find myself especially fond over stories of creation. After reading many comments, I felt compelled to make my own comment on this name in relation to its Biblical association.First of all, I don't believe we should look at the name "Eve" as "evil" or "sinful". Neither should we look at it, or the story of creation, as a way to demean women. The story of creation in the Bible, if taken from an interpretive view, is entirely symbolic, and relates not only to the first human beings but also to our own lives and our own process of maturity. The story of both Adam and Eve symbolically represents the human transformation from pure innocence (the Garden of Eden) to the knowledge of both good and evil (eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and introducing the acknowledgement of sin). With this, the name Eve, I believe, shouldn't have such a negative connotation as it relates to not just the first people under the command of God in the Bible, but also to us all. The story of creation is also not meant to demean woman as Eve taking the fruit does have a symbolic meaning in itself, one that doesn't necessarily downplay or discriminate women. Women usually are the first to introduce sin in other religious stories of creation, as well (Pandora in Greek Mythology). It is not unique to just Eve.Hopefully my comment helps rid the negative connotations I've heard about this name. I don't think it is a shameful name at all, it's actually pretty with a cool translation.
Very nice! Short and simple.
I don't like the name Eve. It sounds dowdy and just ugly to me. I'm not against biblical names just because they're old or whatever, and there are some that I really like, but Eve is not one of them.
This doesn't make me think of Eve from the bible. (I'm Jewish, so I had no idea that there was a connection)
Eve is a good name which sounds nice in my opinion. I think of the word "evening" so I get chill sleepy vibes from this name. It's hard not to have the "first sinner" connotation with the name. All in all I like the name but I think it's a bit short for a first name personally.
Evie is the cutest nickname ever!
I agree this name is better than Ava or Eva. I think this is a really good middle name because it's short and sweet sounding. I think it would be awesome if more people were more daring and used Eve as a first name.
I prefer this over Ava and Eva. I don't think of Eve from the bible when I hear it.
Eve is such a nice, short and simple name.
I love the name Eve. I too was raised Christian but I was never taught to hate Eve or her name or blame her for all sin. Yikes! Eve was human and succumbed to temptation like we all do in our lives. The culprit in the story was not Eve. Eve will always mean Earth Mother to me.
A pretty name, but Christianity completely ruins it with their blaming of everything bad that every happened on Eve.
I've come to like this name more now than when I was growing up. I see it in a new light. It really is a pretty name.
I love, love, LOVE this name. It's short, to the point, and is beautiful. I like to think of connotations with an Eve (as in, an evening) so a dark blue or purple comes to mind. It's really pretty.
I'm called Eve, most of the time I love it! There are no other Eves I know and it is short and not at all girly. I just hate the story of Adam and Eve, I know she ate the apple but still why does that mean everyone has to hate the name? I think is short and good. I also like the name Ebony. (It also suits a lot of different personalities) PROUD TO BE AN EVE!
This is my middle name. (I was named after my grandmother.) It's short, sweet, but has a deep meaning. I applaud my parents for their choice.
Best name for a girl! Classic and simple yet deep and adorable. My 2 year old is called Eve Hazel and she's named after me in a way as I'm Genevieve.Eve means life, Hazel means wisdom. It's a perfect match!
I'm starting to really like this name, although I prefer Eva and Ava. The only reason I'm starting to like this one is because it's less popular than those two. I'm an atheist, so I dislike its strong connection to religion, however the name on its own is nice.
When I was growing up in the Christian church, it was always hammered into me that Eve was the original sinner, the downfall of man, that she was a horrible person that we should all be ashamed of and the name should never be put to use. Now, I don't really believe there was an Eve anymore, but the negative feelings toward the name remain due to what the church said. When I push aside these irrational thoughts, I find Eve to be a pretty name, if a bit short for my taste. I think I like it better as a nickname for Evangeline or Aveline or something of the sort, as it sounds more nickname-y than full name-y. If I didn't feel so inherently bad about this name due to what the church tried to teach me, then it'd probably be on my favorites list because I find it such a cute nickname.
I have two German Shepherds: one is Eva and one is Hitler. :)
Very plain. Not saying the name is terrible by any means, I just think it makes a much better middle or secondary middle name. I don't care for it too much as a first name.
Yes Eve sinned by disobeying God and tempting her husband, but so did Adam sin, and so do the rest of us. I personally believe we would have given into the temptation before she did. She was also the first woman created by God. How beautiful. I think the name Eve is absolutely gorgeous. It does remind me of Christmas Eve but I feel that's a good thing.
My name is Eve, with the middle name Louise.
I think this name is brilliant and gorgeous! Shame it's so underused! =(
I LOVE this name, I know it would be a little strange for me to name a daughter this seeing as I am an atheist, but I just can't help adoring this name! It's sweet and spunky with a story book heroine feel to it, and it ages well, I plan on using this name someday.
Usually I don't like names that only have three letters, but I really do like Eve a lot. I think because it only has one syllable whereas other three-letter names usually have two and that bugs me for some reason - Ali, Ian, Ira, Ava. But Eve is very beautiful to me. I don't even think about the biblical aspect. My brother is named Adam and he never got teased about being the "first man" or anything like that. Eve is a great choice for parents. I can picture a child and a grown woman with this name.
Nice name. We name people Adam, and he ate the forbidden fruit too. According to Catholic tradition, Adam and Eve repented of their sin and are considered saints.
My daughter will be called Eve simply because I like the name. IMO it's a simple, feminine but strong name. And while being traditional and well known it's not become popular and overused.
As for people who don't like the name because of the fairytale story where she made the 'grave' mistake of eating an apple... I couldn't care less. To me, the alleged 'punishment' for such an action is extreme to say the least - and personally doesn't show this God in the story to be a very loving, forgiving or reasonable being!
I will be giving this name to my daughter exactly due to it's biblical meaning.I feel humanity owes a great deal to Eve. Consuming fruit of the tree of knowledge (according to the role attributed to her in the Jewish mythology) is what differentiates us from animals: awareness of the 'human condition' ( owe it to Eve rising above being YHWH's pets.As per the sexual connotations attributed to her, ask yourself if you really prefer to have a rib taken out (!) or make love? I, for myself, know the answer.Finally, daemonizing Eve for what is essentially human nature (sexual desire) sound to me suspiciously like the hardcore Islamic approach to rape: "It is the woman's fault for tempting the man".
It's the ultimate bad girl name. Very sexy and seductive. Because she was cast as a temptress.
All I can think when I hear Eve: DIRECTIVE
But, Wall-E was an adorable movie, and Eve is still a very nice name.
If my baby was born on New year's Eve (which is today happy 2010 everyone) I would maybe name her Eve or use it as a middle name or choose a name that means Eve. It is a very beautiful name!
I love this name, it's absolutely beautiful. As for the Garden of Eden, I see that somewhat as a positive. This name is humbling and a reminder to stay strong and virtuous because every single one of us is capable of sin.
I like this name very much. As the only being created from living tissue (Adam's rib), and as the very first woman, Eve deserves respect. I can only imagine how dazzlingly beautiful she must have been. Many people see her as the sole cause of humanity's downfall, but I believe it is unfair to place the blame on her shoulders alone. As Adam's wife, she was under his protection and guardianship, but he did nothing to stop her from eating the forbidden fruit. While God told Adam that eating the fruit would cause him to die, Adam added to what God said by telling Eve that even just *touching* the fruit would cause her to die. Then, when Eve touched the fruit and was not harmed, she assumed that eating it would be harmless as well. In this way, Adam was at least partially responsible for her mistake. Eve did not force Adam to eat the fruit: she handed it to him, and he chose to eat it as well. I believe that if Adam had not eaten the fruit, God would have forgiven Eve because Adam made no attempt to stop her. Also, it is interesting that neither of them felt any ill effects until after Adam himself had eaten. The Bible tells us that the nature of sin is passed through the father, and as the father of humanity, it was Adam's mistake which caused us to fall.But, while Adam and Eve's mistake has caused so much suffering, I believe it is important to remember that they probably suffered more than any of us. After all, they had experienced, and then lost, paradise, while we only know life in its present, imperfect state. As the first man and woman, they should be respected.
My name is Eve. I hate how people call me Evie or Evelyn. And I don't like the references either, to Adam and Eve and Wall-E and Christmas. I have loads of memories of primary school with someone in the playground at Christmas going "it's Christmas Eve!" Everywhere I've gone, there's been a reference. And then, just as I thought people were growing out of it (I'm 15 now), Wall-E had to come out, so I had more people go "Eeeeeeevvvveeee" randomly at school.However, despite everything, I love my name. I remember going to a gig with my (now ex) boyfriend. We were in the car with his dad and we all just talked about random stuff, and they both said my name was really pretty and simple. And it is. And as for the bible, it's all down to what you believe. I'm not a Christian, but it wouldn't matter if I was or wasn't to be honest.Now, one of my best friends is called Samara. She STILL gets a ridiculous number of references from "The Ring", but she loves her name. It's all down to confidence. Every name has a good meaning to it.
This is such a beautiful, strong name. I love it.To add to the "original sin" issue, Eve was an innocent who was deceived by the master of lies. She didn't deliberately go out to do evil. She made a mistake, nothing more. And Adam made the same mistake, too. But what people don't realize is that, as innocent as they were, Adam and Eve couldn't have children. In other words, the human family couldn't exist unless they partook of the fruit. So I honor Eve. She was an innocent, righteous woman who had to learn how to be a parent without a role model and without help, and she is the mother of us all. I fully respect her, and I look forward to the day when I can name one of my daughters after her.
I love this name. It's pretty and sweet, and the meaning is amazing! I really don't think any name could have a better meaning than "to breathe" or "to live". It's so romantic.
Eve having a positive or a negative association all depends on how you look at it. She was the first woman, which means she represents all women. And if you say she was bad, so you wouldn't use this name, you're basically saying the female gender is bad. The idea of the story was showing how no woman or man is perfect. We are all human and tainted by Adam and Eve and God still loves us regardless. I am not very religious, but I was raised that way and I think it's very close-minded to say that Eve is simply a blasphemous name. There is so much more to it. What is alluring to me about it is that Eve is the first woman, woman in her most natural state. That's what I want for my daughter, not to feel tied down by modern pop culture, but to embrace her own personal timeless beauty. She never has to fit the stereotype of the day, because she is simply woman, naked and pure.
This name is soft and gentle, and tends to remind me of maple trees whispering just before nightfall. I agree with the above poster, though, about the Garden of Eden associations.
I love the symmetrical, rounded look of Eve and I love the sound. It feels like a classy name. I would name a daughter Eve except I'm quite uncomfortable with the Garden of Eden associations. I guess you can interpret Eve in different ways but at the end of the day my gut feeling is she was meant to be a weak person, a baddie! I might get round this by thinking of it as the vocabulary word for 'evening', like a dusky summer night in the country.Also, I cannot believe that Evie is far more popular than Eve in the UK name charts! And how is Eve a nickname for Evelyn - isn't it pronounced "Ev-a-lyn", not "Eev-a-lyn"?
I'm utterly fed up with this name. It's extremely boring, it's far too plain and minimalist, it's still too common, and it has a blatantly obvious connection to Christianity. In this world of heterosexist tyranny, you get to hear enough of the ''Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'' crap. At least name the girl Evelyn if you like this name.
Eve is a beautiful name, despite what some may think when it comes to Christianity. Eve in the bible did eat the forbidden fruit. But God still loved her. Also, she was STILL the first women created by God. So to name your daughter after the very first women is a great way to honor womanhood. Because someday your daughter will grow up to be a woman. I am highly considering this name myself. I like the biblical aspect. I love that she was the first woman, despite her actions. None of us are perfect and all considered sinners based on the Bible. But by her being named Eve, I just always felt that must have been God's favorite girl name. Adam and Eve were his favorite names because that is what he named them. The first man and women he created. So another reason to love the name Eve. Also I love the meaning behind it. Such a beautiful meaning. Again like I said. This is a good name to celebrate womenhood because of her being the first women.
Why does Eve deserve memorializing? According to Christian tradition, her legacy is Original Sin for all of Mankind from the very beginning of time! And Original Sin gave rise to a need for the martyrdom of Christ! WOW! You wouldn't name your daughters Lilith or Jezebel or Delilah or Mary Magdalen for their negative "press" in Christian lore, but you would honor Eve, the first and most notorious of all femme fatales in Christiandom?!
On reflection, may I apologize to all the Eves out there who might be offended by my feelings around the history of their names. In no way do I mean to insinuate that a woman or girl with this name should feel bad. Wear it proud!
It makes me think of Christmas Eve. Not a bad name, though, but I much prefer the spelling Ava.
I like this name a lot! It's simple and sweet. And kinda cute. It would suit many personalities.
I know a woman who has a daughter named Evelyn, she said that if anyone dared to call her Eve for short she would be angry because Eve was the one who ate the forbiden apple and all that. Why would you name your child Evelyn or something with Eve in it if you don't want her being called Eve?
The name Eve seems almost too simple for me, but I still like it---and you could call her Evie, which I think is adorable, but still have Eve as a much more mature and substantial name for an adult woman.
I think Eve is a very pretty name. It is not very common and I think it goes very well as a middle name for Sarah. And if little Sarah hates that her name is so common, she can go by her middle name and still have a very pretty, sweet Biblical name.
This is such a nice name. It's pretty, simple and classic. Whenever I hear it I picture a strong-willed, kind and generous woman. This is a good name to grow up with as Evie is a good nickname for a little girl.
This is a great name for a girl. It's universally known, simple and very pretty without being pretentious. It's also surprinsingly uncommon--what's not to like?
This is a lovely, timeless and very feminine name in my opinion. I also love the meanings of 'to live' and 'to breathe'. I'm surprised it isn't more popular, but at the same time I like the fact that it's relatively uncommon in this day and age.
This is such a pretty name. It has a nice meaning and is not overused at all. Evie is a cute nickname for a little girl as well. I would definitely consider using this as a first name.
Love this name. It has such a dimple yet pretty and timeless air to it. I also love how it means 'life'.
I like the name Eve, Evie or Eva as a nickname for either Evelyn or Genevieve.

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