Elisabet was the middle name of Norwegian biologist Kristine Bonnevie.
As of January this year, there have been 30 women in Poland with the first name Elisabet, and 43 other women who have it as their middle. There was at most one baby born in Poland last year who was given this name.
Elina Elisabet Thorsell is a Swedish singer and flute player, known from the ethnopop group Timoteij.
The standard Polish form of this name is Elżbieta, but Elisabet has had some use in Poland. As of January this year there have been 28 bearers of this name in Poland. 41 other women bear it as their middle name.
Also Romansh:
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars.
Very sweet and pure. Absolutely beautiful name.
... Far better than Elizabeth. It sounds prettier, and more tender. And just like its mother name, it's very universal!
Also Provençal: --- Source: Institut d'Estudis Occitans
Elisa bet. Elisa bet you can win the race. XD.
Also used in Estonia:
Frida Maria Elisabet Öhrn is a Swedish singer, known for being a vocalist in the band Oh Laura, who became famous in many European countries due to their 2007 hit "Release Me".
I really like this name. I think Elisabeth looks better, more elegant and complete, but what's nice about Elisabet is that it's so phonetic. It seems to be incredibly popular as a middle name in Scandinavia though. It makes me think of Elisabet from "The Christmas Mystery" which is a book I loved as a child. I like the sound of it.
Nina Elisabet Persson, also known by her stage name A Camp, is a Swedish singer, known as a former member of the band The Cardigans.
My name is Elizabeth, and personally I prefer it to Elisabet. But that is still a lovely form of the name. I think it sounds really nice with the common middle name Rose.
Also Catalan: [noted -ed]
Lovely! I like Elisabet a lot. It’s simple and very easy to say (being so phonetic) and I like the fact that it might be even nicer than Elisabeth/ Elizabeth. Very nice on the tongue and fun to say.I think it's positively beautiful.
Pronounced eh-LEE-sah-bet in Swedish.
I like this name a lot. It is a very elegant and pretty version of Elizabeth, and much less common. Great name!
Elisabet Hansen is the name of one of the two central characters in Jostein Gaarder's "The Christmas Mystery".

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