I'm surprised Ethel isn't coming back into popularity with similar names like Evelyn and Edith rising.
I agree that Ethel is a beautiful name, and also don't understand hate the name gets. If you're considering Ethel for your daughter, I say you can't go wrong with this underused gem!
Ethel Waters (1896 – 1977) was an American singer and actress. Waters frequently performed jazz, swing, and pop music on the Broadway stage and in concerts. She began her career in the 1920s singing blues. Her notable recordings include "Dinah", "Stormy Weather", "Taking a Chance on Love", "Heat Wave", "Supper Time", "Am I Blue?", "Cabin in the Sky", "I'm Coming Virginia", and her version of "His Eye Is on the Sparrow". Waters was the second African American to be nominated for an Academy Award, the first African American to star on her own television show, and the first African-American woman to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award.
One of my favorite names of all time! I like the vintage feeling and I think it just sounds cool! Why is this name hated?
Singer Ethel Cain.
Ethel is soft and pleasant. Though old-fashioned, I can still see its quiet, youthful charm. Why are people hating so much? Tons of names can sound off if you're not used to them. Ethel is sweet and charming, and if your name is Ethel, know that you have a blessing of a name.
Although I wouldn't use it, I do think Ethel is a nice name. There is a soft, romantic charm about it, and although it is vintage, I think that is part of what makes it so appealing. Overall, I think Ethel is a lovely name.
Whenever I hear this name I hear Ethel Merman singing "There's No Business Like Show Business". My mom was a big fan.
Ethel Cain is the stage name of American singer Hayden Anhedönia. Her concept album, Preacher’s Daughter, centers around the character of Ethel as she runs away from home before being kidnapped by a cannibalistic cult.
Ethel Osborne (née Goodson; 1882 – 1968) was a British-born Australian doctor who was an expert in the field of hygiene and public health. In 2008 she was inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women.
I really like this name, I think it’s sweet and wholesome and I’m addicted to underused vintage names. But sadly I don’t think I could ever use it because I grew up watching I Love Lucy with my family and I just know my family would think I had named my daughter after Ethel Mertz (who isn’t a bad character to share a name with, but it would be a bit comical). I wouldn’t mind it as a middle name though.
The first time I heard this name it was on a 4 year old girl. I think it's a pretty cool name but sounds like some sort of chemical.
Ethel Marshall (1924 - 2013) was an American badminton player noted for her mobility and shot-making prowess.
I knew an old lady named Ethel and she HATED her name.
very endearing name, i honestly like it, it's considered to be the feminine form of ethan
Ettie, Etta, Ellie and Ella could be nicknames.
Wait for it. Some celebrity's child or popular movie character will be named Ethel and it will suddenly be trendy again. However, I do struggle to not think of it as a spinster name. And I know I'm not alone in that. So do keep that in mind. Unisex? Please, no.
Ethel Barrymore actress.
I know everyone thinks it sounds really dated, but I love this name. Ethel was my great-grandmother's name and I loved her so much, and I think that's a big part of the reason why I love her name. I've noticed that old-fashioned E names are coming back in style, like Edith, Eliza and Evelyn, and so it seems like Ethel is also due for a comeback! I think Etta and Ethie are really cute nicknames!
To be honest, I thought this was a masculine name XD!
Since I read that it sounds like someone with a speech impediment saying "a**hole" I cannot really like it anymore.
I admit I have a fondness for the name. I find it a super sweet and romantic name and it goes with the word "ethereal". I don't know, I like it. Okay, it sounds old-fashioned, but nowadays vintage names are in fashion, only some still have a hard time reappearing. But it will end up doing it, sooner or later. And it seems to me that Ethel will have it return soon...
Love! I’ve never met anyone named Ethel young or old and I just love how it sounds. I don’t really care about the gasoline aspect because most people I know would not associate them. I like the name Ethel Maeve with the nickname of Ethie.
Not bad, not good, just alright! Was popular very long time ago, not anymore. Ethel is an unusual name.
1 word, Ugly.
This name is very beautiful, it reminds me of the word ‘ethereal’ and the word ethereal is beautiful.
Perfect name.
Five stars/Five stars
It’s beautiful and pretty. I don’t care if it’s old fashioned or if it is common, it’s the name that matters.
Also Estonian:
This is pretty. I don’t get all the hate.
This name makes me think of gasoline. It's rather old-fashioned.
It's actually kind of pretty.
My third child’s name is Ethelind Charlotte Irina, we call her Ethel, Lottie or Ivy. Ethelind is one of my favourite names and means noble serpent. When I asked her if she liked her first name, she said that she loves it and most people she meeets say that Ethelind or Ethel is such a unique name and has a lovely ring to it. It’s also not a very common name in England, and my Ethel is convinced that she is the only Ethelind/Ethel in Wiltshire. When we’re in Russia, many people call Ethelind, Alina (because it’s the same name), which is funny because my first daughter’s name is Sylvie Alina Olga. I was so close to naming Ethelind, Alina, but eventually decided against it. But Ethel will sometimes go by Alina when she wants. Lovely name, my middle name also derives from the base word.
I am not fond of Ethel for many reasons but wanted to honor an Ethel who was meaningful in my life. I stumbled on the name Ethelia (Pronounced like Cordelia with the long E) and I find it much prettier and reminds me of the word ethereal which means heavenly.
I actually think this version is nice. One guy here said "english got the short end of the stick" but I think this is actually one of the few cases where it is the contrary.
Ethel... it is a name... I'm with a lot of people, I thought it was masculine too. Maybe spelling it Ethyl, but that's some type of chemical, so I guess we're stuck with the original spelling... Ethel... Which is such an ugly spelling for an otherwise alright name... I don't get why people think this is an old-lady name, It doesn't seem to fit an old lady to me. I think the name is so strange, you'd only hear it on a fantasy character, like an elf or something.Also, can I point out how every version in every other language is soooo much prettier. English got the short end of the stick with this one.
Never heard this name. Sounds like a male name.
In 2018, 84 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Ethel who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 505th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
I'm torn. It has a nice, soft sound and I think I should like it. But it's so fusty in 2018. Evelyn, Emma, Eleanor, Elsie, and Ella are popular now, and I wouldn't have imagined that 25 years ago, so maybe Ethel will also make a comeback and I'll start to see it differently.
58%? Ah, such a shame. I've always liked this name. It sounds like the name of a classy, elegant and strong woman. This name along with others like it (Millicent, Gertrude, Agnes, etc) all get a bad rap purely because so many people think they sound like old lady names, but to me, they're vastly underrated.
I'm sorry but this name sounds masculine to me.
I like Ethel. It reminds me of Estelle or Estella which is cool. I don't think it sounds that old ladyish and it dropped out of the top 1000 a while ago.
Ethel Roosevelt Derby (1891-1977) was the younger daughter (and only daughter from his second marriage) and fourth child of President Theodore Roosevelt.
Ethel sounds a little old fashioned, but is still cute.
Ethel is the name of the girl Kev and V fostered on Shameless.
Even though it's 2017 and not the 1950's, I still like this name. I don't care if it sounds like a grandma name.
Welp. I'm thinking of changing a character's name in my story now. I thought Ethel was a great name, and I've grown to love it. I gave it to one of my characters that had a twin brother named Elliot. Ethel and Elliot. I though it sounded nice, until somebody told me it sounds like an old lady's name. I went into a research frenzy and found out that yes, that is how it is viewed. Even here there are only a few people supporting the name. And even worse, my character is a GUY. (I mean, the name kinda had male origins?) Anyway, his original name was Ethan, but that was way too common and I wanted to go unique. I guess I went too far...
This is a chicken/egg or cause/effect situation.The ONLY reason for Ethel being thought of as an old lady's name is that it's become less frequently given to girls. Those remaining named Ethel get older each year.Popular entertainers including professional athletes names' have displaced the names of genuinely admirable people from history, people who accomplished something of lasting value.
Ethel was given to 12 girls in America in 2015.
My Spanish teacher in ninth grade was named Ethel, pronounced Etel (she claims this is the Mexican pronunciation). I'm not a big fan of this name, I have to admit.
I just named my baby Ethelynn. Ethel was my grandmother's name and I loved her more than anything. I think that it is a beautiful old name!
My name is Ethel and I was born in 2003. I used to hate that name because it was very difficult for people I met and my friends to pronounce it, and I cannot explain how many times people said I had a granny name or misspelled it but as I grew older, I started to like that name because I have never come across anyone else with the same name as me. Sure it would be really cool to meet another Ethel, but I like being unique. For now, I'm convinced that I am the youngest Ethel out there, but who knows...
This site is the first time in my 86 years that my name exactly describes me because of its history. I was named for my maternal Hungarian grand mom who lived and died in Hungary. Well, I describe myself an USA Anglo-Jewess.
Frances Ethel Gumm was the birth name of Judy Garland.
There's, of course, the character Ethel off of "I Love Lucy," but anyway, I actually like this name kind of a lot.
I like it. It does sound better on an older woman than a baby, though.
I like it. It might not be good for a child, but you have to grow old too.
This name is cute and I love the "noble" meaning. :)
So evil. Hard to say without disliking it.
Ethel Cooper, daughter of Lily Rose Cooper (ne Allen).I believe that Lily Rose and Sam Cooper likely named their first born after Ethel Archer, the author the Whirlpool and close friend to Alister Crowley. Such naming likely reflects the families ongoing obsession with the occult and Alister Crowley, possibly black magick also.
Why must everyone automatically dislike a name because it is old? I don't LOVE this name, however I don't dislike it either. In fact I have a book character named Ethel. I think it sounds nice. And fun and youthful.
(Not like an old lady).
"Big" Ethel Muggs is the lanky and bucktooth admirer of Jughead Jones in the Archie Comic universe.
This is my grandma's name. She doesn't like her name. It was trendy but going down in popularity when she was born. It made her and my family dislike trendy names. She has a lot of female descendants, but none of them are named Ethel. She told people not to use it. I would not recommend this name.
I can't believe I ever used to like this name! It's so disgusting, it reminds me of an old lady but when I was younger I really wanted to be called Ethel?!?!?!
Lily Allen (singer) and her husband Sam Cooper named their first daughter Ethel Mary (born 11/25/11).
I think Ethel is the definitive old lady name. Can't imagine anyone using it nowadays but anything's possible.
I love the name, I think the name has a nice ring, it's soft, pretty, and I've always preferred the 'yll' sound to the 'Elle' (it's a bit spunkier)
But I think it's still too dated for baby use. Maybe in another 10-15 years.
I don't like this name, it sounds too lispy.
This name is gross. It sounds like a chemical name. D:
Ethel Skakel is the widow of Robert F. Kennedy.
Ethel Shannon was an actress.
Ethel is such a soft and pretty name. It makes a nice nickname for Aethelthryth.
I really like this name and I am going to name my daughter Ethel when she is born. My family and I pronounce it Eth-ell, like the 'ell' in Ella, not Eth-Ull. I do not particularly like it with the 'ull' sound at the end. I know that a fair few people do not like it and it is considered 'old-fashioned', which does not bother me and if the baby does not like it then she can go by her middle name.
I was called Ella in the 80s and it was considered an old lady name, now it is on all the top-ten lists, perhaps the same will happen to Ethel.
I like this name, why does everyone think it is an old ladies name? Alright, maybe I just like it because I study old English, and automatically think of Æðelþryð, Æðelflæd and other awesome Anglo Saxon persons. The name needs hip young ladies to give it a revival it deserves.
This is my favourite girl's name. I think it sounds so sweet, soft, feminine, and classic. But I don't think I could never name my child Ethel, because everyone thinks it is such an ugly name. "Old granny name". Too bad. :(
Dame Ethel Smythe, English composer.
I'm sort of shocked that nobody has mentioned Ethel Waters, an African-American musical theater star whose performance of the song "Suppertime" in the musical As Thousands Cheer is considered one of the greatest musical theater performances of all time.
It's spelled nicely, but this name is so ugly sounding. I can't imagine why it was ever popular.
I don't know anything about the origin or anything but all I know is this name makes me think of an ugly girl with buck teeth.
A famous bearer was American singer Ethel Azama (August 1934 – March 1984). She was well-known for her night club and hotel performances in Hawaii, America, and Australia.
Ethel Hallow is a character in the children's stories "The Worst Witch", by Jill Murphy. She is portrayed as being a not-very-nice character, and arch nemesis of the heroine of the books, Mildred Hubble. Despite this, I think it's a lovely name. :)
Although the name Ethel has a soft sound and a nice meaning, I don't like it. I have a relative with this name and she goes by her middle name because she says Ethel sounds like a kind of gasoline.
I have to laugh whenever I hear this name. It makes me think of that Ray Stevens song "The Streak" (Ethel, put your clothes back on!).
I hate it. The name is hopelessly old-fashioned, and it has an unpleasant ending. When you combine the ''th'' sound and the ''ulll'' sound, it just sounds ugly.
Sounds as dated today as such elaborations as Ethelburga ("noble fortress" in Anglo-Saxon) and Ethelinda ("noble serpent"), as well as the male name Ethelbert. Although Ethel is an old lady's name today, it was a middle-aged woman's name in the 1950s and a young girl's name in the 1900s. Despite also being a rare male name when it made the boys' top 1,000 in the United States in the 1900s, it is virtually unknown in that role today. Practically everyone does not see this name as unisex, but feminine only.
In the United States and in the first decade of the 20th century, this was both a popular girl's name and a very rarely used boy's name, yet the majority only know it as a granny name, for it dropped out of the boys' top 1,000 around 1910. The girl's name, at the time, was also occasionally spelt 'Ethyl' - a variant spelling rather than a borrowing of the word 'ethyl' (also pronounced 'eeth-ill'), indicating a type of alcohol.
A famous bearer is Ethel Barrymore, actress of the stage and screen, born in 1879.
I don't really like this name. Sounds like the name of some cartoon hen or something. It almost rhymes with "Heckle."
It sounds like the name of a cranky great aunt.
'Ethel' can be a short form of the Greek 'etheloisa'. "Kouk Etheloisa" means "despite herself." It is mentioned in the poetess Sappho's ode to Aphrodite. So Ethel, I believe would mean "her" or possibly "you." That wouldn't be much of a name though, more of an adjective or something.
I don't mind old-fashioned names but this one doesn't do much for me. Plus it reminds me of 'ethyl.'
Ethel Skinner was a fictional dithery pensioner in the British soap 'EastEnders' in the Eighties and Nineties.
When I hear this name I think of noble Anglo-Saxon maidens and classy Victorian ladies.
Yes, makes me think of very old people. Hmm?
This was the name of Ethel Rosenberg who was executed with her husband as a Soviet spy.
Sounds like a mean old aunt to me, not a very nice name for a child!
My name is Ethel and it has been recycled so many times in my family. I am the youngest one (36). My parents went out on a limb when they named me in the late 60's! I don't think it will ever come back!
Ethel Barrett was a wonderful storyteller and author of children's Christian books.
Vivian Vance played Ethel, Lucy's best friend on the T.V. show "I Love Lucy."
Ethel Merman was a star of stage and film musicals.
Another version of the name Ethel is Ethelene. It has been used many times in my family.

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