I think this is a nice name! Pretty and strong :) I personally *would* prefer it with a nickname, though—I especially like it with Dado :D.
Eduardo Salamanca from Better Call Saul.
Eduardo is a lovely name, and I will fight whoever disagrees. I'm going to name my child Edaurdo Eduardoe, so he will also appreciate the name that has lit up my life the past few years. It is definitely a unisex name. My daughter will be called Eduaerdo Edeighdo Joseph. Joseph is because he reminds me of the bible, and the name Eduardo reminds me of Jesus, my friend Eduardo is probably more Christlike than Jesus anyway, because he's got a cool name. I had a fish named Eduardo once. It tragically passed away by drowning. We have set up a go fund me for anyone who would like to send their condolences.
I am not the greatest fan of this name, but I do not find it “gross” as someone else said a while back. While not my cup of tea, I can at least appreciate that there will always be somebody who likes this name as their own and that is just fine.
Dumb first name but ok middle name, pretty much same as Roberto.
I like Eduardo for a name. It sounds elegant and has a sweet romantic charm about it. The meaning: “Wealthy guardian” is also really strong, which I like.
Overall, I think Eduardo is a really nice name.
Eduardo is the name of a villain from Eddsworld.
Eduardo Blasco Ferrer was a Spanish-Italian linguist and a professor at the University of Cagliari, Sardinia. He is best known as the author of several studies about the Sardinian language. He was born in Barcelona and died in Bastia.
In Brazil (Portuguese) diminutives of Eduardo include Dado, Du, Duardo, Duba, Duca, Duda, Dudu, Duduca, Duquinha, Dux, Edu and Dudinho. [noted -ed]
A famous bearer is Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook.
Eduardo Verástegui - Mexican actor.
Eduardo Noriega - Spanish actor.
I love this name, it seems very proper and masculine which are qualities I look for in male names. I would use this name as a first name only if I were to raise my child in a Spanish or Portuguese speaking country.
I hate how it's read in English. You need to say it with that Spanish "r" or the name just doesn't sound the same. Nevertheless, it's on my list.
This name is ever so common here in Brazil, I know two Eduardos.
One of the main characters in "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" is called Eduardo. As his name would suggest, he speaks both Spanish and English.

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