Emil Andersson (b. 1993) is a Swedish Paralympic table-tennis player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Good name for a boy.
Here in Michigan it's pronounced AE-mul. I have known 2 people with this name. One was a boy in my high school (class of 1981) and the other was an old farmer who had 10 adult children. His kids were my parents' age. I always thought it was a cool and unusual name.
This name needs a revival right-quick. It would be much more defining than the overused Evan and Ethan (which aren't bad, just overused).
It's a cool and handsome name.
Sounds like evil to me.
Emil Antonwsky was a member of a gang led by Clarence Boddicker in the 1987 sci-fi action film «Robocop».
It's okay; I'd never HATE it. It's just that the feminine form is more appealing to me...
Also Romansh.
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
Https:// -- his brother's name
I don't care for it at all.
It may be uncommon, but it was popular in the US once until it fell way too short in the late 20th century. That name should remain strong elsewhere, mainly Northern European nations such as Norway and Sweden.
Very uncommon in America.
Emil is a very rare and unique name. However I hate the pronouncation "A-meel" I prefer "EM-il".
Also Estonian:
When will Americans go back to using this name? Was the popularity of Emily the reason why Emil got scrapped in the US?
Will this name, which is pronounced ə-MEEL, ever get a comeback in popularity? It'll top Maddox or Jaxon by one to two spots above.
Usage: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch, Romanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Finnish, EnglishPronounced: EH-mil (Swedish, German, Dutch, Czech), EH-mehl (Danish), EH-meel (Slovak, Hungarian, Finnish), eh-MEEL (Romanian), EH-myeel (Polish), yi-MYEEL (Russian), i-MYEEL (Russian), ə-MEEL (English), AY-mil (English)It is used in various languages.
Used in hundreds of languages worldwide.
Its only English pronunciation is actually ə-MEEL, the EHM-il pronunciation is just way too close to the one of Emily which is pronounced as EHM-i-lee.
Sounds too much like "a meal".
One of my best friends is named Emil and he has a terrible home life. He lives with an abusive step dad and a mom who doesn't care about him anymore. He is a great person but affected deeply by his childhood. This name means a lot to me and the rest of the Star Oasis. I will most definitely name my son this if I ever have a child.
In Germany, Emil is exclusively a male name. Despite its fame because of the Kästner novel, most people I know tend to think of it as a name for rather dull, run-of-the-mill characters (I think Kästner tried to use that for effect, actually), so most of the time it wasn't particularly popular as a name for actual children. Since I got to know one or two young Emils fairly recently, this might have somewhat changed, though.
Emil Tischbein is the main character of Erich Kästner's famous novel "Emil und die Detektive" (1929), which I think has been translated into English as "Emil and the Detectives". Anyway, here in Germany it has been a staple of children's literature ever since, and it instantly springs to just about everybody's mind when we hear the name Emil somewhere.
Earnestly, Emil sounds androgynous to me. It kind of sounds like the nickname of a tomboy Emily, but it does work for boys too.
In 2018, 84 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Emil who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1754th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
JOHN EMIL LIST murdered his mother, in addition to his wife, daughter and both sons on the same day in 1971. He left a written confession and disappeared to another state and took up a new life under a new name. He was finally caught 20 years later living a "normal" life with a second wife and a good job. He was sentenced to life in prison not eligible for parole until he was over 100 years old.
Obviously the male form of Emily. It is also 'lime' backwards.
Not sure if this counts, but Emil Nekola (fictional character) from Yuri! On Ice is fairly popular. Maybe even 'Emil Steilsson' (unofficial name) from Hetalia (he's the personification of Iceland).
Russian name. [noted -ed]
Hungarian pronunciation: E-mil. [noted -ed]
The name Emil was given to 126 boys born in the US in 2015.
I've seen this name before and thought it was odd-sounding. Of course, that's because I was saying it wrong. Met an Emil (and heard how it was really pronounced) and it's beautiful; one of my favorites now!
I have a friend of mine named Emile, and it's pronounced just like Emil.
The name is also rather common in Iceland. [noted -ed]
What a cute, masculine name! :) It's totally underused & under appreciated where I live. :(
Emil Sinclair is the narrator of Hermann Hesse's breakthrough novel Demian (1919). Another famous bearer is Emil Sitka (22 December 1914-16 January 1998), a longtime, popular supporting actor in the Three Stooges' films.
Though very popular in Scandinavia, the name Emil has fallen out of the top 1000 in the United States. It was only given to 114 baby boys here in 2012.
I believe Remi's brother in the movie ratatouille is named Emil, pronounced eh-MEEL. I like the pronunciation a lot and I think this is a really handsome, underused name (at least in modern day in the US) and very easy to grow up with :-)
Emil Zátopek, Czech long-distance runner best known for his "hat trick" at the 1952 Helsinki Olympic games. Winning the gold medal and setting Olympic records in the 5,000m, 10,000m and the Marathon—a race he had never run before.
Middle name of Cincinnati Reds second baseman Brandon Phillips.
I know someone with this name that goes by the pronunciation A-mill.
In the USofA there is a restaurant called something like Emil Villa's. It's pronounced EE-məl, though. I think it sounds nice either way.
I really like this name. I think it's very handsome and sophisticated.
I'm sorry, but it is not. Eliška is the 65th most used name in the Czech Republic. Emil is about 150th "most" used name, and there are only about 10 thousands Czechs bearing this name in the whole world. But all I really wanted to say was that the above comment is wrong in its statement that Emil is a traditional Czech name, because Emil, regardless how "often" used, is not a "very traditional name for Czechs". Ask any Czech you want. :)
Emil, and a traditional Czech name? You've got to be kidding. It's rarely used among Czechs, it isn't of Czech origin and it has no connection to Czech culture and history whatsoever.[traditional or not, it is the 65th most used name in the Czech Republic -ed]
Emil is the name of one of Professor Bhaer's nephews in Louisa May Alcott's books.
The ancient historian Plutarch, in his Life of Numa (VIII.9-10), claimed that the meaning of the name "Aemilius" referred to an individual who spoke with grace and engaging charm. Aemilius was thus the additional name that King Numa bestowed upon his son Mamercus (named for a son of Pythagoras), and this name of Aemilius became the name of the patrician family of Rome descended from Mamercus.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Emil here:
Emil is the name of Remy's older brother in the Disney*Pixar movie, Ratatouille.
Emil Palade was a Romanian biologist who received the Nobel Prize for his contributions to cell biology.
Emil Cioran (April 8, 1911 – June 20, 1995) was a Romanian philosopher and essayist.
Emil Boc is the current mayor of Cluj-Napoca, a large city in northwestern Romania with a population of about 318,000.
Emil Racoviţă (November 15, 1868—November 17, 1947) was a Romanian biologist, zoologist, speleologist and explorer of Antarctica.
Perhaps the following definitions evolve from the idea that "Emil" means "rival" -- they actually do seem logical extensions to me.
Other meanings of "Emil"
1) The Latin family [gens] name -- Aemilius -- comes from the Latin word "aemulus", meaning "imitating, rivaling" [from] -- So this "rival" challenges the opponent by first trying to imitate and EMULATE.
2) Emil means “industrious” [from: < Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006] -- After imitating/emulating, the "rival" then works hard to supercede their opponent = working to gain the upper hand by being "industrious".
3) It's interesting to note that there is a major region in Italy called Emilia-Romagna (it was the destination of a major road from Rome heading North called the "via Emilia," because it was built by the Aemilius family living in that region -- see also Wikipedia's citiation for the town, "Reggio Emilia".]) It just so happens to be the "second richest region" in Italy (according to Wikipedia), proving that the name still inspires people to be successfully industrious!
4) Under the name "Emily," you also may want to note that it has been the most popular girls name in the US for over 10 years now.
In Finnish we double the initial-e: Eemil, while as Emil (i Lönneberga) is translated as (Vaahteramäen) Eemeli. [noted -ed]
Name of an old patrician family at Rome. Aemilia is also a gens. Also related to the name Aemilianus.
Also, from the Teutonic (Old High German), meaning 'the industrious'.
Very traditional name for Czechs.
In Sweden this name is (fondly) connected to the books about Emil i Lönneberga by Astrid Lindgren.

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