Also Albanian: [noted -ed]
Drop the "er", switch it with an "y", and see what ya get: Envy!
This is also the Crimean Tatar form of Anwar.
Hoxha kind of ruined this name for me. At least here in the US he's the first person you think of named Enver. Hopefully in other countries that connotation doesn't exist because it really is a nice name and it shouldn't be ruined by one dictator.
Also Bosnian. [noted -ed]
Pretty good, but switch the E and N around and you get
'Never' so.../:
Enver Hoxha, leader of Albania from 1944 until 1985.
The name Enver is also used in Georgia (as a masculine name, of course), although it is currently rather rare in the country.In Georgian, Enver is written as: ენვერ.
A famous bearer is actor Enver Gjokaj, known for his role as the Active, Victor in Joss Whedon's Dollhouse. His impression of Topher was brilliant.
This name is also used in Albania.

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