Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. /ˈaɪ̯.kə/(German)  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Originally a short form of Ekkehard and other names beginning with the Old High German element ekka, Old Saxon eggia meaning "edge, blade". This name was borne by Eike of Repgow, who compiled the law book the Sachsenspiegel in the 13th century.

Related Names

Other Languages & CulturesOve(Danish) Age, Aike(Frisian) Ago, Egilhard, Ekkehard, Agi, Egino(Germanic) Eilert, Ove(Norwegian) Achard(Old Norman) Aghi(Old Norse) Eilert, Ove, Owe(Swedish)

People think this name is

classic   youthful   informal   common   natural   wholesome   strong   rough   strange   simple  

Name Days

Austria: December 20
Estonia: April 17


Entry updated December 7, 2022