I prefer Elle, but Ella is still nice. Maybe as a nickname for Isabella or something? It just feels incomplete to me. It has a very pink feel to me, very faded-rose-wallpaper-esque.
Last year (2023), 15 baby girls in Poland were given the name Ella. 6 others were given it as their middle name. As of January this year, there have been 1354 women named Ella in Poland, and 255 with it as their middle.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2024
British singer songwriter Wildes' real name is Ella Walker.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2024
Ella is the middle name of English organist Anna Lapwood, her full name is Anna Ruth Ella Lapwood.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2023
Last year (2022), 18 baby girls were given the name Ella in Poland. 2 others were given it as their middle name. As of January this year, in total, there have been 1237 women in Poland with the first name Ella and 236 with this name as a middle.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2023
I like the name Ella it reminds me of Ella Enchanted also I never met anyone named Ella so it's as common as people claim it is at least where I'm from and the best part of the name Ella is no one will mispronounce or misspell the name.
Ella Sophonisba Hergesheimer (1873 – 1943) was an American illustrator, painter, and printmaker who painted and illustrated Tennessee society, including the state's women and children. As a printmaker, she pioneered the white-line woodcut.
Last year (2021) 9 baby girls were named Ella in Poland. 2 baby girls were given this name as a middle. Even though the trend is nowhere near as huge and noticeable as in the US, I see a lot of parents liking and considering -Ella names on baby naming forums over here so I wouldn't be surprised if this name went up in the rankings in future years, though it'll probably never become very popular because double L names are not typical in Polish and are often perceived as more or less pretentious. As of January this year, 853 women in Poland bear this name.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2022
American singer songwriter Squirrel Flower's legal name is Ella Williams.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2022
Ella Tambussi Grasso was the first woman elected governor in her own right - that is, without her husband having served in the role previously. Elected for the first time to office in 1952, she would serve continuously in elected office for three decades and never lose a race. Had she survived, she would have likely made a compelling candidate for the nation’s highest offices.Ella Rosa Giovianna Oliva Tambussi was born in 1919 to Italian immigrant parents. She excelled in school, and went on to attend Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, where she earned her BA in 1940. She earned her MA in 1942, also from Mount Holyoke. She married Thomas Grasso in 1942. The couple would have two children and would own and operate a movie theatre together.Grasso became involved with the League of Women Voters in 1942, and became a speechwriter for the Connecticut Democratic Party. For a stretch of the 1940s and 1950s, Grasso left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party; she returned to the Democratic Party by 1951.Grasso won her first election in 1952, to the Connecticut House of Representatives. She served in the Connecticut House until 1957. She was elected floor leader of the House in 1955, and served in that role for the rest of her time in the body.In 1958, Grasso was elected Secretary of State of Connecticut. She was reelected twice, in 1962 and 1966. In total, she served 12 years as Connecticut's Secretary of State. In this capacity, she served on the platform committee for the 1960 Democratic National Convention and the resolutions committees for the 1964 and 1968 conventions.Grasso was widely considered a serious candidate for higher office throughout her tenure as Secretary of State. In 1967, Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-CT) was formally censured for corruption and ethics issues, and Grasso was considered a possible contender for his seat. Several Democratic town committees went so far as to pre-emptively endorse her as a Senate candidate in 1970. She was also approached to enter the 1970 gubernatorial election, including publicly by her 1962 Republican Secretary of State opponent. Grasso instead chose to run for the House of Representatives in the 1970 election. She won a narrow victory.She entered the House in January 1971, alongside fellow freshman Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY). Abzug and Grasso would become close, though Grasso's allegiance to traditional party designations often frustrated Abzug. Grasso served on the House committees on Veterans' Affairs and Education and Labor. She also called for the ending of military action in Vietnam. Grasso won a decisive reelection in 1972.Grasso decided to run for the Connecticut govern ship in 1974. She won a narrow primary victory but a decisive general election victory.Grasso's election made her the fourth woman to win a gubernatorial election, but the first to win in her own right. (The first woman governor, Gov. Nellie Tayloe Ross (D-WY, 1925-1927, #WomensHistoryinPolitics, Day 11), was elected after her husband's death. The second, Gov. Miriam "Ma" Ferguson (D-TX, 1925-1927 & 1933-1935), served as a puppet for her husband, the impeached former governor. The third, Lurleen Wallace (D-AL, 1967-1968), served as a puppet for her husband, who was term-limited.)Grasso found a Connecticut state government with serious financial issues. One of her first issues was to lay off 505 state employees and reevaluate a revenue sharing pledge she had made. Though the decisions were unpopular, she was respected for her own austerity when she returned her own salary raise to the treasury and sold the limo and plane designated for her use.As the highest-ranking Democratic woman in government, she received some buzz regarding a possible vice-presidential bid. She was a vocal supporter of Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-WA) during the 1976 Democratic primaries. Her support of Jackson led some local groups, including Connecticut's Young Democrats, to try and convince her to promote herself as a possible vice-presidential contender. She claimed disinterest, though she also knew that her decreased revenue sharing plan had angered some powerful state leaders. She did serve as co-chair of the 1976 Democratic National Convention.In 1978, Grasso's Lieutenant Governor Robert K. Killian announced her was challenging Grasso during the gubernatorial primary. The campaign was bitter, but Grasso won. She won decisively over her Republican competitor for a general election victory.Grasso was widely praised for her handling of the "Blizzard of 78" in February 1978. The snowstorm dropped 30 inches of snow on Connecticut and made roads impassable. She closed down the states, forbidding use of public roads by both business and citizens, and closed all businesses. This helped relieve rescuers from dealing with stuck cars and allowed them to focus on emergency services and road clean-up. The shutdown lasted three days. Grasso received warm praise from around the state from both the public and private sectors.Grasso was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March 1980. She initially thought her prognosis good, and she continued her gubernatorial duties during treatment. By late 1980, though, her prognosis had changed. She resigned the governorship effective 31 December 1980. She died less than six weeks later, at age 61.Grasso was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Pres. Ronald Reagan in October 1981. Her husband, receiving the honor, said of his wife, "She was a strange mixture of many, many things. She had integrity, sympathy, understanding. She was straight as an arrow. She was a good wife, an excellent mother and, above all, brought to politics a certain integrity that our good President is attempting to bring."She was also posthumously inducted in to the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1993 and was an inaugural member of the Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame in 1994.
Ella is the real name of Cinderella. Her sister Drisella decided to give her the cruel nickname of 'Cinderella', and she adopted it. This is one of my favorite names!
I'm sorry, but this name is not for me. Actually I have nothing against it, but as I am Spanish, in my language "Ella" is a female pronoun, in English it would be "She". So it sounds strange to me to give my daughter the name Ella, it would be like giving a girl the name She.As a nickname it seems more acceptable, there are names that would sound good as Annabella, Elizabeth, Arabella, Isabella, Helena, etc. But as a full name I see it as strange, simple and boring. Sorry.
Someone said "Ella is the pronoun for her in Spanish" and yes it is but the name and pronoun sound nothing alike! In Spanish we pronounce "Ella" as (Ayy-ya) meaning: her but if your name or nickname is Ella we can still say it with an accent and it will sound nothing like the word "her" in Spanish but El-uh too. In other words, you're fine. Name/Nickname : El-uh and pronoun for her in Spanish: Ayy-ya...Spanish people have brains, they can tell the difference between a name and a pronoun.
― Anonymous User 10/20/2022
In my opinion, Ella is a simple, gorgeous, timeless name that I will never grow tired of hearing.
I like the meaning of it which is "beautiful fairy". I have a baby doll named Ella and it's a pretty name:-)
― Anonymous User 12/2/2021
I gave birth to twins in 2014 and named my daughter Ella June. I'm from the South and to me the name is very southern belle. Ella is my most stubborn and strong willed child of six!
It’s nice, though I wouldn’t use it unfortunately because it’s awkward to say with my last name so I would likely go with Emma instead (which is also a lovely name to me).If I didn’t have that problem and I were to name a child this, I’d give it in reference to the Spanish pronoun. The meaning “other” given on this site, while I don’t doubt it as I’ve seen it elsewhere too, is not interesting to me at all.
I have a friend named Ella. I think there is nothing wrong with the name, also an Anonymous User said her name is Ella-Grace, guess what? I also have a friend Grace. Ok to not go off topic let’s just say if you want a unique name it may not be the best choice, but I think It’d be a good nickname for Bella. Might be a good name for a little princess. My opinion though. Please don’t hate me if you don’t like the name or something.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2021
My name is Ella and I think it's beautiful. It's short and sweet.
My name is actually Ella and I use my name spelled backward as a character in stories I write on google docs my character is Alle and she is beautiful and someday she will see the sun. And I am a teen and I think my name has grown well with me.
Acting as the devil's advocate for this one: Ella is a lovely name, and while I would never use it myself, I think it'd be just fine for a little girl and would age perfectly well. I can imagine a baby named Ella, a little girl named Ella, a teenager named Ella, an adult named Ella, and even an old lady named Ella. If you love the name Ella, use it!
I love this name and I don't think it is overused, at least where I come.
― Anonymous User 2/4/2021
Hi, my name is Ella and I would tell you more about it. So when I was young, I hated my name. I hated it because my name was just so short. But when I was older, I thought that Ella is actually a very pretty name. It's beautiful, and this name is also kinda "princess-y" to me. I also like how simple this name is ━ easy to spell, say, and remember! For those of you who hate my name, you can continue harassing my name.
I think Emma looks a lot better. Ella feels a little bit dry. Emma feels more vibrant, easier. Not a bad name, just really nothing much great about it.
Ella Vos (born Lauren Salamone) is an American singer songwriter.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2021
This is my baby girl's middle name; the end of my grandmother's forename.
― Anonymous User 1/11/2021
Two famous Ellas for you all! Ella Rose Gaines is Chip and Joanna Gaines's daughter. Another Ella Rose is Ella Rose Mann, Dhar Mann's daughter.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2021
Absolutely love the name Eliana. I think Ella is cute as a nickname, however, too plain for a full name. Aliana (nickname Allie) is absolutely adorable as well!
― Anonymous User 12/30/2020
It's girly and youthful. I prefer Elle and Ellie though.
Very pretty as a nickname to a more formal name like Eliana, Elliana, or Elianna.
― Anonymous User 12/6/2020
I liked this name 10 years ago. It has since become waaaaay too popular and over done.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2020
So over done. I know probably a hundred Ellie’s and Ella’s. Just over it!
― Anonymous User 9/20/2020
In 2015, a French couple decided to name their daughter Nutella because they hoped she could emulate the sweetness and popularity of the chocolate spread. One French judge wasn’t having it, and insisted that the name could only lead to “mockery and disobliging remarks.” It was ruled that the child’s name be shortened to the considerably more conventional-sounding “Ella.”.
Similarly to Elle, Ella will always be an elegant, beautiful, and simple name that oftentimes can also be cute. It is a pretty shortened version for many names, but can also stand on its own, delicate and timeless.
Just like with Emma in the late 90s, I don’t understand the appeal. Plain and far too popular.
― Anonymous User 4/13/2020
Gorgeous! Way better than Bella.
― Anonymous User 4/12/2020
This name is very beautiful.
― Anonymous User 3/27/2020
My name is Ella and I have always loved my name and my nickname El. My last name is Rose so my full name is Ella Rose and I get complimented on it all the time.
Soooooo popular now every other young child is called Ella - also all of the Ella’s I know are not very nice kids which probably gives me a negative opinion - always hearing ‘Elllaaa’ shouted everywhere...yuk.
Personally, I think that Ella is a beautiful name, although I may be a little biased because my name is Ella, lol. I often get compliments on my name and it reminds me of a fairy. I don’t think that it is too popular (like the name Emma), and is pretty when paired with “Rose” or “Grace”. I only have one first name, but my middle name is Grace and I sometimes go by Ella-Grace. To people saying that it is hard to nickname, I go by “El” to my family and some friends.
I like the name Ella. It sounds pretty as a nickname for Eleanor or Elizabeth or just on its own. I prefer it to Ellie and Elle. I think it goes really well with Rose — Ella Rose... beautiful. When I hear this name, I picture a kind-hearted, pretty, clever girl with shoulder-length hair and a warm smile. Some good combinations are: · Ella Rose · Ella Hope · Natalie Ella · Sophie Ella · Ella Sophie · Ella Ava · Adeline Ella · Ella Adeline · Lucy Ella · Ella Samantha.
― Anonymous User 4/10/2019
My name is Ella. A family name. My nickname is El. 59 yrs old. I hated my name growing up. One reason is that it was not a popular name. Every other name you could buy things with their name on it but I never found anything with mine on it. I love my name now. And for the last 30 years I've had many, many compliments. They say it's pretty and unique. And that also describes who I am. The main reason I like my name is because the person you are comes from your name. And I am proud of who I became. It really is unique.
― Anonymous User 2/25/2019
Ella is such a pretty name! I would use it but it's much too popular for my taste.
In 2018, 3 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Ella who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 387th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
Ella is not that interesting of a name to me. I think it's more like a nickname than a first name. Plus, this name is way too overused, especially by celebrities.
― Anonymous User 1/15/2018
― Anonymous User 12/20/2017
US English girl synthetic voice created by Acapela Group is called Ella.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2017
I love this name. I generally tend to like names ending in -Ella or with -el- anywhere in them. Ella is a very fresh sounding name for me. It's soft and girly, but very energetic at the same time. I associate it with a playful, imaginative, sociable girl, believing in fairies and other fairy tale creatures, she loves to sing and be close to nature, is very chatty and rather naive, but also very bright and energetic, she's very kind to people and very outgoing. She's small and slim, has long, black, curly hair, rosy cheeks, eyes in the colour of the sea, or they can be hazel, red lips, small hands and feet, she likes long dresses, her favourite colours are pink and silver and she likes to look elegant. I tend to pronounce it EL-lah.
Ella Sanoo (real name Ella Koskela) is the Finnish singer from Vasa.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2017
Last year, there were 3 girls named Ella in Poland.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2017
Hi! Finally someone with the name Ella here! I used to hate my name when I was younger but now I'm starting to like it a bit more. I am part Spanish and my Spanish friends never get confused and say "eyah" instead of Ella but I guess it's what country you're in that makes it like that.
Also, I'd like to say that personally eyah and Ella do sound the same, it's just a Y instead of an L sound so it sounds pretty much all the same when you say it.
My name is Ella and even though I hear about other Ella's all over school it doesn't really bother me. Scrolling through these comments I saw that people don't know how to nickname Ella because it's so short. Personally I am called El by my family and friends. And when it's used in Spanish it sounds completely different when you say it, just not when you spell it.
I like the name Ella, but not just because that's my name. The thing I don't like about Ella (this also goes with a lot of other short names) is that there aren't really any nicknames for it. Maybe Ellie, but I don't really think that's a nickname since it's actually longer than Ella itself.
I think Ella is a beautiful name, it reminds me of a nice funny girl. I don't think that it is "too short to be a name" it's pretty and no names are "too short".
Ella Yelich-O'Connor, New Zealand alternative singer known by the stage name 'Lorde'.
― Anonymous User 5/22/2017
Very popular, but beautiful anyway! I love the name Ella (and Ellie)! I think Ella is great on its own AND it's a great nickname. Longer versions of Ella include Elouise, Eleanor, Elizabeth, Elia, and Elowin, all of which are beautiful names.
Some of these comments aren't very nice! I'm called Ella and I was born in 1999 when it was not a popular name. I do actually like it and I don't care if it's hard for people to understand that it isn't short for anything!
― Anonymous User 7/22/2016
I find it very cute as a nickname, but as a full first name I find it to be too short and too soft. Try a longer first name and use this as a nickname, if you want to call your daughter this.
You're right! This is a bit too short to be a first name that is EXACTLY what I was thinking!And if anyone one else really likes this name, consider: Rosella Brunella Florella But don't do Salmonella! Lol!
Gabriella "Ella" Henderson is a British singer-songwriter.
― Anonymous User 2/22/2016
My paternal grandmother's name was Ella (born in the 1920's). She was named for her mother, who, in turn, was named for HER mother. She ended the trend with her own daughter, whom she refused to name after herself. She HATED her name and said she never wanted any future children named for her. She thought her name sounded ugly, foreign (her family was from Germany), and old-fashioned.She died in the 1990's and I laugh now, thinking that she just missed seeing how trendy her name has become. I don't know if she'd feel bad for all the little Ellas or would learn to embrace her name now. I also find it hilarious how many commenters here are saying that they can't imagine the name for anyone other than a little girl, seeing as the name is all over my family tree--belonging to women I have only ever known as old ladies.As for me now, all the little preschoolers with this name have changed my impression from "grandmom name" to cute and kind of pretty. I'm glad it's had a resurgence.
― Anonymous User 11/19/2015
Ella is a character in Sonic X.
― Anonymous User 10/17/2015
Love this because of Ella Fitzgerald. Will probably use this... seems the Ella trend has waned these days!
This name is ok but it sounds so boring and dull! If you like names beginning with e then go for something like eva instead.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2015
Pronounced "ell-ah".
― Anonymous User 9/14/2015
Ella Chen (birth name: Chen Chia-Hwa) is a Taiwanese singer, actress, and TV host. She is the oldest member of Taiwanese girl group S.H.E.
― Anonymous User 8/19/2015
Ella Hooper bears this name. She is a well-known Australian singer, best known for being the lead singer of The Verses and Killing Heidi. She is also the team captain of Season 2 of Spicks and Specks.Ritchie Neville (one of the band members of Five) and Natasha Hamilton (one of the members of Atomic Kitten) have a daughter called Ella.
Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor, known by her stage name "Lorde", is a New Zealand singer and songwriter.
― Anonymous User 11/11/2014
Ella is one of the main characters in the Game Boy Advance video game Mario Golf: Advance Tour.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2014
Ella McMahon, better known by her stage name Ella Eyre, is a British singer and songwriter.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2014
I think this is a BEAUTIFUL name! :D.
― Anonymous User 10/4/2014
My name is Ella. I love my name. I don't think that it is too popular. I do appreciate my mom that she named me Ella. Sometimes when I meet pregnant woman and they hear my name, they are changing their mind to name their daughters' Ella. I think that the name Ella is classy, rare and sounds absolutely fabulous.
I tend to think of Ella as a nick name. It's very cute as a nickname for Eleanor but I don't think it really works very well for any other names. I definitely think it does not have enough sophistication or substance to stand alone as a name, ESPECIALLY for a working adult.
I love this name :) Not just because it's my name, but I think it's a lovely name, and happy that's it belongs to me! Where I live it actually isn't that popular. I'm the only Ella in my school. When I used to walk into school, everybody used to sing "Under my umbrella, Ella, Ella, ay, ay, ay," it was so funny!I don't really mind that some people think it is over used and too popular. I love unique and not-that-popular names, but Ella is unique and un-popular in my local area :D It actually is alright on adults, for example Ella Henderson and Ella Fitzgerald. It suits/suited (RIP xox) them! Thank you :) x Sorry, I just had to do a rant LOL!
I like it only as a nickname, not a full name. I don't like it as a nickname for Eleanor though, it just feels weird to take out the e for some reason. I prefer Elanor.
I think this name is so strange. It sounds incomplete, like there should be something in front of it or behind it. Plus, I can't take it seriously because of the movie Ella Enchanted. Oh, and not to mention every time I hear this name, in my head I go "Under my umbrella Ella ella ay ay ay" because of the song Umbrella by Rihanna. I suppose this is ok for a nickname, but I don't find this name pretty. It's kinda boring and sounds unestablished.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2013
Even though this name is kind of simple and almost plain, it has a classy and almost ethereal quality to me. When I hear this name, I imagine a graceful woman with a kind of quiet strength about her.
I had a great-grandma named Ella. It was not a nickname, it was her full first name. Her parents were immigrants to the US from the Dutch / German border. She died only recently at the age of 113. She has a Wikipedia page if you are interested in her. She's on there because she was a supercentenarian.I find it interesting that so many people find it hard to imagine this name only on a young child. This name was very popular in the late 19th Century in the US and parts of Europe. So many of us probably have grandmothers or great-grandmothers or great-great grandmothers with this name. This name has recently become popular again. As have names like Bella, Emma, Eva and Ava. It seems that short but sweet names are currently trendy. This name has a place in my heart even if it isn't my style.
Ella is the daughter of American actor Mark Wahlberg and his wife Rhea Durham. Ella's siblings are Michael, Brendan, and Grace.
― Anonymous User 1/8/2012
Love, love, love this name so much so we named our daughter Ella Grace. Such a pretty sounding name. We will always be happy with our choice and our daughter absolutely loves it. She is the only Ella in her school by the way. We got lucky!
Blah. I don't see the big "Woot" about this name. It's ok as a nickname but as a full name? Please a 40 year old Ella, wow funny. 1. It's becoming way too common 2. It's boring 3. It really doesn't suit anyone over 20.
This name is good, but only as a nickname. It is too incomplete to be a full name.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2009
I don't dislike the name, but it doesn't seem to have a lot of substance to it, and the surge in popularity puzzles me. It's become a really trendy nickname too, with a lot of people using -ella names like Isabella, Arabella, and Annabella just so they can call their daughters Ella. If you love the name that much and intend to only call her Ella, why not just call her Ella and skip the pretense of giving her a more formal name when Ella can be a name in its own right?
Ugh. This name is WAY overused. I'm sick and tired of hearing it. Why is it so popular? All I think of is "elephant". And I get irritated when I see people using it as a nickname for names that end in -Ella. If you like it that much, just name your daughter Ella.
This is fine as a nickname, but I don't really like it as a full name.
― Anonymous User 12/10/2008
I HATE this. Another "I completely can't understand why on earth this is so popular" name. All all all I can think of when I hear it is "elephant." Ellen and Eleanor are much much better.
I'd never name my daughter this. I can't stand the name and I see it on top lists everywhere. It's overused, boring and unoriginal. The sound of Ella is ugly and the name is overly girly, cutesy and wouldn't sound right on an adult. I'd rather name my child Ellen or Eleanor, they're both nice names and more mature and classy. I'm so sick of Ella and I wanna turn up my nose at it every time I hear it.
I like this name, it has a really nice sound to it. But I don't think I would ever name a daughter this for two reasons: 1) I speak Spanish, so it would be a little like naming my child "she" (and it's pronounced eh-yah, not Al-yah), and 2) If your daughter happens to be on the heavier side, she could be nicknamed "Ella the Elephant". Immature yes, but kids can be so cruel these days. That said, I would consider using it as a middle name.
It's not that I don't like it. It's a short, simple, pretty name with a pleasant sound. But gosh, how boring it is when you really think about it for a while. If you live with this name for decades, you'll probably be bored to tears of it yourself, as it's so plain, and, above all, so UNORIGINAL. This name is SO damn common that if you name your daughter Ella, she'll be one of some seven Ellas in her class. At least in Finland, that is surely going to be the case, but this name is overused a bit all over the good parts of the world (shh, don't tell Pandagonians I said this). So, it's a cute name, but hopelessly bland.
Can someone please explain where they're getting the information that Ella means "beautiful fairy woman?" I don't think this is correct, but I'm open if someone can name a source.
I like Ella a lot but I would prefer to use a longer, more traditional name that would be shortened to Ella, or something similar sounding with a more legitimate history as a name, like Stella.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2007
Ella Hooper is the lead singer of the Australian rock band Killing Heidi.
― Anonymous User 4/22/2007
I'd like to combine this with Fantine (fahn-TEEN); we'd have "Ella Fantine".
In the book Just Ella, it tells the story of what happens to Cinderella (really Cinders-Ella) after the ball and wedding, and how tomboy, bookworm Cinders-Ella actually got there. I love that book and read it often, although I'm too old to fully enjoy it.
It's just SO BEAUTIFUL. It actually means "beautiful fairy woman". Can you get more beautiful and magical than that? I don't really like Ella as a nickname for Eleanor. I recommend just plain Ella! Also Ella was the name of the main character in ELLA ENCHANTED, and was also Cinderellas real name.
I hate this name. No idea why. I prefer the less trendy and better sounding Stella and Etta. Or even the freakishly popular Emma. Just not Ella. Hate Ella.
I think Ella is a beautiful name along with Oonagh. I want twins and guess what I'm going to call them? Ella and Oonagh (and another one called Elady).
I love this name. See my username. When I was little I thought this name was for a very chubby person. I now think this is a beautiful name and I love having this name.
This name is very feminine and pretty. Cute for a child as well as nice sounding for an adult woman. I can see why it's become popular.
― Anonymous User 7/18/2006
I love this name. Its very simple but very elegant. I think its recent popularity is due to the book Ella Enchanted, that is where I first heard of it.
― Anonymous User 7/7/2006
Feminine without being frilly. This name seems youthful and playful to me, like somebody that would be easy to get along with and pleasant to be around.
― Anonymous User 6/27/2006
According to some accounts, the name Cinderella came from Cinder-Ella.
I wonder why this name has suddenly become so popular. It is fairly pretty, but it seems a strange choice for a name that suddenly tops the popularity charts.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2006
The only Ella I know gets called ellaphant.
― Anonymous User 5/10/2006
A beautiful name only for a beautiful angel! Heavenly!
Ella Scott Lynch is an Australian actress. Her time on the soapie Home and Away was short-lived because too few people could accept her in the role made popular by Bec Cartwright.
Do you mind explaining just how this name means 'beautiful fairy woman'? What are your sources?
― Anonymous User 4/9/2007
In Gone with the Wind, Scarlett has a daughter named Ella Lorena.
― Anonymous User 11/9/2005
Ella Lorena (?) was not the name of Scarlett from GWTW's daughter. Her name was Eugenie Victoria but they only ever called her Bonnie. Overall I love the name Ella and plan on using it if I ever have a daughter.
Ella Lorena is the name of Scarlet O'Hara's daughter in the book. She also had a son. Only her third and final child makes it into the theatrical cut, the ever famous Eugenia Victoria "Bonny Blue" Butler.