This would be a really hard name to pull off these days since everyone thinks of the Muppet. Poor kid would probably get "tickle me Elmo" jokes.
It's a good name if you're a furry little red monster.
This is one of the many names I would consider naming myself or a character, but I don't think I'd use it for a child, for obvious reasons. Even so, I think Elmo's popularity as a character adds something to the name. It's got a charm to it.
There is a "ghost town" in Colorado called St. Elmo.
Not gonna lie, if I met someone with this name I’d chuckle a little bit. I’m definitely a fan of the character, and “The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland” was my favorite movie as a young kid. But seriously, how would “Elmo” look:-on a resume? -on a name tag on a young man working in retail? -on a name stand for a successful businessman?-on a marriage license? -on an obituary?I’d just go with Elmer. Or better yet, Albert.
Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo's world! Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo's world! Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayon too! Thaaat's Elmo's wooooorrrrrrrlllllldddd!
My great grandfather was named Elmo and he was born in 1882. I have been trying to find out where his name derived, because like many people, I always associate the name Elmo with The Muppets. However, it appears that the Muppets character was not invented until 1979. So, that is fascinating to me. My great grandfather was a farmer and fathered 17 children who all lived to adulthood. From everything I have heard, he was very big into community and helped maintain a schoolhouse and church for the local community. I love this name because my great grandfather was a wonderful man and did so much for others. I am going to do more research to see if he was named after another ancestor, because I am just very curious where this name originally comes from.
Admiral Elmo Russell Zumwalt Jr. Was the 19th Chief of Naval Operations (United States Navy).
This name is cute, I like it! The association is nice too, though hopefully, no one gets teased. "La la la la la la la la la Elmo's World"...
I don't dislike it, it's very cool, simple and a nice name. I've always associated it with Elmo the Red Muppet.
Nice name, nice meaning. I like that it’s associated with a saint. Never heard of the character before - I guess it’s because I’ve never watched Sesame Street. There’s a really good song called St Elmo’s Fire. I associate the name with that.
Elmo Sputterspark, aka Megavolt, from Darkwing Duck!
I actually really like this name.
I thought this was a made up name for the muppet. Would never use this on a child.
Horrible, just horrible.
The underground rapper Bones' real name is Elmo Kennedy O'Connor.
Also Estonian:
It also sounds like the word "elbow" which is probably an even worse teasing magnet.
I laughed when I saw this. This name is just going to cause teasing.
Elmo Blatch from 'The Shawshank Redemption'.
I honestly don't know why some names stick with characters that share the same name. Like Rudolph, Bart, and Elmo. They're still names, just because cartoon characters have it doesn't make it bad.
Didn't know this was an actual name.
I love male names that end in O. In a vacuum, this is a lovely name that makes me think of elm trees. But it's true that the irritating red Muppet from Sesame Street is much too strong an association to be overcome right now.
I wonder if they got the name idea from an episode of "I Love Lucy"? The line Ricky says goes like "Aunt Martha and Uncle Elmo? What's that, a kid's show or something? Never mind." Of course that episode of Lucy aired in 1955, so who knows? :)
This name is hilariously awful. I would NEVER name my child ELMO, I mean seriously?
Ugh, this world. Everything needs to be associated with something...
Look, it's a fine name!
This name is not stupid and childish. Those of you who have that name, don't mind all of those other people. Your name is wonderful.
The fun, beloved red puppet is a better association than Oscar the Grouch, yet Oscar is popular (at least in Europe), while Elmo--a much more pleasant-sounding name--is not. It's too bad. Hopefully, this will change over time.
This name is also used in Finland, where it's often associated with Juhani Peltonen's novel Elmo, where a man named Elmo, among other things, becomes a heroic athelete.
This name could work... if ya live in Antarctica.
Elmo from Sesame Street, the famous children's show.
Only name your kid this if you want them teased to hell and back.
The German pronunciation is EL-mo as well. [noted -ed]
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Elmo from Sesame Street! But it's not something I would ever name my son (or daughter).
This is the name of one of my pets (a parrot). It fits him very well. His first word was Elmo. I think it makes a sweet name for a pet. Not sure if I'd use it on a human.
This name is too heavily associated with an annoying red Muppet to be used anymore.
I LOVE this name! I don't think a kid would get made fun of if they had this name. If they did, it's probably because other kids would be jealous because they have all those terribly over-used names. And actually, I think it sounds nice on either gender! :D
Ahh. It's kinda cute! Haha! But they probably would get laughed at! Oh well, I still love it!
This is the last thing I'd name my kid! This is a terrible name for a child. It's already been used on the character everyone knows. (no offence to anyone who has this name)
I met a girl with this name once. I've always wondered what her parents were smoking the day they named their baby.
Sesame Street, do you remeber that song (in Australia) it was an ad a few years ago, it would make any little kid called Elmo feel great. It was like the YMCA song, but it was ELMO it went E.L Mmm. O ELMOoo.
I met a GIRL once named Elmo. It's bad enough for a boy but on a girl? Those parents were out of their minds!
I like this name a lot, but a child named Elmo would be teased severely. Oh well, maybe as a middle name.
Now that Elmo means a red, furry (sometimes obnoxious) little monster from Sesame Street, who would want to name their child Elmo? I'd be the laughing stock of the school if I was named Elmo or Barney.
Haha! Can you imagine being named Elmo? I mean, it would be awful. Everyone would tease you about the red furry Elmo from Sesame Street.
I wouldn't like this name for a child. But for a character it is okay.

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