The Latinized version of this name, Everild, is pronounced EV-ər-ild (or EV-rild). But in Old English, Eoforhild was most likely pronounced either ay-AWF-or-hild or AY-o-frild, depending on whether that second O was given much attention.
Looks quite wild but I think it's unique. Like it.
Looks like three words that were squashed together.
I think it would be much better to name a child as Everhild than trying to spell in in the obsolete way of Eoforhilde.
I'm not too mad about this way of spelling Eoforhild, I much prefer Everild. I think this spelling is much more palatable for today's society. :)
I personally find this name to be incredibly awesome! I love the way it just rolls off the tongue: ever-(h)ild. Of course, anyone in modern times with this name (especially in the English-speaking world, but also other places) will have their name misspelled/mispronounced many times. Unfortunately, the "anglicized" spelling, Everild, loses the name's edge.
I love this name. It sounds like a better version of Emerald. I don't like the meaning so much though.
I LOVE this name. Strong and eternal. "Evie" wouldn't be a bad nickname for a young girl with this name, either.
Pronounced EVER-HILD. Don't like it? Go back to fawning over so-called "Celtic" names that your best friend, the TV, told you were cool.
People often regard the meaning of this name 'boar warrior' as vulgar, but they fail to consider what the boar meant and symbolised for the Anglo-Saxons.The boar was one of their most sacred animals; it was held in reverence as a creature of great strength/power and a talisman of divine protection in battle. It has been linked to the god Ingui-Frea, who is the legendary father of the Ingaevonic tribes (Frisians, Saxons, Angles & Jutes).Of course, these ancient Germanic names are wont to sound strange and crude to today's English speakers; the English language we know today having been so heavily latinised by ecclesiastical and Norman French influence.
Thank the Anglo-Saxons for coming up with some pretty awesome names.

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