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My name is Edwin, I made the mimic, It was difficult to put the pieces together, but unfortunately, something went so wrong, and now I cant do anything, but sing this stupid song, my name is Edwin, Edwin, Edwin, Edwin...
Edwin Masuge (b. 2000) is a Paralympic athlete from Botswana who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Commandant Edwin Spangler was a character in Malcolm in the Middle.
It has same meaning as EDWARD as rich and happy and guardian...
To me, this name would only fit a nerdy, bookish young man. He lives in the 1900s and spends all his time in the library.
Yes, Edwin is very old fashioned, but I think it can work on a modern day boy.
Absolutely cool. Edwin is a good name it's strong, friendly and handsome. I like it so much. ❤❤.
I don’t like it, it sounds so ugly and hideous.
I prefer this over Edward, it sounds better in my opinion.
Edwin (I will update when I remember the surname) is a character in the Charles Dickens novel, Oliver Twist.
This name is so cute!
I like all names, but if someone just came up to me and said what my least favorite name is, I would probably answer with Edwin. Edwin itself is a nice name, but I probably view Edwin that way because my grandma's brother is named Edwin and my grandma said that he stole money from her. No offense to any Edwins out there.
Edwin M. Lillibridge is a newspaper reporter who disappeared while investigating the abandoned church in the H. P. Lovecraft short story "The Haunter of the Dark". His skeleton is discovered in the church steeple by Robert Blake over forty years after his disappearance.
Edwin is the name of the Defendant in Gilbert and Sullivan's short comic opera "Trial by Jury". For that reason it's always been a favourite of mine. It's also similar to my husband's name, Edgar.
Also Polish:
Edwin is not such a bad name as some commentors have made it out to be. I think it could make for a unique twist on the usual candidates of Ed names (e.g. Edward, Edmond, or Edmund). If someone in the crowd likes this name and enjoys the style of it then it might be your cup of tea.
I don't know why, but it sounds so much uglier than Edward. If it's a choice between those two names, definitely choose Edward.
In 2018, 4 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Edwin who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 346th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
My parents named me Edwin. In Waipahu Elementary School, I learned my name means “rich friend”. As an Edwin, I am 31 years old (April 23, 2018, 11:26 AM). I do wish for peace in my Happy Birthday wishes, all started in my youth at Waipahu, Hawaii to Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Peace means to me, we all need to get along. Being an Edwin, I’m a good person to get along. I think a lot, watch what I do, and I’m smart. “We are winners in my book”. - Edwin Saquing Almazan.
There was a jazz guitarist known as Eddie Condon (a.k.a. Edwin).
Edwin Van Der Sar is a famous Dutch football player (goalkeeper).
I love it! Sounds nice, isn’t too popular but definitely recognizable.Ed and Eddie are cute nicknames. And the meaning is also nice.
Edwin Frank "Eddy" Duchin was a popular American pianist and bandleader of the 1930s and 1940s, famous for his engaging onstage personality, his elegant piano style, and his fight against leukemia. His children are Peter Duchin and Annette Kalten.
Not the smartest choice to name a kid Edwin. Here in Chicago, Edwin is uncommon and most people here don't like the name. The name is genderless- Edwin or Edwina (Edna). Edwin also for me isn't the smartest person and are usually... not that good. So I recommend to not use the name Edwin since it sucks and the true meaning is pathetic.
Edwin Booth, older brother of presidential assassin John Wilkes Booth, was considered the most famous actor of his generation.
I love the name Edwin simply because it is my grandfather's name, and if I ever have a son I hope to name him Edwin after my grandfather. It also has a unique charm to it. I think this name is 1000x better than Edward.
Would take ages to separate from Edward, although this one is much more unheard of. It sounds slightly Welsh, I think.
Otherwise known as the most famous iteration of the GUO DUO YAO. This contemporary figure was once reknowned for his absurd lack of any ability whatsoever in the field of human communication, henceforth the name Edwin would later be adopted to commonly refer to any individual with a low emotional quotient (EQ).
For some reason I find this name completely adorable. It has a sort of vintage charm, which is what I love. We are thinking about naming our son Edwin =)
Edwin Stanton, (1814-1869) was the Secretary of War under Abraham Lincoln. I am related to him.
Used in Italy too (although it is really rare!)
Rich friend, not a bad meaning!
My little brother has a friend named Edwin, I think it's adorable!
Edwin Austin Abbey (1825-1911) was an American painter, etcher and book illustrator.
The name Edwin is also frequently used in The Netherlands, and its pronunciation is the same as it is in English (ED-win). A well-known Dutch bearer of this name is the radio DJ Edwin Evers. [noted -ed]
A famous bearer is Edvin Laine, a Finnish director who directed the movie "Tuntematon Sotilas" ("The Unknown Soldier") (1955 version).
Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer. He profoundly changed astronomers' understanding of the nature of the universe by demonstrating the existence of other galaxies besides the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of redshift observed in light coming from a galaxy increased in proportion to the distance of that galaxy from the Milky Way. This became known as Hubble's law, and would help establish that the universe is expanding.They also named the now famous orbital telescope after him. :)
A famous bearer is American poet Edwin Arlington Robinson (December 22, 1869 – April 6, 1935). He won 3 Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry, for his works "Collected Poems" in 1922, "The Man Who Died Twice" in 1925, and "Tristram" in 1928.
Edwin is a character played by Trent Ford in the teen comedy "She Gets What She Wants", also starring Piper Perabo.
Win Butler, one of the founding members of Arcade Fire and husband of Bandmate Regine Chassagne, was born Edwin Farnham Butler.
Edwin and Edvin are used in Sweden too. They are both pronounced as Edvin in Swedish. [noted -ed]
Edwin Hodge is the name of an up-n-coming actor.
This is Stephen King's middle name.

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