The way in which it is rare and unique makes me like it.
Unusual but nice at the same time.
I love Basque names! This one is especially cool.
Beautiful. I would hesitate to use it in an English-speaking country because undoubtedly most people would think you were trying to be kre8tyv and youneek, but if I had Basque heritage, I would be very tempted to call a daughter Elixabete. Fortunately, the Elizabeth spelling is also one of my favorites, so I will stick with that.
This is awesome! I love it, but yeah, I sadly have to agree with the person below me...In the US, UK, Australia or Canada it would sound a little OoOh FaNcEh SpElLiN hOw MaDe Up SoUnDiNg AnD ExOtIc!
This is a such an awesome form of Elizabeth.
Pronounced e-LEE-shah-be-tuh.

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