This name is another one of those modern made up names. I much prefer Emma, which is a lovely choice on its own and miles better than Emmalyn. I think Emmeline is a better name than Emmalyn.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2022
Nah, not my favorite. I much prefer the name Emma. Emma Lynn would be a beautiful combo, though.
My sister's middle name is Emelyn, pronounced the same way, but with a spelling that I much prefer. Emmalyn feels like you're just adding -lyn to an already fine name. I like the name very much, but I prefer spellings like Emelyn or Emmeline.
My aunt is named Emilyn, pronounced the same as Emmalyn. We call her Emmy as a nickname sometimes. Her middle name is Rose, which I think sounds very pretty and is more unique than Emma Rose or Emily Rose. Other possible nicknames include Em, Emma, Milly, Lyn, etc. Overall, I like this name but would not give it to my future daughter as it isn't really my style.
Generally, I like this name. The pronunciation sounds very pretty and reminds me of something sparkly and shiny. Not sure why. Nicknames could possibly be Emma or Emmy, which in my opinion Emmy sounds very cute and is less common than Emma. Middle names that don't end or rhyme with "Lyn" would sound beautiful - for example Rose, Hazel, Tanya, Charlotte, and Harper. If I were to name my future daughter this, which I most likely won't, I would go with the spelling "Emmelyn" or maybe even "Emmilyn". That way, it doesn't look like "Lyn" was simply thrown onto the end of "Emma".
― Anonymous User 5/24/2017
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